Anyone finding it financially tough this xmas?

There wasn't a thread that you could open without reading sniping comments about George Bush and Iraq, politics and religion.

Well Bush was a warmongering murderer who made world peace much worse, started an illegal war and sent 4000+ US troops to their death and killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's. All for the oil and rich contracts for him and his Daddy's cronies.

He also made the USA the most hated country on the planet at that time.

25,000+, Happy days eh;)

It's the lost information that matters, who cares about the post count, even Col's nemesis has admitted how pathetic it was to chase down Pat's total.

It's the lost information that matters, who cares about the post count, even Col's nemesis has admitted how pathetic it was to chase down Pat's total.

So the posts were completely unrecoverable? I'm sure they would have been able to recover it from a backup.
Well Bush was a warmongering murderer who made world peace much worse, started an illegal war and sent 4000+ US troops to their death and killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's. All for the oil and rich contracts for him and his Daddy's cronies.

He also made the USA the most hated country on the planet at that time.


That's no reason to hijack every thread, it's a pity that our American friends rose to the bait , if they had criticised out Tony we would have agreed with them, most of us still want to have the poodle put down.

So the posts were completely unrecoverable? I'm sure they would have been able to recover it from a backup.

Apparently no recent backup so may thousands lost, I think it contributed to Pat Hartman and others leaving t he forum

That's no reason to hijack every thread, it's a pity that our American friends rose to the bait , if they had criticised out Tony we would have agreed with them, most of us still want to have the poodle put down.


There was plenty of retaliatory UK bashing, I indulged in a lot of it myself. It all contributed to the downhill slide. I regret it now.
I lost a lot of interest (and time--just got busy) a few years ago... Yet there were a few OK threads in between the bickering, weren't there?--the swine fever thread, for example, was snort of fun. The Story thread, innocuous as it sometimes was, always seemed like a place of refuge.
Ho ho hum and merry Christmas. I presume the atheists are similarly denying the existence of Santa at this time of year - as he is of course akin to the myth of God.

Or do they pick and choose which fabrication they want destroyed and which suits them just fine, just like everyone else?

Great comparison, as youngsters we are brainwashed into believing in both only to discover that there is little evidence for the existence of santa and absolutely none for the existence of an all powerful mercifull loving diety.

there is little evidence for the existence of santa and absolutely none for the existence of an all powerful mercifull loving diety.

Indeed. A wonderful caring person and friend fell asleep at the wheel just six hours ago. She is in the operating theatre and her five year old granddaughter is dead.

No mercy there.
I wasn't thinking of things close to home but the millions who starve through natural disasters, amazing that they are not mentioned when grace is said.

We had a poster in one thread who talked of all of god's wonderful and beautiful creations, quoting butterflies but omitting tsetse flies and malaria carrying mossies.

I like the take on it by Sir David Attenborough.

My response is that when Creationists talk about God creating every individual species as a separate act, they always instance hummingbirds, or orchids, sunflowers and beautiful things. But I tend to think instead of a parasitic worm that is boring through the eye of a boy sitting on the bank of a river in West Africa, [a worm] that's going to make him blind. And [I ask them], 'Are you telling me that the God you believe in, who you also say is an all-merciful God, who cares for each one of us individually, are you saying that God created this worm that can live in no other way than in an innocent child's eyeball? Because that doesn't seem to me to coincide with a God who's full of mercy'
Page 3 and we're already on to the entirely unprovoked inadequacies of the religious regardless of the brief glimpse into why people don't participate anymore. There is but one track here.
Page 3 and we're already on to the entirely unprovoked inadequacies of the religious regardless of the brief glimpse into why people don't participate anymore. There is but one track here.

"unprovoked"! take a look at post #14, please try to consider the whole thread and not just the last post. This has happened before yet you used to be able to put lucid arguments together.

"unprovoked"! take a look at post #14, please try to consider the whole thread and not just the last post. This has happened before yet you used to be able to put lucid arguments together.


...and we're left with a familiar debate over 'who started it'. Well trodden and unstimulating.
Heck, I agree with the sentiments on George Bush and the ignorance of so many Americans, I just didn't feel like talking about it here. I felt like this forum was the place to escape and have fun with other members of the world. I deal enough in politics off of AWF. :p

By trying to stop the political and religious talks, I was trying to stop the inevitable avoidance by many longtime members who enjoyed the friendly banter before politics and religion became commonplace and people no longer took to friendly banter, but insulting and causing a stir. It seemed to become a challenge to see who would push the envelope too far first. Because of it, we've had bannings, deleted posts, lost friendships, and lost members.

Can we overcome this by removing this part of the forum? Can we get back to picture games and joke threads? I'm not sure. It would take a combined effort by all members of the forum.
This thread is in a section called "Politics and Current Events".

Those who don't want to participate in political discussions could simply avoid this topic.
This thread is in a section called "Politics and Current Events".

Those who don't want to participate in political discussions could simply avoid this topic.

This section didn't exist until well after the political and religious insults started. I never wanted this section to exist in the first place because I thought it would drive people away. Thus, my point...

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