Jade Goody - Doing good or a moneygrabber? (1 Viewer)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 00:35
Feb 22, 2002
This will probobly only apply to UK posters.

Jade is everywhere at the moment. Ok - she's dying of cervical cancer and maybe only a few weeks to live - not nice I guess, but hey-ho, loads of people die.

A couple of years ago she was also splashed everywhere because of her foul mouthed racist outburst to Shilpa Shetty in BB. Then most people seemed to hate her yet she still capitalised on the publicity via Max Clifford.

Now she's dying she's making a mint out of this so called "making people aware" track (and Max is also doing very well out of it)

Personally, I think she is a racist foul mouthed bully, I'm ashamed she's an Essex girl and the sooner she disappears from our papers and TV screens the better. Her fiance is being allowed out of prison to marry her on sunday - that means he will be the beneficiary of all these millions she is making now, so he's on a good thing, all that money and no risk of marriage breaking up as she'll be dead soon, he just has to hang in there and pretend all's hunky dory.

I'm sick of seeing her ugly mug everywhere.

Now we get phone-in progs on the radio saying how sad everyone is about her etc etc - they forget the harm she caused, so much so that she had to go to India and try to appologise to Indians and Shilpa as they were burning effegy's of her in the streets. If I remember rightly (I may be wrong) but even the cricket test match was in danger of being cancelled.



Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Yesterday, 16:35
Nov 8, 2005
Wow , if you need to let off steam you go for it, ...
however I agree with most of your comments ...

1 less dead head isn't going to be missed - I do feel for her kids though ...


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 00:35
Feb 22, 2002
Wow , if you need to let off steam you go for it, ...
however I agree with most of your comments ...

1 less dead head isn't going to be missed - I do feel for her kids though ...

Not really letting off steam - more a case of truthful comment.
Why do people who are dead or dying never have anything bad said about them? People always lie and say "they will be missed" "he/she was a good person" etc etc when in actual fact they hated their guts.

Ok, shame on the kids, but with a Mother like her who knows - they may turn out better people.

The only time I heard someone say something negative about a dead person was in the office a few years ago, an 18year old girl who worked with us was killed in a motorbike accident on a weekend. This person said she wasn't going to be hypocritical and said she had always hated Christine and was glad she was gone as she was a troublemaker. (Personally I liked the girl but that's neither here nor there)

Jade is a moneygrabber, no question.



Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Yesterday, 16:35
Nov 8, 2005
This good be the only good thing that she does...
I know she's not the cleverest girl in the whole - but she has some brains to get as much money as she can for her kids..


I'm with the Witch.......
Local time
Today, 00:35
Aug 31, 2006
I too don't care too much about Jade Goody, but one good point that has come out of this is that she is putting Cervical Cancer in the spot light and if this leads to more young women getting screened and catching and treating their camcers early then all the better.

I say good luck to her, and I admire the fact that she is trying to provide for her children after she has gone, but I do think that she has picked a wrong-un in that husband of hers, and that given her death he'll be taking the money to sunnier climbs and won't really give two hoots about her children... then again I might be wrong... doubt it though..


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 00:35
Jul 10, 2007
Only the other poor sods who are in the same boat and don't get the chance to leave their offspring £1,000,000 for absolutely F... all:rolleyes:
Do you seriously think that OK magazine would have given that money to people just because they were dying? I don't think so!

The sad thing is that people buy OK etc so if you buy it don't complain that they spend their money on so-called Celebs who haven't actuall y done anything worthwhile.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:35
Aug 26, 2008
So she is luckier than others dying of cancer at 27?

Theres plenty more doing nothing for a fortune and living quite happily to a ripe old age.

But the target of your foulmouthed and yobbish comments is a 27 year old dying of cancer.

You really are a bitter man.
And you're an illiterate yob who doesn't bother to read what somebody actually says:rolleyes:


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:35
Jul 7, 2004
I do feel sorry for anyone dying of a disease whist still young and I have sympathy for her family and kids however there are many other people out there not as fortunate.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but she already pretty well off certainly more than an average person and I'm sure her kids will be well looked after so why not do something that can help everybody - donate all this 'free' money to a cancer charity - then you'll get a bit more respect and may really help someone less fortunate.


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Yesterday, 16:35
Nov 8, 2005
she is a dft cow- she had 3 scans and didn't bother to check up on the first one ..nature is thinning the herd...


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:35
Aug 26, 2008
Do you seriously think that OK magazine would have given that money to people just because they were dying? I don't think so!

The sad thing is that people buy OK etc so if you buy it don't complain that they spend their money on so-called Celebs who haven't actuall y done anything worthwhile.
I don't waste my money on trash;)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 00:35
Feb 22, 2002
I wish, then I would never have read ANY of your posts

Then you'll miss out on many pearls of wisdom from Rich.

Last edited:


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 00:35
Feb 22, 2002
Not all mussels and oysters produce pearls. In a haul of three tons, only three or four oysters will produce perfect pearls.

I see the analogy Col.


But there's only one Rich - who needs 3 or 4?



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:35
Aug 26, 2008
I wish, then I would never have read ANY of your posts. But you are right - when I see your name I don't bother anymore.

Take care.


The term read and your use of it is an oxymoron


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 00:35
Aug 10, 2006
Not that I care one way or the other about this woman, but I have heard that her plight has managed to prompt more young women to go for smear tests and that can only be a good thing, surely.

So, now for you guys out there, from what I hear, you should be getting a PSA test regularly if you are over the age of 50 - you're the lucky ones, it only means a small blood sample removed from the arm, so, go get it done already!!!


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 00:35
Feb 22, 2002
So, now for you guys out there, from what I hear, you should be getting a PSA test regularly if you are over the age of 50 - you're the lucky ones, it only means a small blood sample removed from the arm, so, go get it done already!!!

I had one last November. Fortunately it was within normal limits.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:35
Aug 26, 2008
So, now for you guys out there, from what I hear, you should be getting a PSA test regularly if you are over the age of 50 - you're the lucky ones, it only means a small blood sample removed from the arm, so, go get it done already!!!

I had a GCE test a few years ago, does that count?:confused:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:35
Aug 26, 2008
Did you pass? Bet if you sat it again you wouldn't :D
In theory I should get a higher grade now than I did then, but then again I'm no longer young enough to know everything;)

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