Where will we be by end of 2020? (1 Viewer)

Adam Caramon

Registered User
Local time
Today, 15:30
Jan 23, 2008

A cheap and efficient solar/electric vehicle has become the mainstay on the market. It is much better for the world, and many gas stations have been converted into electrical charge stations.


The USA embraces Soccer and it becomes a national sport.


A huge controversy hits as it is determined that some celebrity or politician actually is a clone, even though humans were never supposed to have been cloned.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 15:30
Dec 20, 2007
Josephine, it seems paranoia is besetting you.

Ajtrumpet said about a nuclear winter setting in - I said, I wonder who started that?

I perhaps should have added Iran?, North Korea? Chinese? Russia? Israel? I didn't because I thought it was obvious.

However, as usual, your American paranoia with everyone always makes you think the worst.

Never mind, go and lie down, you must be tired.


Yes I was, and still, I am without coffee.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:30
Aug 26, 2008
Don't follow in your simpleton friend’s footsteps.
He doesn't have any simpletons as friends, they're all well educated


Local time
Today, 20:30
Jun 2, 2003
Thales750;919631 [FONT=Calibri said:
I will be turning 60, so they’ll need to invent a pill to make younger women fall for old guys.[/FONT]

I've not found that a problem. ;)


PS trying to quote your posts is hard work with all these weird fonts etc


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:30
Mar 23, 2007
A huge controversy hits as it is determined that some celebrity or politician actually is a clone, even though humans were never supposed to have been cloned.
I like this one, as it's a biut more thought provoking.

It reminds me of something I heard a while back, where an 'expert' predicted that eventually someone will devise a revolutionary cure for, let's say, cancer. 100% successful, cheap, easy to produce, but based on research done in concentration camps, during WWII. Should it be made available or would that encourage more of the same atrocities to be carried out?


Singin' in the Hou. Rain
Local time
Today, 14:30
Jun 29, 2009

A pill has been invented that not only gets rid of fat in problem areas, but builds muscle, and all HEALTHILY!!!! And without excerise. And just as a bonus, it works better if you eat big macs from Mickey D's and Cookies and Cream milk shakes from Chik-fil-A


America has no fuel, so we all have to get jobs closer to home so we can walk to work, and this because we refuse to drill in Alaska.... Oh and btw, research on alternative fuels have given no viable options...


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 15:30
Dec 20, 2007


America has no fuel, and this because we refuse to drill in Alaska.......

Are you advocating using up your savings to pay the rent. Or as the farmers would say, you don't your seed corn, darlin'.


Legend in my own mind
Local time
Today, 12:30
Oct 31, 2006
Actually there is A LOT of fuel in North America and currently has one of the largest collective oil reserves and stockpiles in the world. USA is not over tapping the oil within their own political borders until the price on the world market becomes too much to bare or the available supplies have all but been depleated. That might have been good strategy last century but it has now started to put the squeeze on itself as China, India and other emerging economies now have the resource and capital to outbid the USA for energy.


America has no fuel, so we all have to get jobs closer to home so we can walk to work, and this because we refuse to drill in Alaska.... Oh and btw, research on alternative fuels have given no viable options...


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 15:30
Dec 20, 2007
Actually there is A LOT of fuel in North America and currently has one of the largest collective oil reserves and stockpiles in the world. USA is not over tapping the oil within their own political borders until the price on the world market becomes too much to bare or the available supplies have all but been depleated. That might have been good strategy last century but it has now started to put the squeeze on itself as China, India and other emerging economies now have the resource and capital to outbid the USA for energy.

You are so correct. Long term we (and Canada) will be the big winners.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:30
Feb 28, 2001
At the end of 2019, I hope to be retired from my job with the USA Dept. of Defense, where logic never held much sway.

Good developments: Someone invents a micro-organism that eats poop and pees oil.

Bad developments: When the micro-organism visits the U.S. Congress (or the U.K. Parliament if you prefer), it becomes so engorged on all the poo that the nation capitol becomes a tar pit.

On second thought... if the tar pit drowns all of the poop over-producers, is this bad or good? What a moral dilemma!


Singin' in the Hou. Rain
Local time
Today, 14:30
Jun 29, 2009
Are you advocating using up your savings to pay the rent. Or as the farmers would say, you don't your seed corn, darlin'.

When it get to the point that I can't afford to gas up my car, so I can't work, so I loose my steady income, what good does a savings do me? I wish there were more affordable, available methods, but there aren't.... Just sayin'


Singin' in the Hou. Rain
Local time
Today, 14:30
Jun 29, 2009
Erm how is this bad?

Well, I guess it wouldn't be bad for me, but a lot of people like there jobs very much, and I am sure wouldn't want to lose it due to distance, and probably don't want to live in the city. (for city folk that is).


Singin' in the Hou. Rain
Local time
Today, 14:30
Jun 29, 2009
I have this as a Good


The idea of it is ok, I was more thinking about the effect it would have on everything. For instance, I work about 1 hour away from home, my grandparents live 45 mins in a different direction, and my parents and siblings live in CT, it would be very hard to see anybody if fuel were super high... I would love to be able to walk to work, but here in Texas, even a job in the same town could be an hour away, everything is so spread out.


Singin' in the Hou. Rain
Local time
Today, 14:30
Jun 29, 2009
Actually there is A LOT of fuel in North America and currently has one of the largest collective oil reserves and stockpiles in the world. USA is not over tapping the oil within their own political borders until the price on the world market becomes too much to bare or the available supplies have all but been depleated. That might have been good strategy last century but it has now started to put the squeeze on itself as China, India and other emerging economies now have the resource and capital to outbid the USA for energy.

I agree here, if we would use our own resources we won't have to rely on other countries. Also, given global warming, the world isn't going to last long enough for us to use our stockpile up anyway. :rolleyes:


Legend in my own mind
Local time
Today, 12:30
Oct 31, 2006
Why a car? Motorbike, scooter, moped, bicycle, public transport, move closer to your employment, work out of your home... there are a lot of options. I use a moped in the summer for all the little putzing around and to get to work and back. We also have a pair of electric bikes for riding around the fields, put a solar panel on the battery pack to keep them topped up while parked and have an old Siemens panel to charge them.

When it get to the point that I can't afford to gas up my car, so I can't work, so I loose my steady income, what good does a savings do me? I wish there were more affordable, available methods, but there aren't.... Just sayin'


Singin' in the Hou. Rain
Local time
Today, 14:30
Jun 29, 2009
Why a car? Motorbike, scooter, moped, bicycle, public transport, move closer to your employment, work out of your home... there are a lot of options. I use a moped in the summer for all the little putzing around and to get to work and back. We also have a pair of electric bikes for riding around the fields, put a solar panel on the battery pack to keep them topped up while parked and have an old Siemens panel to charge them.

Well, given the rain in Houston, the uncovered transportation modes aren't very sufficient. And I already said the part about having to work closer to home if that were the case. Also see my other posts, everything is so spread out in Texas that it would be difficult. IF I worked closer to home then I could use the modes you give as examples except going to see my family. Besides, my point about what I originally posted was more about our lack of using our own resources. I hope that by the end of 2020 we really do have more optimal fuel sources. And maybe by then there will be suitable jobs closer to home, as it stands anything I am qualified for is 30 mins or more away from my home, to move closer to a job would mean moving farther from my grandparents which is the greatest reason I remain in Texas and my church. I am working to live, not living to work. So I refuse to center my life around the location of my work.

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