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  1. Matt Greatorex

    Obtaining SQL from a Query

    I have a number of reports that have as their datasources either a saved query (say, 'Query1') or an actual SQL statement (say, 'SELECT IDNumber FROM Table1 ORDER BY IDNumber;'). I want to create an Excel spreadsheet based on each report, but having applied one or more additional filters to the...
  2. Matt Greatorex

    'Sum' ignoring minus figures

    I've been using the following query: SELECT [qry_1].Month, B_Division_Group.Grouping_Name, Sum([qry_1].Month_Client_Count_from_B) AS Monthly_Count, Sum([qry_1].Month_Assets_from_B) AS Monthly_Total, Sum([qry_1].YTD_Client_Count_from_B) AS Yearly_Count, Sum([qry_1].YTD_Assets_from_B) AS...
  3. Matt Greatorex

    Mysterious character change

    I have a report in which the right hand data comes from one query and the left is found from a second query. As of about an hour ago, I'd finally got the whoe thing working. Now, however, whenever I open the the report - preview or print - the left hand numbers are all displayed in Chinese (I...
  4. Matt Greatorex

    Query Map

    Is there an automatic way, within Access, to see all of the relationships between various queries? I've inherited a db with no documentation and many interrelated queries. I'm about to start 'mapping' it by hand, but was hoping to make my life easier.
  5. Matt Greatorex

    Query Syntax

    I'm trying to get my head round this query and not having much luck. I have table that contains. amongst others, two fields I need to use - Date and Amount. I already have a query that returns me the number of entries for a given month, along with the total value. SELECT Count(*) AS [Number of...
  6. Matt Greatorex


    I've just set up a business and need to buy a printer. The majority of the time, it'll be used for invoices and straightforward document printing. Occasionally, however, I'd like to be able to print colour documents or even decent quality photographs using it. All of the printers I've looked at...
  7. Matt Greatorex

    What can prevent focus being set?

    I have a field on a form that displays a list of people. In most cases, one record = one person, but in a few one record = one team of two or more people. Selecting a record causes the rest of the form to be populated. This works fine. What I've added is as follows: 1) User enters a name and...
  8. Matt Greatorex

    Form's controls 'invisible'

    I have few forms that look fine when in Design view, but which appear as plain grey screens when opened in Form view. These were working perfectly (i.e. visible in both views) until about half an hour ago. The only things I have changed are some of the calculations behind certain fields. Any...
  9. Matt Greatorex

    Access has encountered a problem and has to close. Apologies for the inconvenience

    I've started getting this vague and in no way helpful message every time I attempt to look at any of the VBA behind my forms, modules, etc. Luckily, the front end is stored separately from the data, but it's still preventing me from making changes to the forms. I assume it means corruption of...
  10. Matt Greatorex

    Not in List

    I have a form that gets populated after the user selects a value (a person's surname) from a combo box. This works fine if the name is present or if the name is missing entirely. Where I'm having problems is if there are two people in a team e.g. the last name could be 'Davies/Smith'. I want the...
  11. Matt Greatorex

    Read Receipts for e-mails

    From the forum, i've worked out how to request a read receipt if I'm sending an attachment to someone, via e-mail. I can't work out a way to automatically request one if I use DoCmd.SendObject for a report. The rest of this command works fine (To, CC, etc.). Does anyone know of some trick to...
  12. Matt Greatorex

    Joining Queries

    I have two tables. One stores details of all money travelling from A to B, one from B to A. I have created queries 'qry_A_to_B' and 'qry_B_to_A' to get each set of information. Since there are User IDs in each table that don't appear in the other, I'm using the following two queries to return...
  13. Matt Greatorex

    Union Query

    Okay, people. I am getting married in a few days and my mind is on other things. Consequently, I can't get my head around this one. I have two queries, Query1 and Query2. Both have a different number of fields but they have the field "IA Code" in common. I want to create a new query containing...
  14. Matt Greatorex

    Unable to return to Form

    I have a form, containing a subform. The form displays various fields for the user to enter order details. The subform is populated with all previous deals for the person whose deal is being recorded. This subform is purely for display purposes and the data shown cannot be edited. The...
  15. Matt Greatorex

    Custom Toolbar

    I have a custom toolbar in my application. However, it isn't visible at the top of the application window and when I try to make it so - via View - Toolbars - it doesn't appear on the list of available bars. I had assumed that I had somehow deleted it, but I know it's still present somewhere...
  16. Matt Greatorex

    Desktop Shortcuts

    I hope this is the right forum for such a question, if not I apologize in advance. I have an application that is being used by six people. When the newest version of it was built, I altered the desktop shortcut on everyone's PC to point to the newest version. Four of these shortcuts still work...
  17. Matt Greatorex

    Conflicting Inserts?

    I have an application set up as follows: Live front end in one network folder, accessible by all users. Development front end in another folder accessible only by myself (changes imported into Live as and when necessary). Back end in another folder accessed by both front ends. One of the...
  18. Matt Greatorex

    Helpdesk comment - had to pass this on

    I keep hearing the same urban myths about things that people have said or done on support desks ("do you still have the box", "it isn't plugged in" and "there's a power cut" being the most frequently heard yarns). As far as genuine stories go, however, five minutes ago I had the following...
  19. Matt Greatorex

    Video Camera

    I figured there are enough technophiles on this forum that I might get an informed (or semi-informed, at least) opinion on this.;) I want to be able to record something, copy the recorded item to my PC, edit it/add music/etc, then burn it to a DVD. I already have the burner on my PC. I'm...
  20. Matt Greatorex

    'Sorting' a string

    I'm using the following code to find the names of the various columns in an Access table and displaying those names in a listbox. It may not look like much but, slow as I am, it took me a while to figure out ;) . Dim li_Count As Integer Dim li_Max As Integer Dim str_Source As String...
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