Chris Howarth aka stopher - illness


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:29
Sep 28, 1999
Chris Howarth (stopher) is unlikely to be returning to this forum. His wife just let me know that he is now in St Catherine's Hospice.

I would like to publicly thank him for his great contribution to this forum over the years and I wish him the very best.
I personally have enjoyed many of his contributions and have taken advantage of his knowledge. His absence has been noticed...
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He was a strong addition to the forum. His contributions will be missed. He and his family and friends are in our prayers.
Chris was a master of the art. Among a wealth of advice, his contributions on advanced Cross tabs, like this post, really opened up my imagination.
We will miss you, Chris. May you and your family find whatever peace there is to be found, now and in the coming days.
So sorry to hear this news about Chris.

I always found Chris's explanations very illuminating. He clearly understood the technical aspects of Access very deeply.

Best wishes to Chris and his family.
Yes, this is sad to hear. Thanks for the post Jon. Wishing all the best to Chris and his family.
So sorry to hear this news. Best wishes to Chris and his family.
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Wishing all of the best to Chris and his family.
Chris comments about taking photos of both him and wife together was another valuable contribution that is very appreciated.
Thanks for the post Jon. As far as other programmer forums go, your contributions on the personal level set this one apart.

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