create part code and material without it going thro stocklist when placing purchasing order (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:32
Apr 21, 2017
i am a little stuck and am looking for a idea how to get out of it .. this purchasing form selects the part via the stock number from a stocklist of about 5000 items and puts the cost and the material information in . all works fine

but if i want to buy say a piece of wood or a paint brush is it possible that to over ride the error or do i have to still create parts




Enthusiastic Amateur
Local time
Today, 05:32
Sep 21, 2011
How can you order something if you do not know the stock number?
You could use the combo NotInList event to add a new stock number on the fly?, but I would expect you would always need one, else code for it not being there, but that sounds dangerous to me.


Local time
Today, 05:32
Jul 26, 2013
Have a Misc. stock code, that lets you free type the description and enter an arbitrary price?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:32
Jan 23, 2006
It sounds like your basic process to sell/fulfill a request may not have been thoroughly analyzed/implemented.
??Can you have Stock for sale that does not have a StockNumber??


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:32
Apr 21, 2017
if you want to buy a piece of wood why do i need to have their stock number. i dont , all i need is what i want , say 3 x3 x 1000 soft wood
if i sent this to many supplier for a quote i would not need all their stock numbers. . so as suggested before i just can have a dummy number and give it a tittle . and if i want i can you that dummy number many times for different sizes,


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:32
Apr 21, 2017
"Can you have Stock for sale that does not have a StockNumber??"

i agree with this , if you are selling something then you do need a stock number. if you are purchasing something regular from the same supplier then yes allocate their stock number to that part


..forever waiting... waiting for jellybean!
Local time
Today, 12:32
May 7, 2009
so as suggested before i just can have a dummy number and give it a tittle . and if i want i can you that dummy number many times for different sizes,
it's not a Dummy number it's Your Own stock number.
You can have stock number of your own aside from Supplier stock number.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:32
Apr 21, 2017

yes, but could i use the same stock number but put with a different description in it , albeit on different purchase orders ?


Local time
Today, 05:32
Jul 26, 2013
Yes, that is the point of a Misc. Part type stock number internally.
Just make sure people don't get lazy with its use.


..forever waiting... waiting for jellybean!
Local time
Today, 12:32
May 7, 2009
yes, but could i use the same stock number but put with a different description in it
don't you care to Monitor them also?
how many you have received, how many have you used, etc.
if it will serve your purpose of one-for-all code, then it's entirely up to you.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:32
Apr 21, 2017
just to give you more information they use word and excel to do purchasing and stock input/ out put , i have been asked to make one system for them Which includes sales, finace , stores , QA , purchasing ETC . so still a lot to learn . this is there SUPPLIERS P/O i have used as a sample to mine



Active member
Local time
Today, 05:32
Dec 31, 2020
If you are storing the Misc stock code and description on the ticket, that would possibly be fine. If you have normalised the database then the description may/will change if you re-print a ticket or print an invoice after another Misc sale goes through. There should be a point where a ticket cannot be amended maybe after printing/emailing to prevent fraud. Also, if you allow a delete, then set a delete to only be hidden. Then Admin can see deleted items and who by.

I general I think that the code and description at-the-time-of-sale should be duplicated onto the ticket, together with the price and VAT/Tax rate.
Then any change at a later data in the stock table will not result in different values from the original. After all disk space is cheap. Once the ticket is complete, then amending it should not be allowed. The safest way really is to add a new stock code as new items arise I do not like users to be able to amend descriptions and values. Maybe a discount could be allowed?

The use of a single Misc code used for different items is fraught with problems and I advise against using one. It will probably only take a minute to add a new code. You could identify the Misc items with a prefix maybe so they may be easily analysed and audited in your management reports section.

Your 3x3x1000 piece of wood should be in your system as 3x3 timber and you will sell X of them at YYYY length. Your stock will be charged at a per metre rate and only one code is in your system. You really need a length field in your Ticket and Stock tables, so you can work out how many are sold at the length and they are then charged at the rate per metre. Which is exactly what your wood suppler is doing.

Further to the above, would your system stop a user issuing a range of items to their friends, or for a backhander and then allow them to amend or remove items at a later time? If your system allows a fraudulent transaction then there will be fraud. Exactly who has to check all of those spreadsheets?.....frightening!

When one of my systems was installed at a client's it rapidly picked up an employee who had been using their plant for a side-line of his for years. During the day he hired out his employer's plant, some of it for himself and at night went home and invoiced his customers. Just a few every week that he deleted off the system, out of thousands in a month. My system was virtually free after a very short time. I should have charged more!
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 05:32
Sep 12, 2006
if you want to buy a piece of wood why do i need to have their stock number. i dont , all i need is what i want , say 3 x3 x 1000 soft wood
if i sent this to many supplier for a quote i would not need all their stock numbers. . so as suggested before i just can have a dummy number and give it a tittle . and if i want i can you that dummy number many times for different sizes,
It's not their stock numbers. It's your stock number(s)

if you want a system to manage your orders, you need a way to identify the item that you are ordering, so you need a part code. You might want to treat the part as a consumable of some sort, and not bother to record and control the stock quantity, but you need a part number (or just buy it out of petty cash and let the accounts system deal with it)

You don't generally need the suppliers part number, but that might be an optional bit of data you still decide to store, but then you need another structure, as the same part may be supplied my more than one supplier.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:32
Apr 21, 2017
Now i have managed to create the P/O and use the code below to send it to the supplier. but i have been told they send a word document with the order . this document is called " api conditions of purchase" could that be added to the code so it fetches It as well when sending this P/O

thanks steve

Private Sub cmdEmail_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

    Dim strTo As String
    Dim strSubject As String
    Dim strMessageText As String
    Me.Dirty = False
    strTo = Me.E_Mail_address
    strSubject = " Purchase Order Number " & Me.[P/O Number]
    strMessageText = Me.[Firstname] & ":" & _
        vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
        " Your Purchase order is attached." & _
        vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _

    DoCmd.SendObject ObjectType:=acSendReport, _
        ObjectName:="order", _
        OutputFormat:=acFormatPDF, _
        TO:=strTo, _
        Subject:=strSubject, _
        messageText:=strMessageText, _
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_Here

End Sub


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 05:32
Sep 12, 2006
if you are emailing the order, the easiest way is to add the standard T&C PDF document to the email as another attachment to all your orders. I wouldn't send a word doc. Just have the current T&C PDF stored in a server folder available to all who might need it.

You might need to use something other than docmd.sendobject in order to add an attachment.
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