Djokovic Not Allowed in US Due to Covid Concern, Yet Biden Lets Illegal Immigrants into US (1 Viewer)

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 18:30
Jul 5, 2006

At best, the Biden administration lacks self-awareness. At worst, the Biden administration is purposely using Covid hysteria to achieve reprehensible political objectives. Quite astounding that one person, Novak Djokovic, is denied entry into the US for an outdoor sports where Covid is not of much concern, yet a flood of illegal immigrants are encouraged to enter into the US without any health checks whatsoever. The Biden administration, as part of its Obama inspired "transforming" the US, is purposely aiding the illegal immigrants to enter the US to change the social structure of the US in violation of the US Constitution. It is disgraceful that one person (Djokovic) has been singled-out and forced to comply with a questionable Covid mandate, but those illegally entering the US along its southern border are apparantly not required to comply with any Covid restrictions.
this is very unfair and is not good example of justice in the world. Very bad for US Open and one of the sponsors- Moderna.
Democrats are hipocrites
In a subsequent Fox News panel, discussion Dana Perino was asked why the other reporters failed to ask any similar/follow-up questions of Karine Jean-Pierre. The short answer provided by Perino, the other reporters know that their papers would not publish any follow-up written them so they simply do not ask. It is incomprehensible that a room full of reporters supposedly dedicated to seeking the truth would turn a blind-eye to a press secretary who is lying. This is another micro-event that demonstrates that some of the media is protecting the Biden administration by refusing to exposes the administration's lies. So how is the public to know that they are being mislead? Once again, a small weight is being placed on the November elections by the Democrats to tilt the outcome in their favor. Democrats are the threat to democracy.
I guess it is not over! At first, I thought this was not real, but I guess that Djokovic is still persona non gratis by the Biden administration. So one guy can't enter this country due to his Covid vaccine status, but the Biden administration lets millions of illegal immigrants enter this country without questioning their Covid vaccines status.
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Maybe Novak should offer to fill out a mail in ballot to get entry.
Our government is not supposed to be stupid or arbitrary and it has become both. How did this happen? It isn't just a Democrat problem. The Republicans are just as stupid. They are less likely to be arbitrary though.
Dana Perino is the best. Fox news knows how to pick 'em!

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