Does anyone know good courses to take to learn programming and DB development? (1 Viewer)


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Yesterday, 23:49
Feb 20, 2019

I am trying to prepare myself for my new IT position at my brother in law's business. Does anyone know good courses or boot camps to help prepare me for the job?

I have had some success creating a small DB for his business and have been hired on for the IT department. There currently is no IT department so I would be the head guy and I want to be a good one.

Any suggestions would be very helpful.
What would you be doing? What jobs would you be involved? Based on those, we could help you find a good learning direction to take.
I would be building a full ERP system to begin with and then maintaining it in the future with patches and a updates. I will definitely have to learn how to code and all that.

I'm not too sure outside of that because I have never been involved with IT before.

I will be developing MS Access based programs and working with excel. I am going to learn python and other programming languages so i can make apps for the business as well.

I will be developing MS Access based programs and working with excel. I am going to learn python and other programming languages so i can make apps for the business as well.
Hi. If this is for a business, you might skip Access and learn SQL Server or MySQL instead. "apps" rarely use Access for a database.

Thats what i was looking for. Thank you for your advise! I have some SQL Knowledge behind me but it was from watching youtube videos. Is there a good place online or class room to sign up for a comprehensive course on SQL?
Hi. I would say check your local community college for something quick. Otherwise, there's plenty of online classes you could try.
One of the first items on your plate should be finding out what tasks will be automated and if there are existing solutions that meet your needs. This can be very important the moment "Tax" is considered from a purchase/sales/pay perspective.

If you are selling an item, expect to have to track tax.
If you have an employee, expect to have to track tax.
If you have an expense related to your business, expect to have to track it for tax.

Often a professional product already knows how to deal with these without your company getting in trouble.
Try Udemy online courses....Bruce Myron provides some really great courses

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