Embed Power BI Reports into Access Forms


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Today, 21:55
Oct 7, 2021
Hello everyone!

I need some help. I'm developing an MS Access Project, and I need that a specific form uses a WebBrowser Control. That's the easy part.
The hard part comes next: I need that WebBrowser Control shows me an webpage that have a Power BI report (it's embedded in a sharepoint online site). I done all that but when I open the form MS Access gives the following script error:

"An Error Has Occurred in the Script On This Page." The power bi report don't appear.

How can I turn this around?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Joaquim Guedes
Try adding this line to the Load event of the form where the web browser control is embedded:

Me.YourembeddedPBIWebBrowserNameGoesHere.Object.Silent = True
I've not tried your exact situation but in similar circumstances with a Web browser control script error, it is often solved by changing the IE emulation mode to IE11 or Edge.

See point 4 in this thread
Try adding this line to the Load event of the form where the web browser control is embedded:

Me.YourembeddedPBIWebBrowserNameGoesHere.Object.Silent = True
Thanks GPGeorge for your help. The message error does not appear any more but the Power BI report does not show up. I just send you a image to demonstrate the situation. I'm I doing anything wrong? Thanks for for your help.
Well, guess what. It doesn't appear for me either. The last time I looked at that form a few weeks ago it was okay. I think maybe "something changed" again. Time for new research it seems. Unfortunately, the rest of my afternoon is booked.
I made a little progress, but still not totally resolved. I changed the URL to only go to the PowerBI environment, without specifying a specific PowerBI chart. This time I did get another message. I "upgraded" but that makes no difference. I'm taking off for today. Maybe fresh eyes will help in the morning.

I was able to report this to the Access team at a recent conference, but I have not a lot of confidence it'll get addressed as it appears to be a problem with the PowerBI side of things, out of their control.

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