Field value from multiple records VBA (1 Viewer)

fat controller

Slightly round the bend..
Local time
Today, 07:04
Apr 14, 2011
Is there a way to have VBA code return the data values from the same field on more than one record?

Essentially, I have a system whereby a vehicle is allocated a number (RunNumber), and for the most part the vehicle will remain allocated to that number from the start of the day to the end, however there are times where it will be de-allocated (handled by a radio button), and then allocated another number - there is the potential for this to happen three or maybe four times in extreme circumstances. Each allocation of a run is a separate record.

Each vehicle has a unique ID of its own, and I already have a query that will return all the records for the specified date range and show all Run Numbers that vehicle had been allocated to - however, I am wanting to incorporate the answer with a sequence of other checks in a bit of VBA, and have the answer to all those checks (variables) returned on a form.

If a vehicle has been allocated to run 10, 192 and 56 during the course of the day, I am looking for that information to be displayed to the user, something along the lines of:

"Today, this vehicle has been allocated to runs: 10, 192, 56" - what would I need to do with code to get that sort of return?

fat controller

Slightly round the bend..
Local time
Today, 07:04
Apr 14, 2011
Once again, you come to my aid :)

You are a true gentleman, thank you.


Wino Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 23:04
Aug 30, 2003
Happy to help!

fat controller

Slightly round the bend..
Local time
Today, 07:04
Apr 14, 2011
OK, I am struggling a little with this - I have created the module and saved it, and the module appears to be fine (I have stepped through the code, and it is going to the module and following it through without issue), but I am clearly getting something wrong with the code that uses the function as I am getting an error message

Error 3061: Too few parameters, Expected 1

The code I am using as it stands:

Dim BonnetNumber
Dim WhatRuns

BonnetNumber = Me.txtBonnet.Value
WhatRuns = ConcatRelated("RunningNumber", "VehicleCheck", "[BonnetNumber]=""" & BonnetNumber & """")

Me.txtRuns.Value = WhatRuns

The field RunningNumber is a text field (rarely more than 3 characters)
"VehicleCheck" is a query that has a Where condition which selects records based on the date contained in a field on the form
The field BonnetNumber is a text field (rarely more than 6 characters)

I suspect that the problem might be something to do with the quotation marks in the ConcatRelated line, but am not overly sure?


Wino Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 23:04
Aug 30, 2003
No, I think the error comes from trying to open a recordset on a query with a form reference in the criteria. You can test by taking the criteria out. Presuming so, your simplest workaround is probably to wrap the form reference in the Eval() function:



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:04
Jul 4, 2013
Or try, if BonnetNumber is a numeric field, leaving off the enclosing quotes
WhatRuns = ConcatRelated("RunningNumber", "VehicleCheck", "[BonnetNumber]=" & Me.BonnetNumber )

fat controller

Slightly round the bend..
Local time
Today, 07:04
Apr 14, 2011
Thank you both :)

I am absolutely slammed now for the next two days (Rugby World Cup duties call!), so will be coming back to this most likely on Sunday or Monday. I didn't want you to think I had gotten an answer and disappeared.

I will post back Sunday or Monday :)

fat controller

Slightly round the bend..
Local time
Today, 07:04
Apr 14, 2011
Sorry for the delay in coming back to this :)

OK, I have changed the code to:

Dim BonnetNumber
Dim WhatRuns
BonnetNumber = Eval(Forms!VehicleCheck.txtBonnet)
WhatRuns = ConcatRelated("RunningNumber", "VehicleCheck", "[BonnetNumber]='" & 
BonnetNumber & "'")
Me.txtRuns.Value = WhatRuns

And I now get a different error:

Run-time error '2482':

Microsoft Access cannot find the name 'SLE60' you entered in the expression.

the SLE60 is correct, as that is the very thing I want it to look for, but clearly something is wrong?


..forever waiting... waiting for jellybean!
Local time
Today, 14:04
May 7, 2009
on your VehicleCheck query, did you include RunningNumber and BonnetNumber on your returned column?
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fat controller

Slightly round the bend..
Local time
Today, 07:04
Apr 14, 2011
Yes, the query returns both of those, and the query has criteria as follows:

ServiceDate = [Forms]![VehicleCheck]![txtServiceDate]

BonnetNumber = [Forms]![VehicleCheck]![txtBonnet]

The query itself runs fine, so all I really want to do is to be able to show the information returned from the query on the form.

What about making the form a continuous form, then opening it with filters? Can I filter on two criteria when opening the form?

The form being opened does not have the same recordsource if that makes any difference?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 07:04
Sep 12, 2006
not sure what the concatrelated function does,

I would do this by extract a query with the runs in which you are interested, (in this case you get a query with 3 rows)

then iterating the query rows to concatenate the result

sort of

 while not end of recordset
      result = result & " this route details"
      next record

I looked now, and it's the same idea. The concat function in this case is possibly a bit overkill for what you are trying to do and I am sure you could simplify it for your use,, but you must just have a field name wrong somewhere.
Last edited:

fat controller

Slightly round the bend..
Local time
Today, 07:04
Apr 14, 2011
Sorry, I wandered off down a wee path there without looking back...

I have switched the form to a continuous form and now it has the same record source as the main/parent form that it is opened from; I have had a wee bit more success, but still not quite there.

So far, I have got as far as:

Dim BonnetNumber
Dim ServiceDate
BonnetNumber = Me.BonnetNumber.Value
ServiceDate = Format(Me.ServiceDate, "dd\/mm\/yyyy")
DoCmd.OpenForm "VehicleCheck", , , "ServiceDate=#" & ServiceDate & "#" And "BonnetNumber='" & BonnetNumber & "'"

Now, if I open the form with only the ServiceDate part of the where condition, it opens; and if I open it with the BonnetNumber part of the where condition it opens; ask it to do both and it falls over with a Syntax Error :confused:

I feel that I am so close to achieving what I need, it almost hurts!


..forever waiting... waiting for jellybean!
Local time
Today, 14:04
May 7, 2009
you have error in concatenation in the where clause should be:

DoCmd.OpenForm "VehicleCheck", , , "ServiceDate=#" & ServiceDate & "# And BonnetNumber='" & BonnetNumber & "'"

fat controller

Slightly round the bend..
Local time
Today, 07:04
Apr 14, 2011
Blimey, definitely a case of not seeing the wood for the trees there! Thank you arnelgp, that works beautifully now; all I need to do now is work the rest of my little tasks out, and I will be sorted..... :D

fat controller

Slightly round the bend..
Local time
Today, 07:04
Apr 14, 2011
OK, I am back at this once more, as I now need to have all the values from one field on a table show in the same unbound textbox (txtTypes)

The form's On Open event has (amongst other bits of code):

Dim Types

Types = ConcatRelated("VehicleTypes", "TypesKnown", "EmployeeNumber='" & [txtEmployeeNumber] & "'")

Me.txtTypes.Value = Types
Now, this time I am getting a completely different error than I was the last time I tried using this function, a screenshot of which I have attached. I have been ultra-careful to get the field and table names correct in the code, and have double checked them.

Am I wrong to be using the quotation marks?

Or, is there another (preferably simpler) way to show the contents of the same field, from all records matching a criteria?


  • ConcatRelated Error.png
    ConcatRelated Error.png
    11.3 KB · Views: 49


Wino Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 23:04
Aug 30, 2003
The lack of a space after SELECT would have me double checking the function.

fat controller

Slightly round the bend..
Local time
Today, 07:04
Apr 14, 2011
Good call - there was a space missing after SELECT, so that is now back in place and I am back to square one - - Too few parameters, expected 1

Is there any other way to show this sort of result?


Wino Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 23:04
Aug 30, 2003
Can you attach the db here?

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