Has NASA found (potentially) extraterrestrial life? (2 Viewers)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:39
Aug 28, 2008
Well I for one do find what you're saying interesting.

I know that people in general do look for "answers" in their surroundings. People who give out the impression of resoluteness and determination attract these people because they "seem" to have the answer. Nobody wants to be unhappy thus it's natural to be drawn to those who "seem" to know how to reach happiness.

The Henry Ford's team of engineers example explains it for me. He didn't need to be an engineer himself to gradually elevate the team's state of mind. He "infected" them with the belief and will to see it done. They applied their own skill to this inherited will and that's what carried them to the finish line.

I'm not sure about the telepathy part. I think you are underestimating the extent to which the "balancing" participants are involved in your "feverish" scenario. To contribute money they must have had some kind of previous financial dealings with you and thus I suspect have been exposed to whatever charisma you output in cold-calling.

I can't explain the ceiling part. Perhaps a natural wastage process of neglecting the accounts you have gained because you are zeroed in on building without consolidating.

But none of them are involved in the cold calling except pehaps months or even years previous. The big question is why to they some come to the surface when the a months feverish calling occurs AND only if the cold calling numbers come in poorer than would be expected.

When it comes to face to face interviews then that is like your Henry Ford and also for what Rabbie said about results being exponential for heightened activity and hence that saying the ...the harder I work the luckier I get...

Whe you jam your month full of appointments so you don't even have time to sit down and eat, you radiate something off you and the result is closing of sales is at much better ratios than you will experience when the appointments are at a more leisurely rate.

But in this case the extra money that makes up the shortfall is coming from people who are completely isolated from me or the calling for the month it is done. Sometimes the people who "contribute":D I have never spoken to. However, in the past I will have cold called someone they knew and it might have been for an insurance appointment or it might have been do Access or website business and they gave their friend my name and phone mumber. That in fact is the most common source of the extra money as opposed to existing clients or customers. As a side note (and leaving out what happens with an extreme month of calling) such people rarely phone you, down at the .1% area.

As a side note, it continues to puzzle me why more members don't do Access work from the self employed position. It is very easy business to get. But the money is not in making full data bases, I learnt that quite early in the piece. Full data bases tend to lock you into an hourly rate and they are never finished etc.

But websites are probably better because you don't need to actually go and see the person as what computer and programs they have obviously does not matter.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:39
Jun 2, 2002
Even telepathy doesn't explain what you are describing.

Sure it can be posited as a tool to reach the balance but it doesn't explain how that balance is firstly defined and then maintained as a constant.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:39
Jun 2, 2002
But websites are probably better because you don't need to actually go and see the person as what computer and programs they have obviously does not matter.

The flip-side is that neither do your competitors thus you have more of them.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:39
Aug 28, 2008
Even telepathy doesn't explain what you are describing.

Sure it can be posited as a tool to reach the balance but it doesn't explain how that balance is firstly defined and then maintained as a constant.

Myself and others believe two forces are at work

1) Telepathy of some sort and that only operates when the mind is at a heightened stage. Thus none of this happens at leisurely calling pace.

2) Belief limitations. In other words the belief that x calls etc should produce y dollars and no more

So what happens is the mind is locked into a dollar figure (the limited belief) and then via the telepathy it gets that net dollar figure. Hence, when the calls are producing results below par the mind via telepathy calls for help. When the calls produce results well above par the limited belief cuts in and via telepathy the message goes out. So someone lapses a policy etc. Actually it is quite common for someone who is doing the calls at superman rate and the numbers/ratios up well above par to say something like "the engine and gear box will probably fall out of the car". However, I have never seen anything physical take place of its own accord.

By the way, I don't expect anyone on this forum to accept what I am saying.:) But in other areas this would be just normal stuff...the reaction would be...we already know that so what's new:D


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:39
Aug 28, 2008
The flip-side is that neither do your competitors thus you have more of them.

Much less than you would think. For websites we do the various trades like electrician, plumber etc.

What is fairly common is people who have the domain name but then never went ahead. Also common are websites that were never completed. Personally, I find with both websites and Access there is no real competition because the others don't sell or know how to package something for sale.

It appears to me that a lot of the competition are people who worked in larger companies and then decided to go self employed. However, they fogot the selling is the main part.

I was quite fortunate that I had been in life/disability insurance all my life so I had a flying start with the selling and canvassing etc. plus I had worked for myself since I was 21.

As a side note, with the websites you can get about 50%-75% higher price if you make an appointment to see the person.

This is my website which we email to the person who is called, assuming of course they agree. www.mike375.com

They are then followed up about a week later.


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 06:39
Jul 10, 2007
Myself and others believe two forces are at work

1) Telepathy of some sort and that only operates when the mind is at a heightened stage. Thus none of this happens at leisurely calling pace.

2) Belief limitations. In other words the belief that x calls etc should produce y dollars and no more

So what happens is the mind is locked into a dollar figure (the limited belief) and then via the telepathy it gets that net dollar figure. Hence, when the calls are producing results below par the mind via telepathy calls for help. When the calls produce results well above par the limited belief cuts in and via telepathy the message goes out. So someone lapses a policy etc. Actually it is quite common for someone who is doing the calls at superman rate and the numbers/ratios up well above par to say something like "the engine and gear box will probably fall out of the car". However, I have never seen anything physical take place of its own accord.

By the way, I don't expect anyone on this forum to accept what I am saying.:) But in other areas this would be just normal stuff...the reaction would be...we already know that so what's new:D
I think that the belief limitations are a definite factor in the ceiling occurring. Indeed I suspect that very successful people do not limit their expectations and that's why they are so successful.

I have more reservations about whether telepathy is involved. No direct evidence and it could be either coincidence or some other factors.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:39
Aug 28, 2008
I think that the belief limitations are a definite factor in the ceiling occurring. Indeed I suspect that very successful people do not limit their expectations and that's why they are so successful.

That is 100% correct. Actually one of the out comes from "genuine belief" is activity. For example, someone might get all geared up about getting a date with some top looking celebrity woman. So he sets sail but does not get past his front door because he believes he is wasting his time.

I have more reservations about whether telepathy is involved. No direct evidence and it could be either coincidence or some other factors.

I can't go with coincidence because it not only happens too may times but is predicable. It even happens with very short term calling.

With "other factors" the only one I can think of is the timimg of when the big calling is done. Things that happened 3 months ago or 6 months ago or whatever cause the period of calling to start today and there is some connection. But I have never been able to find a connection.

But whatever the reasons I know that if calls are made at fever pitch level then the money, one way or the other, is guaranteed and as long as the following criteria is met.

1) The prospecting list must be a result of the normal effort, refinement etc.

2) The product must be good for person being called

3) The normal effort must be put into the phone approach and the normal tenactiy applied.

In other words if you simply call from the phone book and say to the person...My name is Milke would you be interested in this and that....and then say good bye when the say they are not interested or whatever...then it won't happen.

My "born again" friends reckon the 3 criteria and then the proper effort per call indicates the Jesus deal. I am inlclined to think if the criteria is not met then despite fever like activity the "vibes" don't work. Kind of like the brakes have been applied.

But I don't have any doubt that it is a form of telepathy and one reason is I see telepathy working all the time. i simply chose this example because it was one that is backed by hard core recording and relatively easy to explain since not much background knowledge is required.

I can pick a coincidence very easy. An example just happened about 30 minutes ago. A friend of mine emailed me to say he would later today as he is going to mount the super calling from next Monday. Well I don't connect that with this thread. Simply a case it is the beginning of 2011.


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 06:39
Jul 10, 2007
I think we will have to agree to disagree on this.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:39
Sep 17, 2010
To chime in on the "telepathy" bit, some convincing scientific research and evidence has come from a group in Colorado (I believe) where they setup a TV monitor in Room A and a camera in Room B. Now, the TV monitor randomly swapped from showing the picture in Room B and some other benign image. The rooms where setup in a sort of faraday cage style to prevent any outside interference. The person viewing the TV was hooked up to monitoring equipment.

Now, here comes the interesting data: the scientists recorded an interesting spike in brain activity for the person viewing the TV mere milliseconds before it actually changed. A sort of pre-cognitive awareness. Mind you the TV swapped images at random intervals.

I believe I saw this on the Discovery channel. Can't remember what the research place was called. I'm sure a little due diligence on my part could find the details, but I've got other fish to fry at the moment.

A little data that seems to prove that there is some ability of the brain to recognize things that have not yet come to pass.

Also, I know I read in a Discover magazine about how they had done research on the spinning of Cobalt atoms and saw that if they decided to do one thing, the spin was affected differently than if they decided to do something else...before they did it! I still have that magazine and would look it up if anyone was interested.


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 06:39
Jul 10, 2007
To chime in on the "telepathy" bit, some convincing scientific research and evidence has come from a group in Colorado (I believe) where they setup a TV monitor in Room A and a camera in Room B. Now, the TV monitor randomly swapped from showing the picture in Room B and some other benign image. The rooms where setup in a sort of faraday cage style to prevent any outside interference. The person viewing the TV was hooked up to monitoring equipment.

Now, here comes the interesting data: the scientists recorded an interesting spike in brain activity for the person viewing the TV mere milliseconds before it actually changed. A sort of pre-cognitive awareness. Mind you the TV swapped images at random intervals.

I believe I saw this on the Discovery channel. Can't remember what the research place was called. I'm sure a little due diligence on my part could find the details, but I've got other fish to fry at the moment.

A little data that seems to prove that there is some ability of the brain to recognize things that have not yet come to pass.

Also, I know I read in a Discover magazine about how they had done research on the spinning of Cobalt atoms and saw that if they decided to do one thing, the spin was affected differently than if they decided to do something else...before they did it! I still have that magazine and would look it up if anyone was interested.
At last an explanation of telepathy that uses Quantum Mechancs rather than a deity as the explanation


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:39
Aug 26, 2008
At last an explanation of telepathy that uses Quantum Mechancs rather than a deity as the explanation
How can you be so cruel to the god slot brigade? Now you'll be condemmed to hell;)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:39
Apr 30, 2003
A TV monitor does not display instantaneously, it has a retrace period.

That period will have a retrace start and retrace stop time.

“The scientists recorded an interesting spike in brain activity for the person viewing the TV mere milliseconds before it actually changed.”

>>Mere milliseconds before it actually changed.<<

It did not actually change instantaneously, it actually changed over some period of time.

Mere milliseconds before start of the retrace period or mere milliseconds before the end of the retrace period? Not stated.

From this is drawn: -

"A sort of pre-cognitive awareness."


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:39
Aug 28, 2008
Well for me it works 100% and I rely on it. But it always happens without intention on my part.

But whether it is superior being based or something else I have no idea.

Based on how and when it happens it appears to me to be almost like the internet in the sense that we can all be connected to a central point and communicate but different people vary as to how much they are on the internet.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:39
Jun 11, 2004
Mike - are you doing some kind of Phd into how to occupy atheists. Post the most inane stuff possible and watch them flock to prove they are higher up the brain food chain.

If its not comedy - its still genius.

These atheists really need to find a meaning to their lives!

Keep up the good work - if they weren't so arrogant - I would think it cruel.

Your work over multiple threads is God given.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:39
Jan 20, 2009
These atheists really need to find a meaning to their lives!

Keep up the good work - if they weren't so arrogant - I would think it cruel.

Plenty of real meaning in my life. No need for the thin facade of trite artificial meaning offered by religion.

Actually few things approach the arrogance of theists who want the world run by their rules yet insist they have no need to justify their principles beyond quoting selectively from an old book of garbaled stories.

At least Mike has the credibility and integrity to present his arguments. Smug empty comments from conceited theists are utterly worthless.

You should also read you Bible. Conceit is considered very poor form.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:39
Aug 28, 2008
Mike - are you doing some kind of Phd into how to occupy atheists. Post the most inane stuff possible and watch them flock to prove they are higher up the brain food chain.

If its not comedy - its still genius.

These atheists really need to find a meaning to their lives!

Keep up the good work - if they weren't so arrogant - I would think it cruel.

Your work over multiple threads is God given.


The best fun is on Atheist forums. On


Join the forum and then ask what happened to the poster called Dinosaurs. They will probably delete your post:D

I increased their daily post rate by 50% before I was banned:D. On this access-programmers site it is just a bit of a side show we have.

Most hardline atheists rely on reading, like Galaxiom. That is why they get lost on evolution. That is why people like Galaxion talk pure shit on things like legless lizards...they have never kept reptiles....wikipedia is their answer:D

Galaxiom will run with the idea of the day......He does not have his own ideas. He has even admitted that he is forced do Access for a living and even then I think he would need to be employed. He tells me my Access/data base knowledge is poor....but I can employ myself and others and using Access. In other words, he is a typical hardline atheist that sits in the corner and he is the only person who is right.

Could you imagine employing Galaxiom to do Access work when he really wants to be a theoretical physicist and sees Access work as his loser postion. The blokes who have made it big with theoretical physics have a more open mind.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:39
Aug 28, 2008
Actually few things approach the arrogance of theists who want the world run by their rules yet insist they have no need to justify their principles beyond quoting selectively from an old book of garbaled stories.

Just to change the direction of the thread a little bit....how do you see "their rules" In other words what "rules" would you change.

I personally have no conflcit with what is in the Old Testament.

In other words let's discuss the "politics" that come from either side.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:39
Jan 20, 2009
Most hardline atheists rely on reading, like Galaxiom. That is why they get lost on evolution.

Mike doesn't get "lost" on Evolution because that would imply he once knew where he was. :D If you care to read the full extent of the debate, particularly on the divergence of reptiles and amphipians, you will notice Mikes position moving in huge circles until he finally came to the same poistion I started from and held all the way through.

And of course he wouldn't let reading pollute the wisdom of his intuition.

That is why people like Galaxion talk pure shit on things like legless lizards...they have never kept reptiles....wikipedia is their answer

Galaxiom will run with the idea of the day......He does not have his own ideas.

Of course Mike's intuition an experience with modern lizards far ourweighs the vast body of work undertaken by thousands of scientists carefully measuring fossils and looking for patterns in DNA. :rolleyes:

He has even admitted that he is forced do Access for a living and even then I think he would need to be employed.

I thoroughly enjoy working with Access (not to mention automation of Word and Excel).

I don't understand why "needing to be employed" is such an issue for you. Yes, I earn a salary. So what? My position is piviotal in the company I work for. The senior staff come to me for what they see as miracles in data manipulation. I also do a lot more than just write databases.

He tells me my Access/data base knowledge is poor....but I can employ myself and others and using Access.

All you seem to do is make lists of contacts that you apparently sell on to call centres and spammers. The big achievement you repeatedly posted when you bothered to answer database questions was using Access automation to send mass mailings. Why don't you just use Word automation?

Could you imagine employing Galaxiom to do Access work when he really wants to be a theoretical physicist and sees Access work as his loser postion. The blokes who have made it big with theoretical physics have a more open mind.

I have never said that doing Access was a loser positon. If you care to look at my positings you will see I am an enhtusiast. Theoretical physics is a hobby and I am quite happy that way. Sure like many people who have hobbies I would like more time to work on it but I do need to earn a living too.

The blokes who made it big in theoretical physics put a lot of effort into understanding what was already known. Einstein didn't just go "ahah" in a vacuum on the basis of intuition but realised a important implication in Maxwell's equations of Electromagnetism.

Moreover, he worked as a clerk in the Patent Office to earn a living while he contemplated his theory.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:39
Aug 28, 2008
I have never said that doing Access was a loser positon. If you care to look at my positings you will see I am an enhtusiast. Theoretical physics is a hobby and I am quite happy that way. Sure like many people who have hobbies I would like more time to work on it but I do need to earn a living too.

What you said was along the lines of....If I knew this or whatever and etc.....I would not have to do Access..

But you have said it again.....

Sure like many people who have hobbies I would like more time to work on it but I do need to earn a living too.

Then do it from theoretical physics.

The only reason you can't do it is because of lack of belief in yourself.

If you were to burn your bridges and have "faith" you would get there.

If you burn your bridges then two things will happen. One is you will get there and the other is you will become a believer in some type of telepathy, which of often manifests as a helping hand.

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