Hello from Texas (1 Viewer)


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Yesterday, 20:22
Apr 12, 2013
I'm coming to you from the great State of Texas, USA. I am recently retired from the US Air Force after 26 years, and I'm working on updating an Access db that I originally built in 2000, and have been updating ever since (2003, 2007, and now 2010). The last version of Access set us back a bit. We used the “Current User” feature to keep track of whose doing what with whom in a training support role - we Training Liaisons (as I once was) track technical training students through their schooling to ensure any delays are resolved quickly, to get ‘em trained and operational as quickly as possible. The db also has contact resources quickly available at our fingertips - it serves as a multi-organization phonebook.

I'm working pro bono on the project, and I'm embarrassed because I intended to have this project completed back in January. I was delayed by my efforts to secure post-retirement employment. That's done, so now it's time to focus on getting the db updated and back to my good friends in the Air Force, so they can do a better job of taking care of the students.

I built the original db out of necessity, because we were working with paper records that significantly prevented our effectiveness. I just bought a book and started building the db with wizards. Any VB in the db was put there by cut-n-paste, with the script usually being provided by a knowledgeable Access programmer out of pity for me.

I look forward to interaction, and maybe I’ll be able to help a few folks along the way too!

Best regards!

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