Hello Folks! (1 Viewer)

John O'Malvern

New member
Local time
Today, 08:13
Mar 25, 2024
I started using Access in the mid nineties, got heavily involved and even did some training of users, and developed a couple of fairly staightforward applications up until around 2003, then dropped working with it, as my life had moved on. [Sort-of! :) ]
Now I may need to brush up on my technique, and was googling for a UK postcode input mask when I found some excellent advice here. So thanks for that! (Yes, very difficult/impossible, but the answer given is useful.)
Sorry to go on at length.
Nostalgia:- does anyone remember CIX, and the Access forum there?
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Hi. Welcome to AWF!
Hello, John, and welcome to the forums.

Can't say that I recall CIX. But then, I didn't go online for assistance until after 2002 or thereabouts. First thing I found was AWF and I have stuck here for the most part.
Can't say that I recall CIX.

Neither can I! I have found this explanation, which may, or may not be correct:-

CIX, or Compulink Information eXchange, was an early, pre-internet online platform that kicked off in the UK around the mid-1980s.

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