Hello AccessWorld (1 Viewer)


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Today, 18:02
Aug 24, 2023
I hope this is where I am supposed to introduce myself. If not, I hope someone moves this post.

I stumbled upon this forum by doing a Google search about an Access problem I am having. I am very old and have been retired since 2001. I started learning about Access and using Access when I had Office 95. I created databases then that I still use now. They went through all the conversions and are current with Microsoft 365 today, which is what I use. Back then I managed to create some very useful databases with the help of people I worked with who are much smarter than I. I used their programming knowledge to create VBA codes in my databases to do anything I wanted to do, that was way beyond my capabilities. My problem today is, I have forgotten most everything I learned over 25 years ago so when I have a problem I have to call on an old friend for help.

I do not have any hobbies to mention but my wife and I fill our days doing whatever we may like at the time. If we want to go out of state to visit family, we pack up and go. I am from the MID-WEST USA.

I do enjoy trying to keep up with the world of computers and have a home network of 6 computers. Often that keeps me very busy. Sometimes after I awake in the morning I can't believe it is time to go to bed already. OH, I guess I do have a hobby, I like to watch and often purchase movies on DVDs. This started back when movies could be rented on VHS tapes. Actually that is why I am her today. I am very disappointed that Netflix's DVD service is going out of business.

I am now going to try to find the correct place to post my question. I hope this serves as my introduction. Happy to be here and glad I found this forum.
Welcome to Access World! We're so happy to have you join us as a member of our community. As the most active Microsoft Access discussion forum on the internet, with posts dating back more than 20 years, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you.

We're a friendly and helpful community, so don't hesitate to ask any questions you have or share your own experiences with Access. We're here to support you and help you get the most out of this powerful database program.

To get started, we recommend reading the post linked below. It contains important information for all new users of the forum:


We hope you have a great time participating in the discussion and learning from other Access enthusiasts. We look forward to having you around!
Welcome aboard!
Welcome to Access World! We're so happy to have you join us as a member of our community. As the most active Microsoft Access discussion forum on the internet, with posts dating back more than 20 years, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you.

We're a friendly and helpful community, so don't hesitate to ask any questions you have or share your own experiences with Access. We're here to support you and help you get the most out of this powerful database program.

To get started, we recommend reading the post linked below. It contains important information for all new users of the forum:


We hope you have a great time participating in the discussion and learning from other Access enthusiasts. We look forward to having you around!
Thank you for this reply. Please let me mention this. First I did read your link above, I read it before I made my first post but I do appreciate your suggestion. Only thing I would like to say is, I did not get an email notice of any post in whatever forum this is. That is why I am so late in replying. Also, I did get excellent help already here. I am so happy I found this forum.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I too have a collection of video discs, certainly over 250.
My collection is probably a bit more selective than some folks might have purchased. I focused on mostly science fiction including some collections of more than a few perfectly horrible B-films that even appeared in the Medved Brother's Golden Turkey Awards book. Movies SO bad that they are good in their own way. But I was not often drawn to romances, "classic" musicals, detective and detective noir, or "mellers." Action/adventure sometimes. Fantasy sometimes. And some comedies if I liked the actors.

But then, if you hang around here long enough you will find that my eclectic tastes sometimes spill over into my programming.
My collection is probably a bit more selective than some folks might have purchased. I focused on mostly science fiction including some collections of more than a few perfectly horrible B-films that even appeared in the Medved Brother's Golden Turkey Awards book. Movies SO bad that they are good in their own way. But I was not often drawn to romances, "classic" musicals, detective and detective noir, or "mellers." Action/adventure sometimes. Fantasy sometimes. And some comedies if I liked the actors.

But then, if you hang around here long enough you will find that my eclectic tastes sometimes spill over into my programming.
I was not selective at all. Oh maybe a little bit, I eventually eliminated horror films. Other than that, if they came out on the media at the time, I watched it. Glad the media became DVDs, they sure last longer than VHS tapes. I have close to 80 of them alone. I like comedy sitcoms but enjoy may others, as well. Yellowstone is GREAT. I absolutely love Beth. I also loved JR in the series Dallas. Devious characters but they made the shows interesting.

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