Hello to the community!


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 18:58
Mar 8, 2021
Hello all. My name is Patrick. I have been working with MS Access and other database and application technologies since 1997. I have my own company, creating custom database applications for businesses that require them. Besides Access I work in PHP, Python and some other languages and with Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server and other database engines.

I am also a member of UtterAccess, providing answers and advice to those users. A friend suggested I join AccessWorld and so, here I am. I hope assist forum members through my knowledge and experiences in the database/application development community.

Thank you for having me. Will be watching the threads regularly.
Welcome to the forums! We are the most active Microsoft Access community on the internet by far, with posts going back over 20 years!

To get started, I highly recommend you read the post below. It contains important information for all new users to this forum. https://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/threads/new-member-read-me-first.223250/ We look forward to having you around here, learning stuff and having fun!
Hi. Welcome to AWF!
Hi Patrick welcome to AWF!
Hello, Patrick, and welcome to the forum.
Because you are an effective influencer, frank, you will receive $100 from the mods for successfully recruiting new member.
Hello and welcome to the community. I hope you will enjoy a lot.

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