Holocaust denial (1 Viewer)


Local time
Today, 05:31
Jun 2, 2003
The point about QT is that it covers a range of issues, I assume, probably wrongly, that the program makers select people who can contribute to all issues. A one issue person has no validity on the show, however nobody should be barred because of their views on any issue.

If Brian Ferry and the Holocaust denyers an only discuss their one issue then keep them off QT and put them through the mix on a different platform, but don't bar them from QT merely because their views on any issue appal you.



Something in here
Local time
, 21:31
Apr 6, 2004
My sentiments exactly.

Brian Ferry and the holocaust deniers. Is that his new band? Didn't Brian ferry cause a storm by decribing the Nazis as stylish.

It was Otis on QT.



Local time
Today, 05:31
Jun 2, 2003
My sentiments exactly.

Brian Ferry and the holocaust deniers. Is that his new band? Didn't Brian ferry cause a storm by decribing the Nazis as stylish.

It was Otis on QT.


LOL Actually their uniforms were quite smart.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:31
Aug 26, 2008
My sentiments exactly.

Brian Ferry and the holocaust deniers. Is that his new band? Didn't Brian ferry cause a storm by decribing the Nazis as stylish.

It was Otis on QT.

At least he doesn't sit lurking here with the lights turned off


Something in here
Local time
, 21:31
Apr 6, 2004
At least he doesn't sit lurking here with the lights turned off

How do you know?


Something in here
Local time
, 21:31
Apr 6, 2004
You know him? Can you arrange for some some Roxy Music stuff signed for me? And maybe a SS uniform too? Maybe a stuffed fox?


Active member
Local time
Today, 00:31
Aug 22, 2004
In Canada, we had our own Holocaust denier named Ernst Zundel. He was fined repeatedly and finally imprisoned for formenting hatred against an idenifiable group. He used to stand outside the courthouses in a hard hat with a sign stating he was a defender of free speach.

He was on a Canadian TV show when the host asked him the following:
According to census data circa 1930, there were about 8 million Jews in Europe (NOTE: no data available for the Soviet Union).
In 1945, there were less than 2 million Jews in Europe (excluding the Soviet Union).

If you wish to deny the Holocaust, you have to answer the question...What happened to those 6 million Jews?

We will cover the gypsies and other groups the Nazis also tried to exterminate later.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:31
Mar 23, 2007
In Canada, we had our own Holocaust denier named Ernst Zundel. He was fined repeatedly and finally imprisoned for formenting hatred against an idenifiable group. He used to stand outside the courthouses in a hard hat with a sign stating he was a defender of free speach.

He was on a Canadian TV show when the host asked him the following:
According to census data circa 1930, there were about 8 million Jews in Europe (NOTE: no data available for the Soviet Union).
In 1945, there were less than 2 million Jews in Europe (excluding the Soviet Union).

If you wish to deny the Holocaust, you have to answer the question...What happened to those 6 million Jews?

We will cover the gypsies and other groups the Nazis also tried to exterminate later.

And what did he say?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:31
Jun 2, 2002
If you wish to deny the Holocaust, you have to answer the question...What happened to those 6 million Jews?

It's why I wouldn't mind seeing him on TV having the grounds for his views examined. As far as I'm aware, men of the cloth are looked up to by a large number of people. Who knows how many people he may be influencing with his warped view of history?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:31
Mar 23, 2007
It's why I wouldn't mind seeing him on TV having the grounds for his views examined. As far as I'm aware, men of the cloth are looked up to by a large number of people. Who knows how many people he may be influencing with his warped view of history?
Indeed, as a man of the cloth, he should avoid expressing a belief in things that happened relatively recently and so can be easily proven and stick to expressing belief in things that flout scientific evidence but supposedly happened so long ago that they're harder to disprove :D


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
, 21:31
Nov 8, 2005
as we are speaking about this , i have been lucky enough to meet a couple of ex soldiers from germany - one was a railway guard at Belsien (typo ?) - he was only 14 at the time and the station was about 5-8 mile away from the camp,
i asked him of course - but his nswer was that at the time he was basically brain washed in to beliving in the cause , - and also he did not know how bad it was 5-8 miles up the track (having been there i can belive this ..) and closer to the end of the war what could a 14 year old do once he had suspesions that things were not quite right ,

I also met a lady who was 14-16 at the same time and they again were kepted in the dark- both of these people opened up to a Brit - but would not discuss it with their children/grand children

there can be no denining what happend 6 million probably a hell of a lot more
most of the handicaped or mentally ill were killed as were gypies
and also 50,000 Germans were hung for opposing the Nazi ..
I personally think that these were the dark ages of modern time , and hoped that we would never see this sort of thing again , but we probably will mankind is ignorant and a bit stupid -- sometimes i think we should put the women in control - they cannot of made it any worse and men just **** it up ..(it doesn't mean women would do better , but lets give them a chance )


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 05:31
Feb 22, 2002
People are being exterminated in certain parts in Afica - yet no-one seems to care that much. Not on the same scale, but surely bad enough for the "superpowers" (and I include the UK) to step in and end it and give the people the freedom they deserve.

Sadly though, these days there must be an ulterior motive, human rights is not reason enough - the ulterior motive is usually oil, and there ain't that much to steal there so the atrocities go on and "the west" turns a blind eye.



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
, 23:31
Feb 28, 2001
First, I note that the UN courts are trying to address the issue of what is happening in Darfur. Good luck with that.

Second, I have no doubts about the validity of Holocaust claims. My father-in-law was on Omaha Beach on D-Day (3rd wave) and his unit liberated a Polish death camp. One of our neighbors up the street until a few years ago was IN one of those camps. It got liberated before the ovens got her. Both of them bore grim witness to me that it really happened. And they didn't know each other, nor know about each other.

Third, whoever asked the question, yes I left out the word "NO" in my earlier comment. All I can say is, "Whoops!"


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 05:31
Feb 22, 2002
First, I note that the UN courts are trying to address the issue of what is happening in Darfur. Good luck with that.

Nothing will happen - just lots of talk and no action as in many other places around the globe.

"The West" will just pay lip service to it all, make the right noises but fall short on anything constructive. Even if anything was done, by the time any money did filter through the 10% moneygrabbers there will be little left to do much good.

Just think back over the years how much money has been raised for help in Africa in many countries - it must run into billions. Yet we still see the starving on our screens as we did in the 1980's. Too much gets filtered into various pockets en-route - what's the point?


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