Where can I ask my questions about AWF (not Access)?
I don't think this sub forum is the right place for asking this question. But I couldn't find About Forum.
I have a hard time searching here. After the software update, I thought it may be solved. But still I'm stuck when I want to search.
Any advice? I need it. Thanks for your insight.
I don't think this sub forum is the right place for asking this question. But I couldn't find About Forum.
I have a hard time searching here. After the software update, I thought it may be solved. But still I'm stuck when I want to search.
- How can I search for the threads that I've started. I'm sure I've asked a question and am sure I received the correct solution. Now I need to find it. Searching by keyword, will bring a lot of posts. Searching for all my post is the same. How many posts do I have? 600? 700? Should I waste 30 min or so to list all my posts and go through each title one by one to find my own post? What about when I have several thousands posts?
- How can I search for a specific member's post in a specific sub forum. Let's say I want to search for posts from MajP in query section.
Any advice? I need it. Thanks for your insight.