Latest Posts widget now live!


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 11:28
Sep 28, 1999
I've just updated the Latest Posts widget so that you don't have to refresh the page to see new posts. It will auto update. :p
I've just noticed something after installing the Latest Posts widget. It is supposed to update the widget every 30 seconds. I just saw the webpage on the top right show the 3 vertical bars, which I presume is some kind of page refresh. Is anybody else getting that every 30 seconds when in the index page?
If I paid attention I did see the 3 bars, but they certainly weren't obtrusive. I didn't notice them the first time I saw content changing in the widget.
I could change the update to every minute or two instead. Maybe.
Don't do it for me, I probably won't use it much anyway.
I am thinking of just making it less irritating.

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