Let's thank the Mods! (1 Viewer)


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:09
Sep 28, 1999
This board stays pretty clean of spam and you can thank the Mods for that. They unselfishly keep this board nice and tidy from the nefarious forces out there in the interweb.

These are the current Mods, in no particular order:
  • CJ_London
  • Galaxiom
  • gemma-the-husky
  • isladogs
  • jdraw
  • Pat Hartman
  • pbaldy
  • Uncle Gizmo
  • Vassago
A special shout-out to Colin (isladogs), who has done by far the most moderation and deserves extra praise. And Uncle comes in at second place.

So, anyone who uses this site, if you appreciate what the Mods do to keep your experience here top notch, show your appreciation by replying to this thread. Written thanks is best but even a Like is good!
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Hi Mods,

Thank you for doing such a marvelous job here at AWF. I am proud to be a member and call this place my second home.

Thanks for all your hard works and the time you put on having such a nice forum.

Ditto! Here's to all of you and your selfless dedication! 🍺 🍻
Thanks one and all for help and for keeping the place awesome :cool:
I've ran different sites myself & without a good staff team sites can get really messy, I've also spent loads of time clearing up the mess on an un-moderated site & it is hard work & takes up a load of time.

Great work guys!!
Thank you all.
It is much appreciated, even if not specifically stated at times.
Going to make a post in the VIP thread about my situation...
Great work to all the staff and Jon.
The mods should have a "buy me a drink" button. They deserve it :)
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Reactions: Jon
I really am not interested in thanking Colin, since he's banned my ass so many times. but I will any way. thanks Colin. here's to you, Mr. Former Teacher. :)
Yes, Pat Hartman is decidedly a "she" and a knowledgeable lady.

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