Locherbie RIP (1 Viewer)


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 10, 2006
I am disgusted at my government. I am dismayed at their stance and I am gob smacked by their ability to show compassion to criminals.

Had 57 year old Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi been convicted of causing the death of others in his home Lybia, he would not have lived to see himself dying of cancer. He didn't, however, he killed westerners, and we do not condemn the guilty to death but to a life of 3 square meals; doctors at your beck and call; television and the internet.

Now, he has been given 3 months to live and the SNP say? "higher powers than us will deal with him now". Gee thanks! Why not, I mean, he's going to die anyway, so why not, have dropped him from the aeroplane 500 feet above his home town, together with his luggage? Not only would he have the pennance of knowing how his victims felt but his family would know the destruction that even small objects falling from the sky can reap on a built up area.

But no, our government let him go. And the Lybian reaction? Dancing in the streets, rejoicing that their solier had returned. Do they show remorse for the carnage they gifted Scotland and America in the Christmas of 1988? Not in the least. Yet the British and Scottish governments want to be friends with them.


Something in here
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Apr 6, 2004
The lack of evidence would suggest he is innocent, a belief held by lots of the British relatives at least.

He was a patsy offered up by the Libyans at a time when they wanted a new relationship with the west. Indeed its strongly believed that Libya itself was forced to take the responsibility, in order to regain its interntaional status.

The true culprits are believed to be Iran, who bombed the plane in retaliation to the US shooting down an Iranian plane over Iranian airspace, killing 290 civilians including 66 children the previous July. The US servicemen later being rewarded with medals.

When put in that context, Scotland freed an innocent dying man, and similarly Libya welcomed home an innocent dying man.

Indeed its still a cover up job, as part of the deal, there will never be another appeal, so what really happened, by whom and why we will never know.

That should worry you more than a dying man, who is probably innocent, going home to tell his 95 year old mother he is free, and though innocent has no right whatsoever to clear his name, before he dies in a few months time.
Last edited:


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Nov 8, 2005
Lets hope that this is a start to some long lasting peace, the first step towards civil relations between the Middl east and the west (or a least Scotland/UK) -

I do understand the angry and the outrage - but as the reports outline - was this the right man ? but I am too removed from the facts to give clear insight - I was un affected by it, those who live in Scotland have a bigger burden of grief to carry than I


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 10, 2006
Lets hope that this is a start to some long lasting peace, the first step towards civil relations between the Middl east and the west (or a least Scotland/UK) -

I can't see Ayatollah Ali Khamenei allowing peace to happen until we are all walking around looking like the freshly bathed or I-Spy out of the Mad Magazine. Angry? Yes, I am furious.

Regardless if he's an innocent sent to do pennance for his country, the message we are still sending is that "it's ok". Well it's not ok. I don't care that he's dying anyway. We are basically telling the world that it's ok to kill our people and we understand your need to rejoice when we release those convicted for the crime. I think it's shameful.


Something in here
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Apr 6, 2004
Regardless if he's an innocent sent to do pennance for his country, the message we are still sending is that "it's ok". Well it's not ok. I don't care that he's dying anyway. We are basically telling the world that it's ok to kill our people and we understand your need to rejoice when we release those convicted for the crime. I think it's shameful.

To say if hes innocent, that makes no differance is bizarre. Oddly you seem to have no real interest in finding out who actually did it?

Just happy to be furious?


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 10, 2006
To say if hes innocent, that makes no differance is bizarre. Oddly you seem to have no real interest in finding out who actually did it?

Just happy to be furious?

Delighted to be furious! :) However, as you, yourself pointed out, he was a "patsy offered up by the Lybians" How rude of us to stamp reject on his forehead and send him packing back whence he came then. You have to presume he was a willing patsy, after all, that's their style, isn't it? Sacrafice your life in the name of a cause!

I'm furious Paul, because every day we hear about our country and the rest of Europe bending over backwards to accommodate terrorists or the families of terrorists, with little or no regard to those of our own nations who have been directly affected by their actions. It's time, in my opinion, we stood up to them. I sometimes think I'm the only one who remembers the Ayatollah saying back in the 80s that "the sword of Islam will not rest until Christianity is eradicated" or words to that affect. Do you think they are going to stop each of us and ask what religion we are? Will they be as polite as the Socialist Party in 1930s Germany and furnish us with badges to wear before we are exterminated?

Don't worry, I'm not spouting out of fear that they may kill me, the reaper is already banging at my door, I just don't get it that we not only ignore their threats but sit here and bury our heads in the sand living in hope that it'll soon blow over.

Now, if I happen to break a bone when I fall off of this high horse I'll be extremely annoyed...


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 05:51
Feb 22, 2002
So is it ok for the Americans to shoot down a civilian aircraft?



Jumble Bunny
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 10, 2009
I know, i remember my mum being so sad because she lost her best friend that day. its awful, i dont know what the answer is but my gut says he shouldnt have been sent back it jus feels like we lost.


The Mailman - AWF VIP
Local time
Today, 06:51
Aug 11, 2003
it just feels like we lost.
reality check!

"we" have been fighting a losing battle for years !
Islam terrorists
N Korea



All a losing battle!
Dont get me wrong I am not a bigget (or how ever you spell that), and I know "us" westerners have our fair share of blood on our hands as well.
HOWEVER... lets be real... "THEY ALL S*CK"


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Nov 8, 2005
So is it ok for the Americans to shoot down a civilian aircraft?


on this one lets leave the Yanks out of it....

as it may or may not of been a retalliation attack - if it was then ultimately the blame lies with the US - but that is something you cannot prove one way or the other - note the involvement - but neither of us can blame or excuse the US one way or the other - lacking the facts and any claim by the "Terrorists" that they had done this ...


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 10, 2006
So is it ok for the Americans to shoot down a civilian aircraft?


No, I'm not saying it's ok for anyone to do that. I also don't think it's ok for a group of countries to want to eradicate another group of countries just because they don't believe the same thing.

Of course now that we're all supposed to be so politically correct and scared to speak our minds in case someone thinks we're racist or bigotted, nobody's willing to say what they think anymore.


Something in here
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Apr 6, 2004
Delighted to be furious! :) However, as you, yourself pointed out, he was a "patsy offered up by the Lybians" How rude of us to stamp reject on his forehead and send him packing back whence he came then. You have to presume he was a willing patsy, after all, that's their style, isn't it? Sacrafice your life in the name of a cause!

I'm furious Paul, because every day we hear about our country and the rest of Europe bending over backwards to accommodate terrorists or the families of terrorists, with little or no regard to those of our own nations who have been directly affected by their actions. It's time, in my opinion, we stood up to them. I sometimes think I'm the only one who remembers the Ayatollah saying back in the 80s that "the sword of Islam will not rest until Christianity is eradicated" or words to that affect. Do you think they are going to stop each of us and ask what religion we are? Will they be as polite as the Socialist Party in 1930s Germany and furnish us with badges to wear before we are exterminated?

Don't worry, I'm not spouting out of fear that they may kill me, the reaper is already banging at my door, I just don't get it that we not only ignore their threats but sit here and bury our heads in the sand living in hope that it'll soon blow over.

Now, if I happen to break a bone when I fall off of this high horse I'll be extremely annoyed...

Keeping imprisoned a non guilty man isn't going to do much to solve these problems, the opposite in fact. Similarly keeping imprisoned the patsy for a US, UK, Libya fix to get oil flowing again isn't either, no matter how knowing he was in his sacrifice - others with real power, were equally in the know.

One of them then sold us WMD, and is now peace envoy for the UN to the middle east or something. That you should be outraged with.

Of course its stinks from the moment the plane went down with dodgy deals behind the scenes, but I dont think the release of this fella, is the real problem, with our relationship with the Islamic world.

Indeed if we believe the fact that he hasn't been released for compassionate reasons, but more for political purposes. I doubt very much politically Scotland gain enough to ignore the UK as a whole or the US, and no matter how much the US and UK say they disagree with the decision, they must be involved.

Though it could could just be a real compassionate Scottish decision.


Something in here
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Apr 6, 2004
Delighted to be furious! :) However, as you, yourself pointed out, he was a "patsy offered up by the Lybians" How rude of us to stamp reject on his forehead and send him packing back whence he came then. You have to presume he was a willing patsy, after all, that's their style, isn't it? Sacrafice your life in the name of a cause!

I'm furious Paul, because every day we hear about our country and the rest of Europe bending over backwards to accommodate terrorists or the families of terrorists, with little or no regard to those of our own nations who have been directly affected by their actions. It's time, in my opinion, we stood up to them. I sometimes think I'm the only one who remembers the Ayatollah saying back in the 80s that "the sword of Islam will not rest until Christianity is eradicated" or words to that affect. Do you think they are going to stop each of us and ask what religion we are? Will they be as polite as the Socialist Party in 1930s Germany and furnish us with badges to wear before we are exterminated?

Don't worry, I'm not spouting out of fear that they may kill me, the reaper is already banging at my door, I just don't get it that we not only ignore their threats but sit here and bury our heads in the sand living in hope that it'll soon blow over.

Now, if I happen to break a bone when I fall off of this high horse I'll be extremely annoyed...

Keeping imprisoned a non guilty man isn't going to do much to solve these problems, the opposite in fact. Similarly keeping imprisoned the patsy for a US, UK, Libya fix to get oil flowing again isn't either, no matter how knowing he was in his sacrifice - others with real power, were equally in the know.

One of them then sold us WMD, and is now peace envoy for the UN to the middle east or something. That you should be outraged with.

Of course its stinks from the moment the plane went down with dodgy deals behind the scenes, but I dont think the release of this fella, is the real problem, with our relationship with the Islamic world.

Indeed if we believe the fact that he hasn't been released for compassionate reasons, but more for political purposes. I doubt very much politically Scotland gain enough to ignore the UK as a whole or the US, and no matter how much the US and UK say they disagree with the decision, they must be involved.

Though it could could just be a real compassionate Scottish decision.


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 10, 2006
One of them then sold us WMD, and is now peace envoy for the UN to the middle east or something. That you should be outraged with.
What I am outraged at is the welcome he got from his country, including the presidents son!! No matter what you say, this man was convicted of mass murder. If a Londoner was convicted in Tripolli of mas murder then released on compassionate grounds would you expect the type of welcome when he got off the plane? No. Because the British would not condone such an action publicly. The reaction to his return to Lybia was an out and out acknowledgement that their people agree with the Locherbie bombing, regardless of whether the right man was imprisoned.

Though it could could just be a real compassionate Scottish decision.

In my opinion that's just two less votes for the SNP. I have today cancelled my membership to their party and so has my husband.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 26, 2008
He wasn't convicted by a jury and a lot of the evidence was witheld, as Paul says he was nothing more than a Patsy, we ignored compassion with regard to Hinley and still do with Bradey;)


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 10, 2006
He wasn't convicted by a jury and a lot of the evidence was witheld, as Paul says he was nothing more than a Patsy, we ignored compassion with regard to Hinley and still do with Bradey;)

So it's ok for the Libyans to celebrate? What they are doing, and the whole world knows it, is basically giving the western world the bird!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 26, 2008
So it's ok for the Libyans to celebrate? What they are doing, and the whole world knows it, is basically giving the western world the bird!
The whole thing is political, if it was that important to us why was this event published so far in advance?;)


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 10, 2006
The whole thing is political, if it was that important to us why was this event published so far in advance?;)

You know what? It really wasn't that important to me this time last week because I didn't believe that they would actually go through with it. Nor did I believe that the Libyians would react the way they did. My reaction is directly linked to their reaction to the Scottish Governments action.:eek:


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 05:51
Feb 22, 2002
You know what? It really wasn't that important to me this time last week because I didn't believe that they would actually go through with it. Nor did I believe that the Libyians would react the way they did. My reaction is directly linked to their reaction to the Scottish Governments action.:eek:

Ouma, I'm amazed you are so annoyed about this. Pan Am 103 was brought down as a direct reaction to the Americans blowing an Iranian jet out of the sky (as Paul said)

It's called tit-for-tat that's the way things are done. Of course the bloke is a hero, he's served 9 years for something he didn't do. A bit like most of the prisoners in Guantanamo held and tortured by the Americans.

BTW, did you see the bits of the plane in a scrapyard in Lincolnshire? I wonder how much some of those bits will go for on Ebay.


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