New here but OLD OLD OLD to MSAccess (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 09:59
Dec 16, 2023
Greetings from Regina SK Canada. I have been working with MSAccess since 1995. I've learned a lot since then, developed several types of databases with it. I've been a VBA or BASIC programmer since the TRS80 Model 1.

I came upon this site while looking for how to get around an openform with specific record situation and not being able to navigate after finding that record. Well, google pointed me here and it was here I found the solution, posted by one of the members here. I tried it and it worked. So thank you for the code. I should have marked who it was to give credit where do.

Anyway, thanks for the solution and if I can find the post again, I'll buy the poster a round the next night we are out coding the town. :)

PS: Thanks a heap to ddewald for providing the solution.
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Hi. Welcome to AWF!
Hello, David, and welcome to the forums.
Hi David. Welcome aboard AWF!

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