

New member
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Yesterday, 21:02
Oct 26, 2021
Hey there AccessWorld!

I'm just starting to dive into the world of Access and it's been rough so far but the finished products have kept me going. I love the challenge and am constantly pushing the limits. I've had no proper education on Access but I am proficient in Excel and figured this was my next step. Unfortunately, in addition to being a noob, I'm the only employee tasked with Access jobs and the only one who even wants to use Access. Since I've been using this particular site to get started and troubleshoot, I figured I might as well join.
Welcome to the forums! We are the most active Microsoft Access community on the internet by far, with posts going back over 20 years!

To get started, I highly recommend you read the post below. It contains important information for all new users to this forum.

We look forward to having you around here, learning stuff and having fun!
Welcome aboard!
Welcome to AWF. Your story is common here, hopefully you will as successful as they were...
Hi. Welcome to AWF!
Thanks all! I must say, it's a little intimidating. I apologize in advance for any "stupid" questions.
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Don't worry about "stupid" questions. They exist, but noobs don't ask them. People who know better ask the stupid questions. If you really don't know the answer then it is NOT a stupid question. Once you actually learn something, THEN we rag you for stupid questions ;)

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