Office 365 record selector bar is partly hidden.

Alan Harrison

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:20
Jan 20, 2005
Hi Access friends
Since going over to Office 365 the record selector bar at the bottom of the screen is partially covered over.
It's the same on all my forms. I didn't realize how much I used them before. So far I have tried the following to fix this.

Screen resolution.
Different monitor.
Switching between touch mode and mouse mode.
I've searched google but have not found a solution so far.
I've updated drivers and done all the Office updates.

Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks

There has been a long running thread on this issue at

Whilst several people have reported the issue, almost all seem unwilling to upload an example database which demonstrates the issue.

Almost certainly it is an issue specific to your individual Access/Windows setup.
However, if you can upload an example db, I will test and if it is a reproducible error, I will forward it as a bug to the Access team.

BTW you can get much better screenshots using e.g. the snip and sketch tool available with Windows
Maybe it's do with the size of the subform object within your main form, and the design of the form actually used as the subform.
eg, reduce the height of the footer, and the overall height of the form being used as the subform, see if that makes a difference.

- If you scroll right in the subform, you might see a vertical scroll bar that would bring the status bar into view? Just possibilities that occur to me.

I see you mean on the main form as well. What happens if you click the full screen button? Also are you using tabbed forms of overlapping forms?
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Thanks for your quick response.
I quickly downloaded the Access inventory DB to see if it was my app that was causing the problem. This screenshot shows the same issue still occurs. This is full screen. Scrolling makes no difference. I don't use tabs anywhere.
My menu page which is just a title and several buttons doesn't show the problem but of course, there is no data attached to that form.

Thanks for the snipping tool tip isladogs. I knew it was there. Same as my car keys, just can't find them.
I really do appreciate your help with this issue.

Access Record selector bar.png
Try using the Size to Fit button on the ribbon. This is definitely a conflict with the size of the main form. If the size to fit doesn't fix the problem, try making the subform slightly shorter.
The subform is showing the same issue. I thought it might also be a screen resolution thing, but that wouldn't cause the issue with the subform.
Do you have a setting making your font bigger on your PC? I notice the words Navigation Pane are huge and also half cutoff. From the looks of your navigation bars at the bottom, they are actually the height they are supposed to be, just that the text and icons they contain are too large to fit.
I'm running two monitors. One is at 2560 x1440 and the second is 1920 x 1200. The issue occurs on both screens. I'm using windows 11 on an updated version of Office 365 Access
I dug out an old laptop running windows 10 and Access 2007. I fired up the same database and that works just fine.
The next test was an old Dell running widows 10 and Office 365 Access that also works ok.

I'm thinking it's a Windows 11 glitch or possibly my Nvidia graphics card. I'll disconnect that and see what happens.

Thanks for your suggestions
I have confirmed that systemwide display settings can cause this issue, at least in W10 (have not used W11 yet so not certain).

One way to reproduce this is to use a setting of around 150% under Settings > Ease of Access > Display > Make text bigger. Close and reopen Access and the navigation bar will appear half cut off (really the font/icons are just too big and the bar itself doesn't resize to accommodate them).
I have confirmed that systemwide display settings can cause this issue, at least in W10 (have not used W11 yet so not certain).

One way to reproduce this is to use a setting of around 150% under Settings > Ease of Access > Display > Make text bigger. Close and reopen Access and the navigation bar will appear half cut off (really the font/icons are just too big and the bar itself doesn't resize to accommodate them).
Nope. Just tested on two Win10 and another Win11.
I can't reproduce it.
Microsoft 365


Windiws 11 hasn't a percentage value. It's a slider. I just drag it half way. Everything's just fine.

Edit : I tested the max size too. Even at 175% everything's fine.

Edit 2 : Windows 11 English version shows half cut navigation buttons as @JonXL explained from 160% and above.
But not Japanese version.
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Edit 2 : Windows English version shows half cut navigation buttons as @JonXL explained from 160% and above.
But not Japanese version.

It sounds like you were somewhat able to reproduce this(?) But just to add clarity because I don't recognize the screenprint you have with the 150% on it (being not familiar with W11), this is the setting I am referring to in W10:

Ease of Access W10 Display Setting.png

I believe there are several places where you can change scaling. I don't know if I tried all of them, but I did try this one and it produced the problem when I tested.
I tried setting-system- the right pane, second settings from top. - change font size(zoom)
Following @JonXLs suggestion in post #8, I thought it sounded a plausible explanation so also tried scaling up to 150% then 175%.
However, I was also unable to reproduce this issue.

I've just re-tested using the Make Text bigger slider whilst also at 175%. This seriously messed up the appearance of Access but at first the navigation control area still seemed OK....
Then I restarted Access...BINGO...I got the effect described.
I have now gone back to the MS Tech Community thread and asked people to check these settings.

I think this confirms its a display settings issue affecting a small number of computers rather than an Access specific bug as such.
Nevertheless, I now have something I can report to the Access team
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Thanks everyone for persevering with this conundrum. I've not made any progress myself. A burst water pipe has distracted me a bit.

Just another thing. As I type this I'm seeing random spots float down my display just like snow. Is this a special AccessWorld Christmas effect? It's only on this site.

Happy Chrismas everyone
Thanks for that info @isladogs.
Pipework is fixed and the garage is drying out. Now all my tools are rusting.
I've checked out the web article and I'll have a go at all the suggested settings tonight. Thanks so much for your assistance with this.

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