Paris Hilton's Get Out Of Jail Card. (1 Viewer)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 02:09
Feb 22, 2002
Gary, it doesn't need the Queen (God Bless Her), although she could do it

We (the people) brought down Thatcher and she quit. Power to the people.

The Yanks whinge on - but what do they do? re-elect the pillock back into power. Even when they have a chance to clear things, they miss it. I can only put it down to blind faith.

Maybe if America is so big (as you said earlier) it should divide up into smaller countries like the USSR did. That maybe would curb the power and arrogance the USA inflicts on the rest of the world.

Incidentally, I was only praising the US yesterday on its immediate responses to world tragedies - it's not all anti-american



Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Yesterday, 18:09
Nov 8, 2005
Then I am at fault on this - i was on a bender all day yesterday -
So aplogises on this assumption, as to split the USA into individual countires - might be the answer - but as this would lessen the global status of the USA as it would not be United, and I cannot see the americans going for this



Local time
Today, 02:09
Jun 2, 2003
Gary, it doesn't need the Queen (God Bless Her), although she could do it

We (the people) brought down Thatcher and she quit. Power to the people.

The Yanks whinge on - but what do they do? re-elect the pillock back into power. Even when they have a chance to clear things, they miss it. I can only put it down to blind faith.


I don't recall having a say in Mrs Thatcher going :confused: , I seem to remember her party heavies removing her from its leadership forcing her to quit.

How many times has the country voted in that corrupt ,lying, murdering Bliar and his cronies??



Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Yesterday, 18:09
Nov 8, 2005
I don't recall having a say in Mrs Thatcher going :confused: , I seem to remember her party heavies removing her from its leadership forcing her to quit.

How many times has the country voted in that corrupt ,lying, murdering Bliar and his cronies??


Brain I am surprised at you - I thought you would have been a TB fan (only kidding)
as to Maggie yes heslatine did get her out, but it was on the back of the poll tax riots -the riots set the sence and showed that the public would not put up with this

as to the Brits voting in Blair - our voting system is flawed
(as is the Yanks), if we had a presedent (god I hoep not) and on similar grounds TB would of got in once, but would have been outed ont he next vote

I am in deepest darkest kent and they don't put a canidate up on the local elections as it is seen as a waste of time/money for Labour to do so

however differnet regions vote differnetly

your neck of the woods Liverpool is more likely to vote labour than anything else , and probably would vote lib dem as a protest vote against labour rather than conservative for any policitcal reasoning - same applies from my area of kent - cons first lib/dem- greens second looney party third labour last

Maggie had to go otherwise the possibility for a revolution was real - if you check in to some of the modern views they do see this as a melting point , that could of gone either way ( Heslatine (typo) I thought would have made a strong leader - but hey I had no say it that either )


Plays well with others
Local time
Yesterday, 21:09
Jan 14, 2002
I don't recall having a say in Mrs Thatcher going :confused: , I seem to remember her party heavies removing her from its leadership forcing her to quit.

How many times has the country voted in that corrupt ,lying, murdering Bliar and his cronies??


Thank you, Brian!
I was beginning to get the impression that everyone over there had great political power and the side of good always won out. Nice to know that sometimes you watch helplessly as your countrymen votes like lemmings too.


How many times has the country voted in that corrupt ,lying, murdering Bliar and his cronies??


Ah now it depends on what you define as a country, do you mean England or the UK, because the UK no longer exists as a single unit, it exists only to keep the Labour party in power in some mistaken belief that Labour is "the working mans" party and of course it was the Scottish that returned Bliar and his cronies to power


Plays well with others
Local time
Yesterday, 21:09
Jan 14, 2002
Heslatine (typo) I thought would have made a strong leader - but hey I had no say it that either

Yes, I don't even know where they breed our politicians.
They just spring up out of nowhere, backed by some big money organizations and we're told to choose between them.


Local time
Today, 02:09
Jun 2, 2003
You are absolutely correct in saying that the poll tax riots led to the heavies removing Maggie, but that is not the same as the people having a say, I and most of my friends and colleagues believed that the poll tax was a fair tax idea, badly implemented, but those who don't like to pay their way, layabouts with time on their hands , rioted.

The USA was born on the cry of " No taxation without representation" the rioters wanted and got "reprentation without taxation" and vote for whoever gives them the best handouts.



Local time
Today, 02:09
Jun 2, 2003
Ah now it depends on what you define as a country, do you mean England or the UK, because the UK no longer exists as a single unit, it exists only to keep the Labour party in power in some mistaken belief that Labour is "the working mans" party and of course it was the Scottish that returned Bliar and his cronies to power

You have a point , but not enough English voted against New Labour.



Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 20:09
Oct 31, 2006
ok I know this is going to get me keelhauled and maybe ostracized from the board, but I voted for Bush both times. why? well first off Gore is an idiot plain and simple, he tells people all over the place that he invented the internet yada yada we have all heard it. I just did not like the man.

the second time I voted Bush because well, at the time he was the lesser of two evils, I saw and still see Kerry as an even bigger idiot than Gore, which is saying a lot. Kerry the person who is so devotely catholic that he says it is ok to have abortions, btw that is the exact opposite of what most catholics think. the man who has to have a private minister come in because he is not welcome at the local church anymore, not sure where I heard that but I did hear it. Kerry would say one thing and then go and do another, when he was in the senate his record wasn't that good, missing like 30 out of 39 days of meetings.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 02:09
Feb 22, 2002
Is it compulsary to vote in the USA? If you disagree with both candidates, why not just spoil the ballot paper then it won't be counted



Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Yesterday, 18:09
Nov 8, 2005
Ah Colin
you've fallen in to that trap
if they don't vote then there damn cos they should of voted (someone in or someone out)etc
but given a chocie between two idiots then there is a degree of"forgiveness", but how is it that you end up with 2 idiots to vote between surely there must be some half way decent polictians.

Here in the UK where we have more than 2 parties - if you disagree with either party then you can vote for the 3rd party - if this isn't to your liking then you could vote green or monster looney party anything to show your disapproval of the main parties policies - an if I remember correctly one of the fringe looney parties actual got a MP in either the UK or Euro

but cannot remember which one


Plays well with others
Local time
Yesterday, 21:09
Jan 14, 2002

That's what I hate about having to choose between two people that are hand picked by who knows who.

I was pulling for Gore, not because I had faith in him, but because the the alternative sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't believe the country would elect two oil men with very clear interests that would majorly affect every decision.

I voted Kerry, not because I believed he was a good man for the job, but because the country was thick into heading exactly where the oil guys I feared would take us and I wanted OUT!


Plays well with others
Local time
Yesterday, 21:09
Jan 14, 2002
Is it compulsary to vote in the USA? If you disagree with both candidates, why not just spoil the ballot paper then it won't be counted


Not compulsory at all. Lots of people just don't show up to vote at all.


Yep- but I did mean the monster raving looneys or the bucket party
so it was the fringe element i was going for -

but they're nearly all raving loonies, take the latest law making it legal to breast feed in public, what a load of crap, it's fifty years too late. Who the hell still breastfeeds except the trendy. Bliar and his loonies have turned the country into a nanny state policed by the police:mad: :rolleyes:


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Yesterday, 18:09
Nov 8, 2005
Blimey Rich - something I total agree with you on .

Hey if someone want to feed their little monster and it keeps em' quite - I am for it. but why legislate for it - vast majority of people don't really care if someone get the thrupn'y bits out and give old junior a feed .

This goverment get involved when it should not and doesn't when it should - complete arses - :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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