Site speed


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 05:54
Sep 28, 1999
I have made a few changes to the code that delivers the ads and also removed some legacy code that was calling services which are no longer used on this site.

Has anyone noticed any difference in the speed of the site or is it the same as before?
not noticeably different to me - speed is perfectly acceptable
I would say it appears about the same to me. Very difficult to gauge though, short of running some sort of timed test. Using Chrome on Win 10.

Edit - and yes perfectly acceptable!
I have a couple of scripts that were calling other sites - nuked! Then I turned the advertising from synchronous to asynchronous. That can let ads load in parallel to reduce any bottlenecks.
The speed has been fine for me lately so I don't notice a difference. It sounds like the changes will prevent the speed problems we've had in the past though, so thanks!
I haven't had an issue with speed before so I haven't noticed a difference.
I use my IPad to read and respond to AWF...too lazy to wander over to my desktop once I get home! That being said, I have noticed a boost especially when it come to posting on threads.

Struck me as kind of odd since I do not see too many ads, one of the nicer perks about being a Gold Supporter, but I reckon the old scripts not running in the back ground could be a factor.
hello everyone
I am just testing my new account
i am a [hopefully soon to be returning to the world of programming] programmer
the speed seems fine to me. If only my old Lenovo computer would act nicely it would even be better.
Is it just me or is the site very slow today? I'm seeing slow speed on two different computers, each using a different browser, and each on a different internet connection.
Is it just me or is the site very slow today? I'm seeing slow speed on two different computers, each using a different browser, and each on a different internet connection.

Slow for me as well, but seemingly only after about midday?
I took over 30 seconds for the site to get past the "Performing TLS handshake" event (that shows at the bottom left of the screen just above the "Start" button on the task bar. After that, it was several more seconds for it to get past the "showthread.php" event.

I have no clue as to what else is going on, but I clicked on the Excel Forum and that took less than a second to give me the full page, so it's not anything on my end.

At this speed, the site is nearly unusable.
Same for me also. Just this site and only since lunchtime or so.
It would lose in a slug race
Jon should see this since he started the thread. He'll save us! :D
In the "for what it's worth" department, I'm not getting email notifications either.
Hmm, yep, really bad today. Even posting this reply was painful. :(
Seems to be back to normal...for now. ;)
I've only just now managed to get back onto the site! I was wondering if it was something Google had done to the browser... I understand they made it slower, but nothing else I went to seemed to be a problem just AWF... I hope I haven't jinxed it by saying this!
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