Slang Helper (1 Viewer)

John Big Booty said:
or; Don't get your nuts in a knot

Don't get your panties in a wad.
ColinEssex said:
How about

Couldn't see a barn door = the inability to copy a name correctly, presumably due to eyesight problems:p :rolleyes:

he's blind as a bat:rolleyes:
2 responses to when someone asks "How are you"

*"If I complained you wouldn't listen any way."

*"If I was any peachier I'd have fuzzy on me."

"Sweating like a black man, trying to vote twice at an all white election"
'Discribing how much your sweating

"This is enough to make a preacher cuss"
'Something you would say when things are frustrating

"Harder than the devil's head"
'Discribing how hard something is
Lucy Gucy - anything goes, No rules etc.

Hanky panky - illicit love affair.
ShaneMan said:
By the time I'm finished with you the doctor ain't goin'a ask what happened, he's just goin' to ask how ya got loose.
'Can be used right before you start fighting
'pretty hungry

British version:
I'm guna knock your teeth so far down your throat you'll have to stick a toothbrush up yer arse to clean them.
I'm goina knock a pop knot on your head so big a calf could suck on it!
'Big enough hit to cause a huge lump on your head

'Something a guy might say when it's cold
I had to stick my thumb in my butt and holler snake, just to get it to come out.

I live so far out in the country, I live closer to the next town
'someone who lives way out in the country

Your voice has changed but your breath is still the same.
'something said to someone who just passed gas

I'm not as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was
'anyone over 40 yrs. can relate

Once a king always a king but once a night is enough
'do I need to explain?
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Hamster Love -- Where you love 'em so much, you wanna just hug 'em tight enough to make their eyes buldge out! :D
reclusivemonkey said:
Isn't that what Richard Gere practices?

:eek: You didn't go there did you. Tsk..tsk!

It is a sweet term to show how much you love your SO. That means you love'em alot.
selenau837 said:
Hamster Love -- Where you love 'em so much, you wanna just hug 'em tight enough to make their eyes buldge out! :D
Would that be before or after they've emptied their pouch?:confused:
Rich said:
Would that be before or after they've emptied their pouch?:confused:

I think it would be cute if done before, and you get a barage of hamster food in the face. ;) However, I do remember when I was a kid feeding my hamster, and awing in amazement how much food they could pack away.

I thought that phrase was adorable, and I adore hamster. They don't toss nuts at you and laugh at you. They can bite the dickens out of you, but for the most part sweet and cuddly.
The narrower the cage, the sweeter the liberty.
The nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh.
The nearer the church the farther from God.
The nearer the inn, the longer the road.
The nearer the minster the later to mass.
"Just because a cat's born in an oven, don't make it a biscuit."

Reply to someone when what they say doesn't add up to the way it is.
They'll never have to hold a tag day for him.

Regarding someone who's well off

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