Superbowl Sunday (story) attn (1 Viewer)

BarryMK said:
Dangerous ground Col, [...] but best to lay off the national sport - that could be grounds for invasion.:D :D
Oh, don't worry Barry. We're quite aware that whenever Colin runs out of things to bitch about America he just tosses his standard "World Series" complaint out there. We won't take it personally. The thing is, despite the other 190 countries populated by the 4 billion or so people who do not participate in the World Series, Colin seems to be the only one complaining. :rolleyes:
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Kraj said:
The thing is, despite the other 190 countries populated by the 4 billion or so people who do not participate in the World Series, Colin seems to be the only one complaining. :rolleyes:
Well its just as well I do then.:D someone has to fly the flag:rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
Well its just as well I do then.:D someone has to fly the flag:rolleyes:

You're an inspiration to us all.
Kraj said:
You're an inspiration to us all.
I know Kraj - someone has to do it though - its not easy by any means but I do try my best:D :rolleyes: ;)

Kraj said:
Oh, don't worry Brarry. We're quite aware that whenever Colin doesn't runs out of things to bitch about America he just tosses his standard "World Series" complaint out there. We won't take it personally. The thing is, despite the other 190 countries populated by the 4 billion or so people who do not participate in the World Series, Colin seems to be the only one complaining. :rolleyes:

But brave Brits bravely battle belittling bigotry, berating belatedly
Rich said:
But brave Brits bravely battle belittling bigotry, berating belatedly
Translation: thickheaded twits twiddle tenaciously twixt tiresome totalitarian tirades.
Rich said:
Buffoon befuddled barrage
Now that's just lazy, Rich. If you're going to sling insults, kindly do it in the form of sentences. :p
Kraj said:
Now that's just lazy, Rich. If you're going to sling insults, kindly do it in the form of sentences. :p
Americans are armed, arsey and accordingly aren’t amiable at all :cool:
*rolls eyes*

Selena swears silently!!

Wow, everything thread is a battle field. :eek: Y'all are too cute. I swear, and did it with the same letter for each word. I must give y'all a huge hand for that.
They try to tackle terrorism tacitly too, though tiringly trying, tenacity tastes too tenacious to them today , then there’s thought, that troubles them too, then there's tyranny, that takes them to task together totally, though thoughtlessly, throughout their troubled tribal trance :eek:
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Kraj said:
Oh, don't worry Barry. We're quite aware that whenever Colin runs out of things to bitch about America he just tosses his standard "World Series" complaint out there. We won't take it personally.

Here's an article from a UK national newspaper yesterday.

The Mirror 9/2/06 said:
9 February 2006
HERE'S a challenge to all of those bravehearts currently banging on about how they'd fight to their dying breath to preserve our right to free speech.

Pick up your gun, use up your Virgin air miles and go shoot those fundamental religious fanatics who've just suppressed a 62-year-old knight of the British realm's right to express himself.

I'm talking about Sir Mick Jagger having two songs censored by American TV networks during Sunday's Super-bowl, for fear they would upset the country's dominant Christian right. Did he call Jesus gay or Mary a *****? No. He mentioned a grain-eating farmyard animal.

This is the line deemed so offensive in the land of BLEEP* that it had to be taken off screen: "Once upon a time I was your little rooster, am I just one of your cocks?" And if you think stopping a rock-and-roll pensioner saying "cocks" is nothing to worry about, think again. These are the same TV networks who decide what their people see whenever BLEEP* sends troops on a foreign military adventure.

In this new era of "embedded journalism" Americans only see what the Pentagon wants them to. Material which is sanitised again by CBS and NBC for the patriotic sensibilities of Mid- American couch potatoes.

Those sanctimonious ones among us who believe free speech is what differentiates us enlightened Westerners from Eastern fanatics are deluding themselves.
You know why America was paranoid over the Stones' lyrics? Because during the 2004 Superbowl Janet Jackson's nipple slipped out and 500,000 viewers registered their disgust. Yet we slag off Muslims for stopping their women showing off their bodies.

We demand the arrest of mad mullahs such as Old Hooky when they talk of global domination as a necessity to satisfy Allah, yet think nothing of BLEEP* admitting he holds conversations with his God. And is occasionally told to invade nations whose politics he doesn't agree with.

How does BLEEP* use his freedom of speech? To say who can own nuclear weapons (countries who submit to American dominance) and who can't (those who don't). He uses it to call cultures which don't conform to his Christian world view "The Axis of Evil".

THIS man uses it to ask Congress to give him £230billion a year for weapons to see off anyone who "threatens" the Christian way of life.

He used it to say: "Ah feel good" at the start of a religious crusade which has killed 32,000 Iraqis, 2,250 Americans and more than 100 Britons.

He uses it to tell henchmen to pick up Muslim "suspects" and fly them to friendly countries for torture. (Obviously not seen on US TV, because sticking electrodes in "cocks" might offend.)

He uses his free speech to invent reasons for wars, then clams up when quizzed on his lies. But still we good old Brits are proud of our "special relationship" and say we'd fight to our dying breath to protect this form of free speech and our shared way of life.

Let's abandon the moral high ground and admit we are as censored as Western governments need us to be to sustain their economic and military dominance. A censorship we never question because it's white, speaks our lingo and sends us Britney Spears and The Sopranos.

*Owing to this column being available on the internet in America, I have censored the use of the US President's name - because it can be construed as a term for female pubic hair.

Much better, thank you. At least it's a topic worth bitching about.
Kraj said:
Much better, thank you. At least it's a topic worth bitching about.

Sadly, I didn't write it - this is what we read almost daily in our national press or see on TV:rolleyes:

I just thought I'd post it and see what happens

I was only referring to your choice of topic, not the writing. I think the author is full of it for the most part, but at least the topic is worth discussing.
Kraj said:
I was only referring to your choice of topic, not the writing. I think the author is full of it for the most part, but at least the topic is worth discussing.
Yes, I thought some of it was a bit OTT, but I posted it to show people how we are exposed to these ideas (whether they're true or not) about the USA life.

Perhaps we'll continue next week. Its nearly hometime now:D

I think it's funny. He complains about censorship then bleeps his own message. However valid his points may be, the end to his means appears to keep his words in the limelight. The more rukus he stirs up, the more he gets read, the more money h... Well you get the point, kind of like Jesse Jackson...
KenHigg said:
I think it's funny. He complains about censorship then bleeps his own message. ..

He only bleeped out a word that's offensive to Brits, BUSH, it has a disgusting connotation here :eek: :mad:

NB, this post has been thoroughly scanned to remove anything that could be considered (however remote) as being anti American, anti Zulu, aunty Pam :rolleyes:
Normally, I'd take this editorial and rip it to shreds just for grins. Instead, today I fancy taking a look at the valid points the author manages to sneak in.

In this new era of "embedded journalism" Americans only see what the Pentagon wants them to. Material which is sanitised again by CBS and NBC for the patriotic sensibilities of Mid- American couch potatoes.
I'm not a fan of embedded journalism, for the reasons the author states. It seems to me it serves no purpose other than to produce a better action flick to show on the news. Ratings go up, information not stamped with approval by the Pentagon goes down. Step out of bounds and you'll be the only journalist without the exciting footage.

Normally I'd say this is a bad thing, but Americans have made it pretty clear over the last few decades (and that's being generous) that we're not really interested in the reality of war. Would reducing cencorship actually change anything? Did the unauthorized photos of American soldiers in coffins change anyone's mind about the war?

Go to see a war movie in the theater. You'll hear laughter or superficial exclamations like "Oh, damn!", "Dude!", and "That was gross!" when someone's head explodes. Even when the reality of war is portrayed in a serious movie, it doesn't sink in. We think we're watching images on screen; everyone who dies is just an actor. No one bothers to think about the fact that every actor represents a real person. Every gorey death was experienced by a human being. We think it's cool.

The problem is not in what information is available to us, it's what we do with what we're given.

Rich said:
NB, this post has been thoroughly scanned to remove anything that could be considered (however remote) as being anti American, anti Zulu, aunty Pam :rolleyes:
Hmmm... that sounds like a challenge! :p :D
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