The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

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To whom it may concern,
When you think about my topic, you might want to think outside the box.
Exactly what is 'Thinking Outside the Box'?
Outside the Box
Thinking outside the box requires different attributes that include:
Willingness to take new perspectives to day-to-day work.
Openness to do different things and to do things differently.
Focusing on the value of finding new ideas and acting on them.
Striving to create value in new ways.
Listening to others.
Supporting and respecting others when they come up with new ideas.

Out-of-the box thinking requires an openness to new ways of seeing the world and a willingness to explore. Out-of-the box thinkers know that new ideas need nurturing and support. They also know that having an idea is good but acting on it is more important. Results are what count


Mmmmm, impressive thinking, pushing back the boundaries etc etc. You're not a business consultant by any chance?
Thankyou Barry, I'll do that. Shouldn't you be working?:D or are you also on a coffeee break?

To communicate with the future ??
this does seem a bit far fetched , if you can communicate with the future, then you will be altering it - example

if you turn left tomorrow you will be hit by a bus
so you turn right instead - now you ahven't been hit by a bus and you have altered the future or never would of been hit by the bus .

if we assume that you have altered history - and I can kinda go along with this for a while - then how could the entity tell you about something that has not happened - and would that entity be changed because of your action in turning right (instead of left)

now we can argue that you are not allowed to tell people this (from the futre to the past) - but could you not tell someone something like this -

out actions today set our future tomorrow - any changes we make today will have an impact on the future -therefore any amendments after the fact will change the fact before its happend - a bit of gobbly Gook here -.

It just does not make sense .. (which is fine .. but a bit out there)

Science does not have all the answers to everything, but it is the only logical tool we can use at the moment - after science it them becomes a belief - an act of faith (again which might be right, I cannot discount anything, which includes this view being wrong/right - its trying to be objective with te beliefs and present attitiude that I have been brought up with .
as to out of the box thinking
I'd like to think that I can be objective and think outside of my own preset values.. but as long as the person asking me to think outside of this - can be objective and also think inside the box (or at least look at there view from inside and outside of th e box)
if they are trying to be objective and they only think outside of the box - then this isn't going to work

90% of the time things are inside of the box - I drive to work - I don't drive to work but try doing it fromt he rear seat - etc
driving to work means that I seat behind the steering wheel and etc ....
Thankyou Barry, I'll do that. Shouldn't you be working?:D or are you also on a coffeee break?


Life in local government is one long coffee break. At least that's what everyone outside of local government tells me.
Get back to work you lazy so'n so (only Kidding)
did you see the report that 25% of council tax goes on pensions -...
Need to sort this out - madness
surely now is the time to move local goverement worker to private pensions (and yes given them a decent salary as well) - but the local goverment workers can retire at 60 and only pay 6% into the pension pot .

this needs a good shake to see what can be done

Get back to work you lazy so'n so (only Kidding)
did you see the report that 25% of council tax goes on pensions -...
Need to sort this out - madness
surely now is the time to move local goverement worker to private pensions (and yes given them a decent salary as well) - but the local goverment workers can retire at 60 and only pay 6% into the pension pot .

this needs a good shake to see what can be done


Yes I saw the headlines, not sure how accurate this is though. I just wonder what proportion of the alleged 25% goes to first and second tier officers on very comfortable thankyou salaries because I can tell you I can't retire at 60 and not many of my colleagues can either. Take a look at the desultory pay rises we've had in the last few years.
I did wonder if Gary was after starting a civil war with Barry, but Barry is of course far too polite, nice to see you on the 'cooler again Barry.

I did wonder if Gary was after starting a civil war with Barry, but Barry is of course far too polite, nice to see you on the 'cooler again Barry.


Thanks Brian
I'm only here because I just couldn't resist a mild poke at the original poster and so far Rich & Col haven't derailed the thread (yet!:p )
wasn't one for picking a fight - just what was reported in the press.

as to pensions - these need sorting out full stop - not just LGA - everyones

went for a job interview the other day and they were only putting in 5% - cheapskates...

Hope Barry didn't take it as a pop at him
To whom it may concern,

In the spring of 1994, Vessen Hopkins uncovered an external energy array,
focused at specific key points outside the body. This incredible discovery
represents the single most important breakthrough in the history of science
and has implications that stand to unravel our greatest mystery, is there
life after death.

The Vehram Energy System is an external energy array comprising six
distinct energy centers, universally arranged in a unique and independently
verifiable configuration, yet is entirely outside the human body. The
energy that emanates from these energy centers is commonly recognized by
astral projection practitioners as the "vibrational surge," the escape
energy that fuels the separation.

The importance of this discovery to not only those who practice astral
projection, but all of humanity, cannot be overstated. This is the key to
one of our most mysterious phenomena, the out-of-body experience, thus
opening the portal for all to exploring this natural ability and yet offers
science a way to demonstrate the separate nature of consciousness by
showing that we are indeed able to reach beyond the physical body to
interact with this external energy array. Its properties are so unique,
universal, and powerful, it simply cannot be dismissed as a figment of the
imagination. The system exists for everyone and serves the same unique
purpose, to fuel the astral body and enable consciousness to separate from
the physical. Of particular curiosity to science is what happens when one
makes direct contact with one of these energy centers.

After more than 13 years of research and investigation into this ethereal
anomally, Hopkins is making the discovery of the Vehram System known to
all. Launching the site and requesting your help,
Hopkins hopes to spread the word to as many as possible. Anything you can
do to help others learn about this incredible energy source would be
greatly appreciated.

Anyone involved in metaphysical or other serious scientific research
related to energy and or quantum mechanics could help by offering
independent analysis and investigation. You may contact our research
department by sending an email to if you are interested
in collaboration or other projects. It is important that science have an
opportunity to explore this completely. However, there already exist
compelling evidence that this energy system does exist. Millions of people
have already felt its power. Different aspects of this energy system were
in fact discovered by different people independently of one another,
suggesting that it exists in exactly the same universal configuration for
each of us, outside the body. Our ability ro reach outside the body and
independently determine the various locations prove that this energy array
is a real manifestation, not the product of one person's illusion. If the
energy system is real, then so is our ability to reach beyond the body.

Anyone can see for themselves how this energy system works and examine the
evidence for themselves. All the information can be found through the site and those interested can pick up a copy of Hopkins's new
book, "Out-of-Body Experiences: the Vehram Energy System," which tells the
story in length of how Hopkins stumbled onto the Vehram System and offers a
revolutionary technique for leaving the body, based on the newly understood
fundamentals governing this natural ability.

Most importantly, we ask you to help spread the word. Feel free to forward
this email to anyone you feel would be interested. Help us share the
message through the internet, through online sites, blogs, forums, etc.
The more people who know the more enlightened we become through the spread
of knowledge. This is the discovery that proves life after death and the
Vehram Energy System represents a doorway to the other side so that we may
see and explore that realm for ourselves, here and now, in this lifetime.
It is personal knowledge of what comes next, what is on the other side. It
is a path to undestanding what we are, where we come from, and where we are

Thank you for your help and support,
Public Relations Team

Note: This email was sent to a hand full of individuals and institutions we
felt would be interested in receiving this correspondence. If you feel you
have received this transmission in error, simply reply to this email with
the word remove in the subject line and you will never receive any further
contact from us. Thank you for your support.
300 Sunset Dr
Hooks, Tx. 75561

Thank you,
Dear Mr Vehram Please send me £100,000 by return and I promise to tell all my friends.

A Nuther-Crackpot Esq.
give me enough time and I could convinece people that the moons square ...
research bhah ...

if you want a report to say one thing then you can justify it - or lean on the results to get this .

I am actually the intergalactic ambassador from Venus and we'd like all Scientologists to be placed in a large rocket and sent back to us as the place is going to pot without their intelligent, considered influence. (Don't worry if you haven't got a rocket that will actually get to Venus as we will pull them in with our giant tractor beam currently being manufactured in China.)

ps Send the Vehram people as well, they seem like our kind of people.
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