Twitter vs Trumper


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Today, 02:04
Sep 28, 1999
Mr D has been talking about creating a Twitter/Social Media platform for Republicans, or words to that effect. Maybe it will become Twitter vs Trumper. Each can live in their own echo chamber. The actions of Twitter could be very counter-productive to their platform, with droves of people leaving and going to the soon-to-be alternative. It is a form of suicide.

What do you think would be a good name for the alternative?

For your interest, here is a list of platforms that have banned or restricted Trump:

Considering the silly words we've come to think are 'normal' (Google, Twitter, Yahoo), it could be anything.

That's one thing I liked about Parler - the classy, actually meaningful name.
Apple declared that Parler is responsible for all user content on their service, this runs contrary to section 230 that a platform is not responsible for the content generated by their users. This is the same section 230 that protects Apple, Facebook and Twitter from lawsuits but unfortunately not Parler :unsure:
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Apple has ordered Parler to tighten up its moderation tactics and wipe “objectionable content” from the platform within the next 24 hours or it will be booted from the App Store.

The decision comes a day after Parler’s CEO flaunted the platform’s hands-off approach to content moderation in the wake of premeditated mayhem at the U.S. Capitol, much of which has been linked to Parler. In an email sent by Apple to Parler this morning (Pacific Time) and obtained by Input, the company provided numerous examples of Parler users explicitly calling for violence and referenced CEO John Matze’s comment that he doesn’t “feel responsible for any of this and neither should the platform.”

Apple disagrees. “We want to be clear that Parler is in fact responsible for all the user generated content present on your service and for ensuring that this content meets App Store requirements for the safety and protection of our users,” the company said. “We won’t distribute apps that present dangerous and harmful content.”

“We have now rejected your app for the App Store Review Guidelines detailed below,” it added.

We require your immediate attention regarding serious App Store guideline violations that we have found with your app, Parler.

We have received numerous complaints regarding objectionable content in your Parler service, accusations that the Parler app was used to plan, coordinate, and facilitate the illegal activities in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021 that led (among other things) to loss of life, numerous injuries, and the destruction of property. The app also appears to continue to be used to plan and facilitate yet further illegal and dangerous activities.

Our investigation has found that Parler is not effectively moderating and removing content that encourages illegal activity and poses a serious risk to the health and safety of users in direct violation of your own terms of service, found here:
Do you not think they should remove content organizing attacks? That's what was happening and they weren't originally doing anything about it. The FBI claims the threats are credible.

Edit: On a side note, I kind of wish he was on Twitter still. It was like reading comics every day.
Like Father Like Daughter . . .

So the other day my daughter tells me someone she doesn't know but is somehow friends with on facebook posted a picture of himself and 2 friends in a car with the caption stating they were on the way to DC. The guy subsequently posted a picture of the crowds from a distance and one of him in front of the Lincoln Memorial on facebook.

A short time ago she comes to me and tells me she spotted him in a video on youtube, up front at the police line at the entrance to the Capitol. Definitely within the area constituting federal tresspassing. Its definitely him as his face is visible (maskless idiot), same hat, same coat, etc as his picture on facebook with Lincoln.

We cross referenced his friends list to the other 2 guys in the car and Id'd them too.

She just came to me as I write this and has spotted him in more videos.

What do ya think . . .FBI Tipline?
Do you not think they should remove content organizing attacks?
Twitter allows so many oppressive leaders from around the world on their platform its hard to say where the hypocrisy starts or ends. From kim jong un to Putin the list is literally a who who's of international criminals. I'm sure you will have some good reason for this coziness.

I edited my last sentence, it wasn't necessary. ;)
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Do they incite insurrections on there too?
Yes, indirectly by repression to the point that people are fed up with them. Why do you suppose so many Muslims are voting with their feet?
My post was about Parler. Do try to keep up. You guys bounce all over the place as much as Trump.

I'm not Twitter. I don't have to answer for their decisions. I already said I miss him on there. What else can I say or do?
I find it funny that some guy on Tech was so frustrated with so many people who disagreed with him and thought HE was wrong - that he wrote a web article devoted to trying to persuade people he was right.

At the end of the day, judge who's right or wrong based on how badly the tech companies do not want 230 repealed. Go from there.

I keep getting this NEW friend request on twitter, do you think I should accept?

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What do ya think . . .FBI Tipline?
Surely that question is rhetorical. The FBI is totally corrupt. I would rather trust the DC police to do the right thing with the report. If the person in the picture is a Democrat, the FBI would not prosecute.

I was really happy to see the report about Poland taking action. They have been under control of monarchs, the Nazis, and the Communists until the USSR collapsed so they are very close to when they first got the right to free speech and so they remember what it was like to be cancelled. Too bad our young people have been taught to hate free speech:( Too bad we allowed it:(:(
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Poland looks like a bastion of free speech.

Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, which is ideologically aligned with Trump on many issues, has itself been accused of trying to limit freedom of speech in recent years.
... it is illegal to insult in Poland. Other crimes include offending religious feeling (punishable with up to two years in prison); insulting the Polish nation or state (a different offence from showing contempt for the nation, and one that carries up to three years’ imprisonment); and humiliating constitutional organs of the state (up to two years in prison) or insulting a public official (up to one year in prison).

Another crime, insulting the president (which can land the perpetrator behind bars for up to three years), has been pursued to bizarre and petty extremes. In 2006, police spent months tracking down a homeless man who had drunkenly said that the then president, Lech Kaczyński, was a “thief”. Two years later, a man was put on trial for creating a computer program that made President Kaczyński appear at the top of search-engine results when someone typed in a slang word for penis. Under Kaczyński’s successor, Bronisław Komorowski, an unemployed teacher was traced and charged for anonymously writing a vulgar comment about the president under an article online.
It seems that the coordinated censorship of big tech in the US is sending chills around the rest of the world. You have world leaders expressing their disapproval. The Mexican president, Angela Merkel of Germany, the government of Uganda and Poland come to mind. There are probably others. It doesn't stop with Trump, it gets extended to those who have similar views, which is a large number of Americans. Since social media has become a critical part of communication in society, it amounts to political censorship and muzzling, just like what goes on in China, a country guilty of mass human rights violations.
Polish government wants to protect posts that do not break nation’s laws
Just pointing out that it would be against Polish law to insult Biden or Harris.

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