Is "The good Fight" Fractal?

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:09
Jul 9, 2003
I've seen this simulation of the universe before. It's a computer-generated simulation of what the universe looks like...

And this is where I have seen it again - The good fight season 2 opening credits

The good fight season 2 opening credits

So how did the special effects team destroy that bottle? Did they lower an explosive pellet into the middle of it?

Did they fire at it from a gun?

Would it make any difference which way the liquid was exploded?

The answer to this question could well shine a light on the early development of the universe!

I'll think of you all when I'm accepting my Nobel prize!
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In answer to the main question, there is no reason why the universe could NOT be a fractal. Fractals occur in nature independent of scale. Seacoasts and cardiac capillaries are both fractals. Now that we are gaining the ability to map the universe, even on a very large scale, we will start to see many structural details that we could not see before. The Hubble and Webb telescopes will give us a view of things on a scale not seen previously.
I've seen this simulation of the universe before. It's a computer-generated simulation of what the universe looks like
The simulation of the universe will be improved over time, as more professionals needed to give more guide to the simulation are engaged.

E.g of such professionals
In answer to the main question, there is no reason why the universe could NOT be a fractal

Do you think God was having a quiet moment sat near a nebula observing galaxies and stars interacting then he jogged the table, his bottle of wine fell on the floor and smashed to pieces!

As he looked at the wine blooming from the bottle, he thought that's beautiful! I'm going to create that!
The Hubble and Webb telescopes will give us a view of things on a scale not seen previously.
I'm very much looking forward to what the Webb telescope will tell us about the Universe and ourselves. For all we know, they discover some machine near the location of the Big Bang, that makes Big Bangs! The Hubble revealed a lot. I wonder what the Webb will reveal.
<<musing philosophically>>

You know, sometimes you can point to something that is incredibly simple - yet SO profound, so amazing, so enlightening - that changes your entire perception of the world around you. A single photograph is a case in point, from September 2006. It is called the "Hubble Ultra Deep Field."

If you click on the main photo, it will expand to show you whatever your display CAN show you for something of that resolution. It was bad enough in grade school to realize that we are merely residents on one tiny planet in a galaxy of hundreds of millions of stars. But then to see a picture of tens of thousands more galaxies, some smaller and some MUCH bigger than our own?

What will Webb show us to build on what Hubble already showed us? And in Hubble's case, with eyeglasses to correct its vision. Webb won't have that restriction.
Yes, that image is what comes to mind for me with the Hubble telescope. I wonder how many Gods are out there in the Universe?
If we allow for historical gods, probably at least several hundred per inhabited planet.
I know of one World with over 3000 God's..... I think there's even a God of socks... Eats them;!!
I wonder how many Gods are out there in the Universe?
Based on casually observing the Marvel Universe, I'm losing count. Seems the number of Gods keeps multiplying!
Since there are so many Gods, did a single higher God create them? I see a new fractal pattern emerging...
I know of one World with over 3000 God's..... I think there's even a God of socks... Eats them;!!

I believe the dimension of lost socks is ruled by a lesser god or perhaps an imp.
to realize that we are merely residents on one tiny planet in a galaxy of hundreds of millions of stars

And even more incredible, is that on that planet there is a thin skin of atmosphere, the breathable portion, only a mile or two thick.
Back to the question of the special effects. I suspect all the explosions were computer generated.
Back to the question of the special effects. I suspect all the explosions were computer generated.

All of them appear to be ultra-high-speed cameras focused on an object being destroyed by a bullet or in some cases, a small explosive charge. Those burst patterns are typical of ultra-slow-motion photography. And yes, it is VERY interesting to see that the wine bottle's contents somehow resemble the distribution of galaxies in the universe. Almost as if something "exploded" back then. Gosh, what a great idea!

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