Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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Registered User.
Local time
, 19:54
Feb 11, 2013
There was until recently a program on TV on Sunday mornings called The Big Question. One was "Is God The Problem?"
During the program it became evident that it should have been " Is religion the problem" as an agnostic I'm damn certain it is.

No matter how far science takes us there could always be a god behind it, but not the god of the religions I know little about.


Both of those "is God the Problem", "Is Religion the Problem" are right Brian. That is they are bad news for atheist and Agnostics.

You have to believe in God/Jesus and ask forgiveness for your sins. The religion you speak of is "Christianity' was started with Jesus roughly 2000 years ago in Judea along with his disciples.. the very man you need to ask forgiveness of. Both are real
Both offer man a way to have everlasting life. You do not have to be religious, join the church or minister to other people. All you have to do is believe,,,,The Choice I speak of so often. The religion (Christianity) is represented by the Holy Bible and give you a road map to everlasting life.


Registered User.
Local time
, 19:54
Feb 11, 2013
And does this obsession also mean that if a couple stop having sex the marriage is over?


Don't really understand you Brian..... I know a lot of marriages that probably have no sex involved in them.

if a married or otherwise same-sex couple does not have sex. That my friend would be up to Jesus. Only he will know what went in their bedroom or elsewhere.

Case Closed


Registered User.
Local time
, 19:54
Feb 11, 2013
And I see that with the usual love and tolerance the innocent party has to suffer the consequences as much as the guilty.


Brian: ??????/ Why would you suppose that.... Jesus will know if they are innocent or guilty. If you are referring to me causing them to suffer simply because I would not accept their marriage, Bull Shit? If you are referring to the Church for not marrying them ,within its halls, is causing them to suffer, again, Bull Shit?

As far as Matthew 19, 4,6. is concerned, Divorce was the question to his answer. Only I did not include the direct answer ,,,it would be best it you read it for your self,,,The whole chapter.

They have many other options.


Local time
Today, 03:54
Jun 2, 2003
It is pointless trying to have a discussion with Blade as he does not follow the thread of the discussion.



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
, 21:54
Feb 28, 2001
Again, what ever suits your minds eye Doc....

Blade, here is the problem. I actually want to think of you as a nice guy, well-meaning and reasonably intelligent. The difficulty is that I (and many others on the forum, given their responses that I have seen) find it difficult to deal with you because of what I see as religiously obsessive behavior. That obsession makes it difficult for us to have any fruitful discussions with you on subjects indirectly related to Biblical admonitions - because you won't consider that some of the Biblical stuff is just flat outdated and outmoded. Obsession tends to do that, and those who are obsessed never see it in themselves, only in others.

A more modern viewpoint on individual rights suggests that men and women are equal in the eyes of the law. If you compare that to the Bible, you see that the Bible suggests that the man is "lord and master" of his house, with explicit descriptions of how and when he should beat his wife when she does not agree with him. Issues like a man marrying his deceased brother's widow also come into play. Slavery is condoned in the Bible but not in more modern ways of thinking about human rights. Can you not see that the Bible's viewpoint is out of date? Philosophy of human rights has changed - but the Bible has not.

The problem, of course, is that you won't entertain the obsolescence of those parts of your "Good Book" because you fear what ELSE might be shown to be meaningless or outdated. And after that, your Good Book would no longer be so good for modern times. Of course, ANYTHING that stagnates tends to fall by the wayside anyway, but you can't see the truth of that concept because your Biblical obsession gets in the way.

I have to admit that it took me a long time to reach my current viewpoint. I was raised as Methodist and believed for a long time - but during a family crisis, I turned to the Bible for help - and found none. I looked for comfort - but there was none. I looked for answers - but they were sorely absent. The Bible did not stand up to critical scrutiny, and in that time of crisis, my own beliefs were not enough to prevent me from reading the Bible critically. It doesn't stand up to critical analysis. All the answers were of the form, "We are not meant to know the mind of God" (or the plans, intentions, etc.) Translation: I can't tell you why something bad happened and don't think I will ever know why.

That family crisis was when I found that my thinking needed to evolve to match modern times and my then-current reality. That was when I realized it was time to let go of that old way of thinking. It was holding me back from being my own person.

Believe it or not, some Buddhism (particularly but not exclusively) of the Zen variety was most helpful. Don't ask "WHY" on cosmic questions because such things don't need a reason. They just are what they are, one with their own nature.

Trust me this much - it was not an easy transition to let go of Methodism. I had to learn to forgive a lot of people for propagating the lies of religion, and the key to that forgiveness was the realization that they had not seen through the lies themselves, so were only repeating what they had been taught as children. It is for that reason that I don't hate you, Blade. You are simply repeating what you were told without critically reviewing it first. And for that I can forgive you, for I have been there myself.


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
, 22:54
Oct 17, 2012
That's a big reason that I describe myself as a Christian Agnostic. I don't know if a God exists, nor do I *CARE*. What's important to me is that the morality attributed to Jesus - not the Old Testament, not Paul's BS, but "Jesus said..." - strikes me as an excellent guide for living: Help the poor, the needy, and those less fortunate than yourself. Love everyone (yeah, my biggest weakness is right there). Be not proud.

As for the rest? The first half of the book is a collected oral history of bronze-age tribesmen who, by their own tales, were some of the most brutal, genocidal bastards to ever walk the sands of the Middle East. The second half is a mix of tales and second-hand accounts of a roving preacher, ostensibly named Yeshua, who claimed to be the Son of God, but these tales and accounts were all committed to paper decades and even a century after the events they claim to chronicle. Not to mention that Paul comes across as an egotistical, bigoted, misogynistic ass.

It never fails to amaze me just how so many people call themselves Christian, and yet go so far out of their way to act precisely OPPOSITE the teachings attributed to Jesus.

Oh, and Doc:
Don't ask "WHY" on cosmic questions because such things don't need a reason. They just are what they are, one with their own nature.
Strangely enough, J. Michael Straczynski put this rather complex thought very well on an episode of Babylon 5. One of his characters said:
I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'wouldn't it be much worse if life *were* fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?' So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.
When that line was said, I just stopped, thought for a second, and then said, "You know, he's right."


Registered User.
Local time
, 19:54
Feb 11, 2013
The problem for me is I see God and the bible as a mechanism to manipulate people in to cowdowing to the will of others, Usually old men. However, some of my most respected and very intelligent friends and associates are staunch believers.
Used by God or Man ........Man is very corrupt, God is not.........Your on the outside looking in Uncle Gizmo

I used to think that the possibility of a god was completely impossible and just a fantasy however I came to understand that the evoulution of the human race could very well end up with the development of a god like being.
So I'm on the fence really..
Who made up the worldview of Post modernism that speaks of evolution that substitutes for the creator. MAN

As to the validity of the bible, well it's self evident that it's a collection of old story's served up to impress and control the masses. In the past when it's message has conflicted with the goals of the old men it was rewritten. So quoting from it as if it was some sort of power wielding document is at best nieive.
The Tora is a collection of first five books written by Moses himself as given to him by God, what some 3000 years ago. The you have 34 more books in the Old Testament where the author was years and miles away from each other, with no Internet or Published books, YET,,,,,, they some how talk about what God said to them referencing other authors. In a illiterate society with only a few people actually being able to read and write, I am very surprised that you come to that conclusion.

The choice is "everlasting Death or as you atheist say--Poof and you gone---no more" or Everlasting Life" It is your choice Uncle Giazmo. Hope you make a good one.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:54
Jan 20, 2009
I very much doubt that Blade will even acknowledge Doc's post (#5246) because he is like a child shouting gibberish lest he hears something intelligent that contradicts his precious notion of "eternal life" through subservience to the anachronism that is the Bible.

Underneath he is utterly terrified that it could all be a hoax, which of course it is.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:54
Jan 20, 2009
It never fails to amaze me just how so many people call themselves Christian, and yet go so far out of their way to act precisely OPPOSITE the teachings attributed to Jesus.

One of my favourite's is the bizarre notion of a "Christmas Ham" because nowhere does Christ overturn the OT prohibition on having anything to do with pigs.

Early Christians turned a blind eye to that one because Romans were particularly partial to eating pig meat and they knew they would not get anywhere by prohibiting it.

It is called Political Expediency.

Tell us Blade, do you eat ham?


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
, 22:54
Oct 17, 2012
I very much doubt that Blade will even acknowledge Doc's post (#5246) because he is like a child shouting gibberish lest he hears something intelligent that contradicts his precious notion of "eternal life" through subservience to the anachronism that is the Bible.

Underneath he is utterly terrified that it could all be a hoax, which of course it is.

Of course he won't. We're talking here about a man who literally believes that Liberals have consciously signed on with Satan and are all knowingly and willingly part of a great anti-American, anti-Christian conspiracy. Who believes that the only reason to not believe as he does is because you've chosen to side with Satan. Who is convinced that any reasonable person will immediately side with him in all things if he simply quotes enough Bible verses at them.

Logic is his kryptonite.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:54
Jan 20, 2009
.....Who is convinced that any reasonable person will immediately side with him in all things if he simply quotes enough Bible verses at them.

Scientific investigation has shown that believers inevitably presume that their God's beliefs are aligned with their own.

When subjected to influences that shifted their prejudices (how that was done I am not quite sure), the believer's perception of their God's attitudes shifted to match their own.

No surprise really since any reasonable person could only conclude the declarations of supposed moral concepts in the Bible (or Qu'ran) are clearly nothing more than the ill-considered prejudices of their authors.

Religion is the pathetic justification for attitudes that cannot be backed by intellect. Throughout history the institutional response to confrontation of their prejudice has been murder. This response was ultimately codified in the concept of eternal suffering in Hell for those who failed to comply with the doctrine.
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Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
, 22:54
Oct 17, 2012
Not just 'was' - *IS*.

We can't go more than a few months without yet another atrocity committed due to someone's 'Christian' beliefs requiring non-believers to die for the crime of not following the murderer's beliefs.

I'd post a list of examples from the last ten years, but it would take all day. Google, however, shows a truly ridiculous number of examples.


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
, 22:54
Dec 26, 2002
The cake was a special cake for Their wedding!

I guess now is as good as time to hash it out. Your argument above is going to be the same argument when a same-sex couple wants to be married in a Church (any church). YEs,,,,,,,So this is just a prelude to what is coming!

It was a standard cake they would have offered to any other couple. There was nothing inherently special about it.


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
, 22:54
Dec 26, 2002

I guess you and the other liberals had rather keep everything quite so nobody will know!>........ What is wrong here,,,,,,,,,, really transparent aren't we.

It goes to trial in Colorado,,,,,,,guess we will just have to wait and see. Of course we already know the outcome with a frickin liberal judge and all. Its ok,,,,,,This too was preordained.

What are you even talking about? :banghead:


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
, 22:54
Dec 26, 2002
Blade, here is the problem. I actually want to think of you as a nice guy, well-meaning and reasonably intelligent. The difficulty is that I (and many others on the forum, given their responses that I have seen) find it difficult to deal with you because of what I see as religiously obsessive behavior. That obsession makes it difficult for us to have any fruitful discussions with you on subjects indirectly related to Biblical admonitions - because you won't consider that some of the Biblical stuff is just flat outdated and outmoded. Obsession tends to do that, and those who are obsessed never see it in themselves, only in others.

A more modern viewpoint on individual rights suggests that men and women are equal in the eyes of the law. If you compare that to the Bible, you see that the Bible suggests that the man is "lord and master" of his house, with explicit descriptions of how and when he should beat his wife when she does not agree with him. Issues like a man marrying his deceased brother's widow also come into play. Slavery is condoned in the Bible but not in more modern ways of thinking about human rights. Can you not see that the Bible's viewpoint is out of date? Philosophy of human rights has changed - but the Bible has not.

The problem, of course, is that you won't entertain the obsolescence of those parts of your "Good Book" because you fear what ELSE might be shown to be meaningless or outdated. And after that, your Good Book would no longer be so good for modern times. Of course, ANYTHING that stagnates tends to fall by the wayside anyway, but you can't see the truth of that concept because your Biblical obsession gets in the way.

I have to admit that it took me a long time to reach my current viewpoint. I was raised as Methodist and believed for a long time - but during a family crisis, I turned to the Bible for help - and found none. I looked for comfort - but there was none. I looked for answers - but they were sorely absent. The Bible did not stand up to critical scrutiny, and in that time of crisis, my own beliefs were not enough to prevent me from reading the Bible critically. It doesn't stand up to critical analysis. All the answers were of the form, "We are not meant to know the mind of God" (or the plans, intentions, etc.) Translation: I can't tell you why something bad happened and don't think I will ever know why.

That family crisis was when I found that my thinking needed to evolve to match modern times and my then-current reality. That was when I realized it was time to let go of that old way of thinking. It was holding me back from being my own person.

Believe it or not, some Buddhism (particularly but not exclusively) of the Zen variety was most helpful. Don't ask "WHY" on cosmic questions because such things don't need a reason. They just are what they are, one with their own nature.

Trust me this much - it was not an easy transition to let go of Methodism. I had to learn to forgive a lot of people for propagating the lies of religion, and the key to that forgiveness was the realization that they had not seen through the lies themselves, so were only repeating what they had been taught as children. It is for that reason that I don't hate you, Blade. You are simply repeating what you were told without critically reviewing it first. And for that I can forgive you, for I have been there myself.

Very well put and intelligent post, as usual.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
, 21:54
Feb 28, 2001

I'll even concede that some of the ideas of the Bible are actually great ideas for life. Be forgiving; be generous; be patient; be kind - all of these jump out as wonderful principles that we could use in greater proportion for everyone.

The stories and parables of the Bible give great lessons, too. For instance, we learn from the story of David and Goliath that we should "keep our eyes on the prize" if we wish to reach our goals. From the parable of the sower and the seeds, we learn that we should treat people as individuals and not expect conformity. We know from the story of the Prodigal Son that we should recognize the possibility that people can make mistakes and we must give them a chance to return to their loved ones after they learn the error of their ways. I'm sure you could supply a few more but I was just giving examples.

The biggest issue I have with the Bible is its insistence on a mystical, magical, or miraculous (take your pick) father-image in some unknowable realm called Heaven. The problems engendered by that part of the Bible are simply overwhelming because of the totally impossible implications associated with that belief. Further, even though the Old and New Testaments both claim to follow the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph, we see two totally different Gods. One is narcissistic, petulant, obsessive, jealous, unforgiving, and unyielding. The other is trying to convince us that He is forgiving and loving - yet again, if we don't play the game His way, we get sent away forever. Yet in the time represented by all of Eternity, our measly little 70 years of life represents the barest flicker of existence - and we are going to be condemned to eternal damnation for our actions in an insignificant fraction of eternity?

It is no small wonder that ISIS, who also worships the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph, must use violent force to keep their people in line. The USA culture helped to insulate us from that level of violence for the most part, though we could talk about Waco or the perversions perpetrated on Matthew Shepard or several other religious groups whose thrust is based on continual threats of eternal isolation. (If you won't play ball by my rules I'll take my ball and go home...).


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 03:54
Feb 22, 2002
Of course he won't. We're talking here about a man who literally believes that Liberals have consciously signed on with Satan and are all knowingly and willingly part of a great anti-American, anti-Christian conspiracy. Who believes that the only reason to not believe as he does is because you've chosen to side with Satan. Who is convinced that any reasonable person will immediately side with him in all things if he simply quotes enough Bible verses at them.

Logic is his kryptonite.

Would it be fair to call Blade a "troll"? ie one who says things to antagonise and stir up others for the fun of it?

Apparently, I am a troll for stirring up Americans, I can't see that there's much difference except that I get threatened with a lifetime ban for no reason by an enthusiastic megalomaniac mod.

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Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
, 22:54
Oct 17, 2012
A troll such as yourself does what he does in order to piss people off.

Blade very obviously believes what he is spouting.

There is a gigantic difference between being misguided and just being a jerk.


Registered User.
Local time
, 19:54
Feb 11, 2013
Would it be fair to call Blade a "troll"? ie one who says things to antagonise and stir up others for the fun of it?

Apparently, I am a troll for stirring up Americans, I can't see that there's much difference except that I get threatened with a lifetime ban for no reason by an enthusiastic megalomaniac mod.

and I thought you were a good guy,,,,,,, I guess not someone to cover ones back.

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