Be nice to Kenny

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rich
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It's be nice to Kenny today folks, enjoy it Ken :D
Rich said:
It's be nice to Kenny today folks, enjoy it Ken :D
and it couldn't happen to a nicer chap, he's a good mate;)

edit - just spotted its Kenny's birthday today. Happy Birthday my good friend, I hope you have a really super day, and if anyone upsets you, just let me or Rich know and we'll sort it.

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Happy Birthday Ken

How old are you today then..............:D Hope you have a good day!

Best wishes

Rich said:
It's be nice to Kenny today folks, enjoy it Ken :D

Remember closed season is just today, make the best of it and don't go into the woods tomorrow wearing a deerskin coat.:D

Happy birthday.
Van Harte gefeliciteerd Ken.

If you come over, I'll pay you some good dutch beers.

felicem diem natalem

( I'm trying to improve my vocabulary...:p )
Thanks all! - You all have kinda caught me by surprise... :o

(48, Hay:eek: )
Rich said:
It's be nice to Kenny today folks, enjoy it Ken :D

Hey Ken,

Even though we just met, I wanted to take time and tell ya "Happy Birthday." I haven't know ya long enough to not be nice to you so that part will come easy, besides I wouldn't want to tangle with your two bodyguards. :) :) :p

jsanders said:
Top of the morning Ken.

Morning back at ya...

Did you see W last night? Anything new, I didn't get to see it...
Happy Birthday to ya! May you have a long life to continue surfing this site and having a wonderful life.:)
KenHigg said:
Morning back at ya...

Did you see W last night? Anything new, I didn't get to see it...

Ken this is the place where we discuss your birthday. Why would you want to bring that up at your party?
W speech -- Oil's well that ends well! (Ken I visited the Okefenokee swamp twice, once when I was 10 years old. I saw this huge alligator. I went back about 9 years ago. That gator I saw was now preserved and I got to see the current largest gator there at that time. It still was a great visit, just like I remembered it as a kid.)
So more oil talk...

I don't know how people in swamps live with the 'skeeters :o
jsanders said:
Ken this is the place where we discuss your birthday. Why would you want to bring that up at your party?
Its Kens party - leave him alone, he can chat about what he likes;)

*Sneaks in*

Happy Birthday Kenny

*sneaks back out*
fuzzygeek said:
W speech -- Oil's well that ends well! (Ken I visited the Okefenokee swamp twice, once when I was 10 years old. I saw this huge alligator. I went back about 9 years ago. That gator I saw was now preserved and I got to see the current largest gator there at that time. It still was a great visit, just like I remembered it as a kid.)

Mom and Dad had a mid sized gator living in their back yard. I'll find the videos I made and post them.

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