Cloward-Piven Strategy Being Implemented??? (1 Viewer)

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 03:29
Jul 5, 2006
Is the Biden administration implementing a version of the Cloward-Piven Strategy. A very brief summary from Wikipedia:
Please be aware, that Wikipedia is biased to endorse a socialist agenda. The abbreviated "right wing" rendition that I have mostly heard, is that the Cloward-Piven Strategy is designed to bring down the government by overloading it. That collapse would force a new political structure to emerge. A one party (Democratic) autocratic state. Irrespective of which viewpoint is "correct" concerning Cloward-Piven, the article below seems to imply that this process is underway.
"We are at our breaking point. Based off our projections, we anticipate being unable to continue sheltering arriving asylum seekers on our own and have submitted an emergency mutual aid request to the State of New York beginning this weekend," he said in a statement. "This type of request, reserved only for dire emergencies, asks the state for support to shelter arriving asylum seekers as the city faces an immediate need for additional capacity. Our initial request is for shelter to accommodate 500 asylum seekers, but, as New York City continues to see numbers balloon, this estimate will increase as well."
As an obvious observation, none of the Democratic mayors experiencing an influx of illegal immigrants is demanding that the borders be closed and that the illegal immigrants be deported to alleviate this crises. Instead, they are demanding that the federal government step-in to provide more welfare for taking care of the illegal immigrants. It would appear that the Biden administration has purposely opened the border to create this crises and is also conveniently not responding to the aid requests for the sole reason of making it a crises. Recall the movie Wag the Dog.
At some point, we have to close the border - HARD. Trump asked - nay, BEGGED Congress to change extant laws on immigration and even suspended his hard-line policies to give Congress time to act. But did they? Nope!
At some point, we have to close the border - HARD. Trump asked - nay, BEGGED Congress to change extant laws on immigration and even suspended his hard-line policies to give Congress time to act. But did they? Nope!
As an off-thread tirade: The Democrats like to complain how some people never pay their "fair share" of the income tax. The most recent example, the Democrats obtaining court permission to review Trump's tax returns by making a faux claim of "legislative purpose" and then immediately (illegally) leaking them to the public to generate hyperbolic derogatory public outrage that Trump did not pay his taxes. Ignored by the Democrats, why didn't the Biden administration fix this gross tax "travesty" when they had the chance? Not only that, but the Democrats passed legislation to hire additional IRS agents. The tax code is extremely Byzantine, which means it is subject to extreme subjective interpretation. That would allow the IRS agents to imply tax "fraud" for virtually any reason. Seems that the political establishment does not want a simple tax law that would be easy for the public to interpret.

With that in mind, the old debt limit game is about to be replayed for the xxxx time.
The simple solution, don't authorize expenditures beyond the debt limit. Congress just totally ignores the debt limit when the appropriations are passed. Then they whine the end-of-the-world mantra if the debt limit is not raised.
The abbreviated "right wing" rendition that I have mostly heard, is that the Cloward-Piven Strategy is designed to bring down the government by overloading it. That collapse would force a new political structure to emerge.
Kind of like the general chaos theory promoted by the more radical left-wing and antifa.

Promote total chaos, no families, no fathers, nobody working. Assume that eventually various political and power related opportunities will begin to emerge from that as the dust settles, or better said prior to it settling. Which is not necessarily untrue...for both sides, however.

Honestly to me that is not necessarily the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario is gradual convincing of the American people for more socialist big government. On the contrast, if we have a total breakdown of everything, conservatives have as much of an opportunity to seize that I would hope as liberals but who knows.... If the chaos is essentially based in laziness as it seems to be, then perhaps the liberals have a much better Edge with their promise of more free stuff and eat the Rich philosophy.
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Maybe sanctuary cities should reconsider their virtue signalling. They don't really want an open door policy. Perhaps the Mayor of NYC should do what the "virtuous" people of Martha's Vineyard did - call in the National Guard to remove the riff-raff:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Notice that the "virtuous" people of Martha's Vineyard did NOT ask for government funds. Hell no!!! They didn't want to actually keep the riff-raff even as low wage servants. They just wanted to pretend to be seen to be virtuous even though they are far from it.
I perceive that the migrant busing done by AZ and TX and maybe FL, is one of the single biggest "lifts" we've gotten in recent years, to the immigration crisis. (from any one thing).

Totally crazy to watch NYC, a metro who manages a population of almost 20 million, to be crying about the impact of the same amount of migrants constantly experienced by tiny towns, villages, and small cities in the southern states.

Umm, yeah: NOW you get it! They never would have otherwise, it appears.
Totally crazy to watch NYC, a metro who manages a population of almost 20 million, to be crying about the impact of the same amount of migrants constantly experienced by tiny towns, villages, and small cities in the southern states.
From the conspiracy angle. Mayor Adams is playing his Cloward-Piven Strategy role. The Biden administration creates the problem. A loyal lackey (Adams in this case) is then designated to get on the bullhorn to declare with great solemnity that one of our premier cities will suffer a humanitarian meltdown if the federal government does not step-in to help. The gullible public wanting this (faux) humanitarian crises averted applies pressure by inundating Congress with demands to approve this aid (not aware that the Biden administration was creating the humanitarian crises to begin with.) Will Adams now receive the Academy Award for best actor? (ignoring the fact that this is not yet a film. Netflix special to follow soon.)

If Adams was serious and not playing games, he would be demanding, on his bullhorn, that the Biden adminstration close the border and deport the illegal immigrants. Problem solved. Since he isn't, he has shown himself to be a lackey in the Biden Administration's game to "transform" the US.
Migrant patients are overwhelming a border town's sole hospital, straining medical resources and placing the facility on the brink of collapse without sufficient funding to accommodate the influx of people.
This is exactly what the Democrats want. They are purposely letting a flood of illegal immigrants into this country to overwhelm the welfare system into insolvency. Two weeks ago, Mayor Adams of New York City, was complaining that the city needed more resources from the federal government.

Ironically as these humanitarian appeals are made, demanding evermore assistance, those demanding the assistance seemingly never call for this unsustainable influx to be stopped. If the illegal immigration "invasion" is not stopped how will hospitals, such as Arizona's Yuma Regional Medical Center ever have enough resources?
A while back someone was asking about healthcare in the US and how expensive it was and how everyone needed to navigate insurance regs. The above story is more like the norm, hospitals give away a ton of free services to the point of bankruptcy for immigrants and the poor. Our system seems complicated but as the above story outlines it's possible to navigate especially if they think you will vote a certain way.
The solution is for the local residents to rise up and march on the state capital. It is the residents of the town who will suffer because you KNOW you can't turn away an illegal alien. They are "special" and far more important than citizens of this country. The Democrats have made this very clear the the feckless pieces of dog doo Republicans have been going along with it for years because they're afraid of being called names.

If the marchers don't want to go all the way to the capital, then march in front of the hospital with signs about your plight that the media can't help but pick up and put on national TV.
She continued, "We have stepped in $1 billion from the state budget I just enacted. We also are giving legal help to people. And now we’re in the position of trying to help find places for these individuals. I asked the federal government to give us emergency funding. I’m asking for federal installations like military installations to help out lot. Let us have a large field and operations. We can put up the tents. You’re going to start seeing people living in tents, not just on the border, but in the streets of New York and across New York State because we’ve reached a breaking point."
The short take-away:
  1. Biden has opened the border to allow the illegal immigrants to enter. Democrats who now complain never demand that Biden to fix the issue by closing border and deporting those who have illegally entered. The Democrats created this problem by allowing the illegal immigrants to enter this country, yet they refuse to acknowledge that.
  2. Those complaining, such as Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams, only demand money 💰to take care of the illegal immigrants. This does not solve the illegal immigration problem. In-fact, it encourages even more illegal immigration. Even worse, the welfare, should it be granted, will be used to expand the government. Consequently, we will have an ever-larger inefficient bloated government to take care of an underclass dependent on government welfare.
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If you offer people free stuff and meet them at the border with busses and planes (for which they do NOT need photo IDs because they're special) to whisk them away to their destination, they will come. To think anything else is downright idiotic.

These criminals are now so important that NY is evicting homeless vets from hotels so that illegal aliens can take their rooms. How's that sit with you?

I almost think this is deliberate payback to the hotel industry for putting them on the brink of bankruptcy for shutting them down for close to two years due to the COVID scare. The Democrats are importing people that are being housed in previously pretty nice hotels in Manhattan. I think they are pushing a hundred at this point. Entire hotels are occupied by illegals because they are so ungrateful and ignorant that the place immediately becomes a dump so the hotel cannot at the same time house paying guests. YOU and I are paying the rack rate (full price) for these rooms.
If you offer people free stuff and meet them at the border with busses and planes (for which they do NOT need photo IDs because they're special) to whisk them away to their destination, they will come. To think anything else is downright idiotic.

These criminals are now so important that NY is evicting homeless vets from hotels so that illegal aliens can take their rooms. How's that sit with you?

I almost think this is deliberate payback to the hotel industry for putting them on the brink of bankruptcy for shutting them down for close to two years due to the COVID scare. The Democrats are importing people that are being housed in previously pretty nice hotels in Manhattan. I think they are pushing a hundred at this point. Entire hotels are occupied by illegals because they are so ungrateful and ignorant that the place immediately becomes a dump so the hotel cannot at the same time house paying guests. YOU and I are paying the rack rate (full price) for these rooms.
I heard the pull back last night. That makes me very happy. I was going to share it here but hadn't gotten to it yet.

Someone did mention though that the number of NY hotels now dedicated to hosting illegal aliens is up to 50%. The latest is the Roosevelt which apparently has been closed for three years due to COVID but which will now be used to house illegal aliens for some god-awful daily rate. We never housed citizens in two star (or whatever the Roosevelt is) hotels. We just let them rot on subway grates but the illegal aliens get special treatment.

Who thinks this is a good idea? Will we be building new hotels to house the millions we are bringing in every year? They certainly won't be able to support themselves. They don't grow strawberries and lettuce in Manhattan. I know, they can all work in the hospitality industry taking care of their buddies staying on our dime in very expensive hotel rooms.

I don't understand why the sanctuary cities are complaining about the influx of illegal aliens. They roll out the welcome mat but they don't want them to actually come to NYC. They want them to stay in the border towns and destroy them. Just look at the garbage the criminals left in all the camps they abandoned when the border opened officially last week. Absolutely disgusting. That's the kind of mess they're making in the hotels also.
For months, Adams has been giving out lucrative contracts to the city’s powerful real estate industry which is housing tens of thousands of migrants in hotels. Most recently, for example, New Yorkers are set to foot an annual $75 million bill to put up border crossers and illegal aliens in Manhattan’s iconic Roosevelt Hotel.

I don't understand why the sanctuary cities are complaining about the influx of illegal aliens. They roll out the welcome mat but they don't want them to actually come to NYC. They want them to stay in the border towns and destroy them. Just look at the garbage the criminals left in all the camps they abandoned when the border opened officially last week. Absolutely disgusting. That's the kind of mess they're making in the hotels also.
At the most superficial level, the sanctuary cities are complaining based on NIMBY. Going beyond that, they don't want to accept the responsibility of actually taking care of a problem that they are creating.

To repeat the environmental issues. These illegal immigrants are coming from a low carbon environment and moving into a high carbon environment. This makes a mockery of the lefts "green agenda". Each illegal immigrant creates all those evil green house gas emissions that the Biden administration claims to be reducing. Each illegal immigrant also generates trash and requires resources such as food, shelter, energy, transportation, health care, and so on.

What is surprising is that environmental groups, who vehemently oppose the construction of pipelines and power plants, citing environmental damage appear silent on demanding that the border be close and the illegal immigrants be deported. Seems that the environmental groups are really only about political objectives and not actually saving the environment.

Then there is the realpolitik angle that is totally ignored. Every illegal immigrant who has entered the US and is disgruntled with their country's political structure detracts from that countries ability to reform itself into a better society. Every disgruntled illegal immigrant entering the US from Venezuela, makes Maduro's regime stronger.
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Fox really impressed me - I personally witnessed not just one, but a number of personalities immediately admitting it was false and correcting their reporting.

Maddow, it's your turn now :p Fox also does a good job of tracking false news stories that don't get corrected.

And I'm talking about raw fact-based things, not opinion/subjective things.
Fox really impressed me - I personally witnessed not just one, but a number of personalities immediately admitting it was false and correcting their reporting.

Maddow, it's your turn now :p Fox also does a good job of tracking false news stories that don't get corrected.

And I'm talking about raw fact-based things, not opinion/subjective things.
Guess you missed the whole dominion thing.
Not really, making one small statement of fact about a hotel in New York and then retracting it as a matter of course is just a little bit different than 6 months of solid coverage about the election.
But sure
Guess you missed the whole dominion thing.
So, some judge sequestered the Dominion machines so they could be audited??? I don't think so. Dominion got to wipe all their machines so there is no evidence to be found. I wonder if they used BleachBit like Clinton did to erase the emails she didn't want to turn over to the DOJ :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Some people get to erase the evidence. That's just the way the world works today. Very different standards of justice.
Then there is the realpolitik angle that is totally ignored. Every illegal immigrant who has entered the US and is disgruntled with their country's political structure detracts from that countries ability to reform itself into a better society. Every disgruntled illegal immigrant entering the US from Venezuela, makes Maduro's regime stronger.
I was finally astonished that a reporter actually wrote something to that effect in the article below.
The amnesty award is a political windfall for Venezuela’s Cuba-backed dictator, in part, because it helps to keep up to 600,000 opponents working in U.S. jobs instead of protesting in Venezuela’s streets.
Take away points:
  • Biden is a friend to dictators despite his (false) claims that Trump supports dictators.
  • We now have a gang problem in the US that we would not have had the illegal immigrants been immediately deported.
  • The rule-of-law in the US is being undermined as Biden continues to ignore the law and the welfare of the US.
  • Our social service programs (Cloward-Piven Strategy) are being overwhelmed. US citizens are being deprived of support in-order to support illegal immigrants. FEMA money was used to provide services to illegal immigrants, then it turns out that very little money was available to support citizens in western North Carolina from damages resulting from Hurricane Helene. Now we have significant damage resulting from wildfires in California.

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