Dark theme! (1 Viewer)

What shift is that?
430pm - 7pm working for the federal government of the USA. you wanna talk about mundane and mindless work Jon? you think software dev is bad? LOL. try working for our government! it ranks right up there with workers at the NSA analyzing 256-bit hash outputs all day long trying to find collisions so they can ask 21 year olds to submit the new SHA hash function candidates. :rolleyes:
Have you considered becoming an Access developer?
I haven't seen many opportunities for that, Jon. and web dev. like .NET and Python/Perl/PHP pays much better, to be honest. or at least that's what I've seen. maybe I'm seeing the whole picture though. why do you ask? because right now I just do contracts for anyone and everyone.

I'm headed off to work. talk to ya later!
I tried to change profile pic and it wont let me. I deleted it and it came back.

heres what shows in my profile
I just happened to see the pix elated profile picture of Jon and the profile picture of Adam practically together, and I couldn't help thinking that Adams picture looks like a younger version of Jon. So have I sussed you out now Jon? Are you stirring up activity on access world forums with controversial posts using an alias?
isn't this the younger jon?
@AccessBlaster yes I tried it that way and every other way that the edit symbol shows up.
When i select an image it briefly shows as chosen and then it disappears and goes back to "No File Chosen"
Odd that the new image shows in profile and also next to this textbox as I type. But it doesn't show in threads.

Edit: Colin must be messing with me because now its showing. 😲

Another edit: Now its not showing again
Glad you like it @jocph. I seem to be getting more battery life by using it and my eyes get less tired. Not sure why my battery life is longer, because I am not using an amoled display.
I find it easier on the eyes. My Duckduckgo theme is also dark so as my Youtube and Facebook themes. Glad that you made this an option. (y)
Several more site improvements to come...

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