Dark theme! (1 Viewer)

I also prefer another background for sticky posts in default theme. If only possible.
I've added it to the Forum Roadmap
I was suspecting a trickster at work.
ME? I think what you meant to say was aspiring hacker. or maybe you should refer to me as an aspiring monk???
A hacking monk...now that sounds like a niche occupation!
You're welcome Tera.
A hacking monk...now that sounds like a niche occupation!

I don't know, if I DO join the monestary, whether it would be out of line for me to request that I have internet access in my cell/room so I can keep in contact with people who would visit the monestary and find me to be comforting and need my help when they are not there. Most monks stay out of the public eye and do not want contact with the public very much. They spend 60% of the day in prayer, which of course is what I would have to do as well. But as you well know, anybody can manage any website or business from any location nowadays, so more than likely I could manage both passions. :)
No doubt many future monks will have neuro-implants, so that while their bosses think they are meditating, instead they are surfin' the interweb.
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No doubt many future monks will have neuro-implants, so that while their bosses think they are meditation, instead they are surfin' the interweb
you're dreamin, dude! NO catholic monk will do that crap! your brain is on drugs. Obviously you don't understand what American monasticism is about. maybe it's different in foreign countries? If you look at Padre Pio's friary in Italy, they have even less stuff and less space in their rooms than that one in Dubuque, IA has. American monks live with a lot more amenities than Italians or Polish ones do. Faustina Kowalska was a polish nun.
I just happened to see the pix elated profile picture of Jon and the profile picture of Adam practically together, and I couldn't help thinking that Adams picture looks like a younger version of Jon. So have I sussed you out now Jon? Are you stirring up activity on access world forums with controversial posts using an alias?
Oh wow, I didn't notice my pic was pixelated. Another thing to add to the list. Maybe I should wear my glasses more!
Mine too. Is there a particular size that should be used?
I think if you just reupload, it will probably sort it out for you.
But you didn't ask if you can see 85. You asked if he could see *85* which isn't in the picture. Therefore trick question.

edit: oops. thought I was at the end of the thread. Guess not.
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I think if you just reupload, it will probably sort it out for you.

I tried, after selecting a pic it displays for a second then goes away with a message:

It is recommended that you use an image that is at least 400x400 pixels.

The pic I tried was 433x550 so fit that criteria. Not a big deal.
Hmm, maybe it wants a square pic, not sure.
But you didn't ask if you can see 85. You asked if he could see *85* which isn't in the picture. Therefore trick question.

edit: oops. thought I was at the end of the thread. Guess not.
oh my, now we're just getting ridiculous! now listen Jon, I don't play tricks on you ever, because I respect you as a site owner, but if you want me to humor you, I can give a go at hacking this forum or your account. I have no idea how that would fair, but it sure would be fun. I'm guessing you don't want that, right? :) I'd have to contact the guys over in the Ukraine for help! ha ha...
Your quote was not my reply.
good point. I think I need a bit of time away from the machine today! it's a good thing my shift starts pretty soon!

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