Getting Rid of the Electoral College Blight (2 Viewers)

The lower voting age was a result of old enough to carry a rifle, old enough to place a vote. Nowadays, 18 year Olds aren't old enough to do most things.
If you're not liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you're not liberal when you're older .............

And I do wonder sometimes if voting needs to be somewhat more restricted. Why would you want zero qualifications on an act that has enormous consequences to EVERYONE and the entire nation?? Rich/poor, property/non, those shouldn't factor in, no.....but paying taxes and age might need a second look. If you don't pay your fair share, why should you be allowed to vote, thereby affecting policies that make other people pay?...and on your behalf, to boot! It's built-in corruption.
Who is qualified to decide? Yeah no one would go for that, Trump didn't pay any taxes for years and you guys made him president.
Trump should've rejected Biden and Kamala's congratulation phone call until they apologized for the nasty Hitler, fascist, and garbage comments.
Cause, you know, Trump is such a gentleman, and never say anything disrespectful.
I was busy with a household sidewalk project this morning and didn't get back right away. By the time I got back, you had some answers from Steve R. and Pat and AngelSpeaks (whom I thank for their excellent answers.) I hold contempt for folks who think I'm too stupid to understand political viewpoints. When it comes to political viewpoints, though, I try to take a viewpoint that includes awareness of history. The history of the country is for people to NOT depend on the government for a handout. Until FDR's "New Deal" survival was your personal responsibility. All of the recent handouts from the Liberals are CLEARLY pandering for votes. If I have ANY contempt for Liberals, it is contempt for those who blindly believe that a culture of dependency does any good for those who are capable of working but who have become dependent rather than self-sufficient.
I have the same opinion about dependency, but what is missing from every post you have ever made, is that this world has been taken over by the investor class. The end of working to better yourself is being visited upon us as we speak.
I remember your stance on the Robber Barons. From then on it was obvious your position on indentured slavery was made clear. Better to live a slave instead of having the wealthiest provide health care. Eh?

I hope you live long enough to see what's coming. And, all of us software developers, we all contributed to lowering employment by creating more efficient systems. I'm as guilty as the next one, but I'm not a hypocrite about it.

Though out history the only reason poor people were allowed to live was to fight wars, build buildings , and grow food. They will not be needed for those things very soon. I'm desinging an industrial mobile robot that could potentially replace thousand of people, Self driving Semi Trucks are in their final testing before they directly eliminate tens of thousands of truck driver jobs, and hundreds of thousands of low wage service jobs that feed and cloth them,

It is so here, millions of super smart young people with an internet connections are creating a whole new future. So we will be dependent on some system, or death, which is it going to be?

Most of all of the old ways are dying, or already dead, and you cling to ideals that were created during the agricultural age. Change is coming.
Trump didn't pay any taxes for years and you guys made him president.
Trump used the tax code to his advantage. Which is lawful. If the Democrats didn't like, they could have changed it.
Even left wing billionaires use the tax code to avoid paying taxes. So it is disingenuous to point a finger at Trump.
Who is qualified to decide? Yeah no one would go for that, Trump didn't pay any taxes for years and you guys made him president.
Where's your proof? He never made his returns public. Typical dem comment. Stating opinions as facts. You're fake news.
Better to live a slave instead of having the wealthiest provide health care.

The same forces that shape survival of the fittest in the jungle shape survival of the fittest in business and economics. It is a natural progression that people who know how to succeed do so, and those who do not know how to succeed will fail. I am sad to see so many people who have the attitude of failure because they didn't pay attention to the sage advice of Alfred Pennyworth to young Bruce Wayne: Why do we fall down, sir? So we can pick ourselves up again.

But it was the Progressive Liberals who came up with Critical Race Theory as a way to instill a victim attitude in people who needed better direction than that. I find it unconscionable that ANY government attempts to instill that attitude in its people, because it shows that the government WANTS them to continue to fail and to eventually become dependent. Your own attitude makes me wonder when you drank the Progressive Liberal Kool-Aid and lost faith in humanity.

There is a real problem here in that true societal change usually takes longer than one lifetime. Therefore, it does not surprise me that you see this as a downward spiral. Humanity adapts to change - but an individual generation might not seem to make much progress along those lines. Yet we overcame the fall of ancient civilizations. We got past the Dark Ages. We got past the Black Death (Yersinia pestis). We more or less got past the evils of "chattel slavery" though there are those who would resurrect its image as a way to gather power. None of those evolutionary transitions occurred overnight - or over a single generation. You are focusing on the trees but can't see the forest.
No. The people should elect the Senators
No way I want the moronic imbeciles in Illinois to select the Senators.
Do you really think that Senators are not corrupt? How about Pelosi and McConnell just to name two. By having the states appoint Senators who will help the state that nominated them, you may find there is less corruption. Don't forget how costly an election campaign is and how they are financed. Since the state appoints, the state can recall so there is actual accountability that we do not currently have.

Changing the process so that the public elects the Senators was a Progressive idea. I think the Progressives are generally pretty evil. They're the ones who Hitler modeled his superior race theories on and they're the ones who push the euthanasia solution. They also believe in abortion in the delivery room while the mother is in labor. You should do some research into the downright evil laws that were passed here in the US in the early part of the 20th century as a result of this movement. Look at the sterilization laws and the laws that allowed husbands to have their wives or daughters committed to insane asylums.
That doesn't change the fact that the EC is outdated.
You are entitled to your own opinion but the Tyranny of the Majority is just as much a threat today as it was when our Constitution was written. Please review your earlier threats to dominate the rest of us. That is how the tyranny of the majority works. 10 people get together for dinner. 9 vote to put you on the menu. You are toast. AND why do you think Trump pays no taxes? Come on now. Who writes the tax laws? I know you know. When you calculate your taxes every year. Do you decide to pay more than TaxCut says you owe? I seriously doubt it. You make that statement as a personal attack - Trump doesn't pay taxes. SO WHAT. Is he violating the law? If he is, lock him up. If he is not violating the law, then CHANGE THE LAW and don't blame the results on the people who benefit from it. Put the blame on the tax code where it belongs. The corrupt Congress who are bought and paid for by the people who want special favors. There is no getting around this until we change the way we finance elections AND add term limits.

What label you attach to your political beliefs is irrelevant. If you can call Trump a Fascist, then we can label you with the name of the movement whose positions you hold dear. Fair is fair. Don't forget - Hitler was the ultimate Progressive;)
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Where's your proof? He never made his returns public. Typical dem comment. Stating opinions as facts. You're fake news.
He bragged about it on National TV years ago.. You guys are so funny, every single thing negative about Trump is part of a conspiracy.
The same forces that shape survival of the fittest in the jungle shape survival of the fittest in business and economics. It is a natural progression that people who know how to succeed do so, and those who do not know how to succeed will fail. I am sad to see so many people who have the attitude of failure because they didn't pay attention to the sage advice of Alfred Pennyworth to young Bruce Wayne: Why do we fall down, sir? So we can pick ourselves up again.

But it was the Progressive Liberals who came up with Critical Race Theory as a way to instill a victim attitude in people who needed better direction than that. I find it unconscionable that ANY government attempts to instill that attitude in its people, because it shows that the government WANTS them to continue to fail and to eventually become dependent. Your own attitude makes me wonder when you drank the Progressive Liberal Kool-Aid and lost faith in humanity.

There is a real problem here in that true societal change usually takes longer than one lifetime. Therefore, it does not surprise me that you see this as a downward spiral. Humanity adapts to change - but an individual generation might not seem to make much progress along those lines. Yet we overcame the fall of ancient civilizations. We got past the Dark Ages. We got past the Black Death (Yersinia pestis). We more or less got past the evils of "chattel slavery" though there are those who would resurrect its image as a way to gather power. None of those evolutionary transitions occurred overnight - or over a single generation. You are focusing on the trees but can't see the forest.
Once again, complete and utter Jim Jones belief. Luckily I've about had enough of this whole discussion. I like to come around every once in a while to see just how brainwashed people can be.

I don't se it as a downward spiral, I see at a need to have a better plan than winner take all. I know how much you love that whole concept. You were pretty much an employee your whole life. right? most of that with the government.?

I've been an entrepreneur my whole life, I've lived the life you romanticize about. And, stop assigning less intelligent attributes to me. You don't know what kinds of patterns I can discern.
He bragged about it on National TV years ago.. You guys are so funny, every single thing negative about Trump is part of a conspiracy.
It's not a conspiracy, he's explained how he uses the very complex tax code to his advantage. Which makes him smart. Avoiding taxes is bipartisan anyone with a brain stem understands.
Who is qualified to decide? Yeah no one would go for that, Trump didn't pay any taxes for years and you guys made him president.
Maybe the same qualifications as running for office - and I bet most taxpayers would go for it :)
a full blown democracy allows for mob rule ("tyranny of the majority").

Amen! This is something to be AVOIDED for sure. Especially in the modern era, society's whims nonchalantly shift back and forth to a ridiculous degree - if we let people purely democratically vote for everything and everyone all the time, not only would it be chaos but some rather crazy stuff would be implemented. The majority opinion is not always right, or necessarily right, as history has shown us over and over and over. We need to keep that in mind.

There will always be a remnant 🤛🤛
It's not a conspiracy, he's explained how he uses the very complex tax code to his advantage. Which makes him smart. Avoiding taxes is bipartisan anyone with a brain stem understands.
Wow. You're even agreeing with me and at the same time, still calling me stupid. Try not to fall as far as Doc and Pat, would you? That would be a real shame.
Wow. You're even agreeing with me and at the same time, still calling me stupid. Try not to fall as far as Doc and Pat, would you? That would be a real shame.
Then address what I said, and stop bloviating.
Amen! This is something to be AVOIDED for sure. Especially in the modern era, society's whims nonchalantly shift back and forth to a ridiculous degree - if we let people purely democratically vote for everything and everyone all the time, not only would it be chaos but some rather crazy stuff would be implemented. The majority opinion is not always right, or necessarily right, as history has shown us over and over and over. We need to keep that in mind.

There will always be a remnant 🤛🤛
Once again. we would still have a representative government, even if the President was elected by popular vote.

Is there any subject where you don't take the complete infinity position?

I'm an inventor/entrepreneur one of the things, many of us, do to evaluated the validity of an idea or concept is use a scale from 0 to Infinity. We automatically know that both 0 and Infinity are not an actual solution. So then we move up from 0 and down from infinity until there is a range of viable solutions.

On this forum the practice seems to be to go straight to the infinite Right. A place, from which all thing appear left. It's both sad and alarming at the same time. Fortunately, in the real world, most people do actually subconsciously use that scale.
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