Gun laws do they work (2 Viewers)


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 06:11
Oct 17, 2012
Bloody hell, all I did was ask a civil question.

No, actually, you didn't. Your very phrasing was meant to be provocative, and your question is phrased in such a way as to make obvious that you really do already know the answer and were simply asking so as to get a reaction.

I simply called you out on it.

If you truly wish to learn something about American political parties, I would suggest doing a few seconds' basic research and checking Wikipedia as a starting point.

oh and I've reported your post.

Glad to hear it. Calling you out for trolling is hardly against the rules - you're simply angry I didn't play your game.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:11
Feb 11, 2013
I do not understand Bladerunner's response to Frothingslosh's post.


Ho Ho Brian: Am going to have to get me a new keyboard. It leaves out letters here and there and I thought it was my secretaries (me) typing.

It should have read that while he does NOT want them (guns) confiscated, Registration would do just fine.

How is the weather overthere. Yesterday it was 2 degrees here and a whole lot less where Mr. Frothingslosh lives. Still too cold for the South



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:11
Feb 11, 2013
I've noticed that in this thread, Americans boringly refer almost constantly to "liberals", therefore giving the impression that Liberals are a political party. If this is so, why are there only republicans and democrats vying for presidency?


Good evening Colin: There is a rip in the fabric of the land here in the U.S. between Liberals and Conservatives. As far as the political parties go, most of the democrats with an exception of a few are from the middle to the far left. In other words towards a socialistic society where the government is a nanny state taking care of everybody and telling everyone how they can live, eat, work, play,, so on and so forth. What is left is the conservatives who range from the middle to the far right of which Mr. Frothingslosh aims his comments at 98% of the time. Then there are the Independents (mostly made up of young people (20's and early 30's or the Jet set) Who kinda go which ever way is most convenient to them. Most of the time they will lie (form of lay) with the Liberal democrats because of their high minded ideals of a Utopia in the making. However when it bits them in the buttocks as ObamaCare did, they swing back the other way and vote a little more conservative. Gun control is one of these high minded ideals that just will only work to a point and no more. That point being that law biding citizens don't go around killing everyone with their legal guns like the thugs do. Do you think these guys in Paris had a background check????????????sure they did. But that is what the left will tell you about the pie in the sky.

Have a good evening and my prayers are with you.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:11
Feb 11, 2013
p.s. Colin: we have a very liberal President that believes in a nanny government among other liberal agendas including isolationism and we all know what Isolationism brings with it don't we.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:11
Feb 11, 2013
No, actually, you didn't. Your very phrasing was meant to be provocative, and your question is phrased in such a way as to make obvious that you really do already know the answer and were simply asking so as to get a reaction.

I simply called you out on it.

If you truly wish to learn something about American political parties, I would suggest doing a few seconds' basic research and checking Wikipedia as a starting point.

The Boy Internet Genius has spoken:



Dick S
Local time
Today, 06:11
Jun 9, 2009
1) My dad was a cop. I knew before 15 how to safely use every gun in the home, although I agreed with my dad that there was absolutely no need for a fifteen year old kid to own a gun. The trigger locks and gun cabinet were primarily to keep my 3 year old sister from doing something tragic.
2) Yes, yes, we know you're a veteran, as if that magically makes you the expert on why every man, woman, and child should be armed to the teeth at all times.
3) Funny how I have never once claimed that the government should take guns away, and have actually opposed that idea every time it actually comes up, and yet every time hidebound neo-fascist reactionaries like you and Blade start vomiting forth your crap you accuse me of wanting just that. Is actual discussion so difficult for you that you must resort to a strawman every single time?

No one but lunatic conservatives trying to score points off a straw man are making the argument that gun control would have prevented that man from killing his daughter. The only real arguments I've seen are on whether he's mentally ill or just a criminally evil asshole (or both), but why should right-wing neo-fascists like you let anything as minor as truth get in the way of a good liberal-bashing?
My, my, my, Frothy, is that pent up anger? Just asking
Now I may have mislead in my last post about having a gun at fifteen. I only used that as a starting point, as that was the age mention in the post that I was quoting. I actually had guns before that.
Your Dad thought that there were absolute no need for a fifteen year old kid to own a gun. That’s great for your Dad and you, but why would you want to impose your ways upon me and my Dad?

It is still amazing to me how not just you but even people close. to me (That included wife’s, er! no that particularly includes wife’s <G>) can get a very different meaning from something said. Yes, yes I am a veteran, and not ashamed of it. My point was not that military service made me an expert on anything, but that it was one more step in my culture. I am sure however, that I was the one that did not actuate that point accurately. Now, now, Frothy, show me one post where I accused you or anyone else by name of anything, let alone wanting to take away everybody’s gun. Now maybe Blade did, but I did not. If you find one post where I called you anything, I will send you, well, just show me the post. Of course, no one can deny that there are some people of that persuasion, they even want to take away my sugary drink. Can you believe that. You say potato, I say potahto, or is it the other way around <G>. I have never quite understood that straw man position. You say “Straw Man” I say “Analogy” It seems so very clear to me, that my analogy was a thinly disguised, slightly sarcastic reference that the problem is culture, culture, culture. But, once again I seen it wasn’t perceived as that. There are so many things in life I don’t understand. “Score Points” is one of them. Who is trying to score points? Who needs to score points. My point of view, take it or leave it, makes no difference to me. Your point of view is yours, it doesn’t make you my enemy. Especially on a forum like this, the odds of me meeting you is very slim. Unless, of course, you come to FL and then I will treat you to the best Chinese Buffet In the whole United States, by my taste, of course. btw. As I told Blade, stand by the mail box and wave a little white flag. <G> Alas, you prove my point. { he's mentally ill or just a criminally evil a***ole (or both)} What kind of Culture / Society focus on the weapon instead of the person.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:11
Feb 11, 2013
I've come in late on this thread, only checked back to page 130, and couldn't find if the following video had been posted; it hadn't.

Check this Youtube video it's a 15 min video of an Aussie taking the p.... out of America's gun control policy.


he has a satirical and almost funny approach to gun control Aussie style, that is if I could get through the POTTY mouth part. While I was at it, I watched about 15 sec of his Christianity bit. A typical Atheist is all I can say here. Just tell him to stick with trashing Christians because if he starts on another certain group well.............we know what happens there. Do they have any of them in Aussie land?

Mr. Frothingslosh why would it piss people off, Is not this Free Speech and as a Christian I have a tolerance for such as long as you keep it in your own back yard.

have a blessed day.

Last edited:


Need a good one-liner.
Local time
Today, 20:11
Oct 20, 2008
he has a funny approach almost satirical. On fact is , he has a potty mouth. WHile I was at it, I watched about 30 sec of his christianity bit. A typical Atheist is all I can say here.

You've got me on the potty mouth thing and I generally do prefer comedians that don't swear. I was going to mention the foul mouth thing but then again, we're all adults around here. He got his message across and taking the micky at the same time.

I'm not sure what religion or lack of religion has to do with this particular topic.

This is the type people we want in control of our country,?????????

Which people are you referring to?
Last edited:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:11
Feb 11, 2013
You've got me on the potty mouth thing and I generally do prefer comedians that don't swear. I was going to mention the foul mouth thing but then again, we're all adults around here. He got his message across and taking the micky at the same time.

I'm not sure what religion or lack of religion has to do with this particular topic.

Which people are you referring to?

You gave me a clip about gun control and I watched it.There was also a clip about Christianity. I watched it and it showed me the type of man he really is. I just commented on that with "do you really want people like this running the country" in reference to the U.S. where we do have people in power who think like he does. SAD.....but True.

Was in reference of nothing to you or anyone on this thread, I assure you.

Have a good evening.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:11
Feb 11, 2013
You've got me on the potty mouth thing and I generally do prefer comedians that don't swear. I was going to mention the foul mouth thing but then again, we're all adults around here. He got his message across and taking the micky at the same time.

I'm not sure what religion or lack of religion has to do with this particular topic.
Which people are you referring to?

What does "taking the micky " mean?????



Local time
Today, 11:11
Jun 2, 2003
Thanks. had never heard that before but then again, I have never been to Australia.


It is also common in England .

Its origins are open to discussion and disagreement.

As a replacement for taking the piss it is either
A Cockney rhyming slang based on a fictional character Mickey Bliss
B. A shorted form of micturate

Based on the perjurative English term Mick for the Irish whom the English consider generally thick.



Need a good one-liner.
Local time
Today, 20:11
Oct 20, 2008
It is also common in England .

Its origins are open to discussion and disagreement.

As a replacement for taking the piss it is either
A Cockney rhyming slang based on a fictional character Mickey Bliss
B. A shorted form of micturate

Based on the perjurative English term Mick for the Irish whom the English consider generally thick.


Yep, it's a Cockney thing. What can I say, I'm English living in Oz.


Need a good one-liner.
Local time
Today, 20:11
Oct 20, 2008

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