Happy Canada Day (1 Viewer)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 19:11
Feb 22, 2002
Carburant ou GPL would be more appropriate ! :p ;)

GPL? is that the same as our LPG? (liquid propane gas)



Cool bop aficionado
Local time
Today, 20:11
Sep 5, 2002
Would that be masculine or feminine?:confused: :p

As far as I know it's le Gaz, so that would make it masculine , but hey
the Quebecois might help out here :rolleyes:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:11
Jul 19, 2001


This is not intended to be a flame. This is my honest opinion. I just get a bit frustated by this issue-that-will-not-go-away.

You mentioned 140 years as the length of time that Quebec was not controlled by France. However, effective control was lost in 1759 on the Plains of Abraham, and formal transfer of power was in done in 1763, in the Treaty of Paris. That's 244 years! Quebec stopped being 'New France' in the time of your Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather (+- 2 generations). GET OVER IT!

Since that time, virtually every government on Earth has been overthrown, usually violently. Meanwhile, the area that became Canada's history is notable chiefly becasue it is so boring and uneventful.

Count your blessings that you live in such a peaceful country.

Whenever Quebec needs something from Canada, there's never any talk about withholding it. Whenever a natural disaster occurs, Federal funds are available. Whenever Quebec needs co-funding for a highway or bridge, Federal funds are available. Whenever Quebec needs protection from Terrorists (FLQ, Oka), federal funds (and troops) are available.

In every year since 1980, Quebec has received more $ from Ottawa in spending and programs then they have paid in taxes (not coincidentally, that was the year of the first failed referendum, which signalled big business that it was time to evacuate la belle province, just in case. They took many of their jobs with them, which is a good part of the reason Quebec needs federal support).

...We have to go with the laws voted by the majority of Canadians, which are often not what we want in Quebec. There is two ways we can get to have our own laws:
-We can get a veto for our province, which means that we would have the right to have a law in our province that would go against a law in Canada. As an exemple, it could be legal to smoke drugs in Quebec while forbidden in Canada.
-We separate and do as we please, being entirely free to make our own laws.

Most Canadians are against the fact that we could split from them. As for the veto, many Canadians are for it, some even wanted to have a veto to, but many are strongly against it saying that we have to go by their laws....

There's a name for a system where people are bound by laws approved by a majority even if they do not personally support them: DEMOCRACY.

Assume Quebec were to get a Veto. Would it then be reasonable for Montreal (a City in Quebec) to have the right to veto a decision of Quebec that THEY do not like? Could Dorval (a borough of Montreal) veto the decision of Montreal? Should Blvd de Sources (a street in Dorval) be allowed to veto the decision of Dorval?

My point is that you need to have a system of government that can enact and enforce a consistant set of laws, or you have chaos and anarchy. If a group of people want to really change something, try joining or forming a political party with a real platform of change. If politicians discover a million Quebecois who (a) propose real, meaningful, and desireable changes and (b) actually might vote for someone who listens, they will quickly jump on the appropriate bandwagon.

Whining that you didn't get to design the present system, so you don't want to play, is a good way to be ignored.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:11
Jul 30, 2002
Thanks Newman - happy Canada Day to you too! :)

The seperatist issue is still a hot topic huh?:D As I've mentioned before, I live in Ontario but work in Québec and one thing I've learned is that it is near impossible to change the mind of a seperatist because it has been ingrained for too long. I've had countless discussions on this subject with seperatist friends and co-workers but never felt like any real progress was made (in almost all cases though, there was shock that an anglophone would care if Québec stayed in Canada or not which I found surprising).

Like every where in the world, the problem is often with a minority of extremists, from both sides. Like those Canadians who came to the St-Jean's parade with their Canadian flags or those Quebecers who went to Ottawa on Canada Day with upside-down Canadian flags or flags full of graffiti.
Hardly the same thing... I have no problem with someone waving a Québec flag at a Canada Day celebration (although I wouldn't like it), but I would be disgusted if someone defaced one! (it's just not respectful)


Local time
Today, 14:11
Aug 26, 2002
people need to take the opportunity to lay down their differences and embrace things we all have in common - even if it is just for one or two days a year!

That's what we did at Christmas and Easter. ;)
Now it is bashing time :D

yippie_ky_yay said:
Hardly the same thing... I have no problem with someone waving a Québec flag at a Canada Day celebration (although I wouldn't like it), but I would be disgusted if someone defaced one! (it's just not respectful)

I understand that what they did at Ottawa is ugly. I totaly disaproved. Notice how you came up with a final phrase that sums it all. "(it's just not respectful)". Every thing lies in these simple words. You may have your opinion, I may have mind. No matter what, respect should always have its place. What they did is just adding oil to the fire and claim that someone else started it. Those who keep that fire alive are as guilty as those who light it up at the first place. It is people like these that makes it harder to get the world care. I don't blame anyone who believes that we are savages, whiners or snob. I blame those within that created this image with their foolish acts.

KKilfoil -- All I can say is that... uh... I mean... er... maybe I... um... :eek: We'll take another call. ;)

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