@Jon & everyone, Happy New Year! The falling snow on AWF was an exquisite touch, much enjoyed.
I am an "open book" this year on my New Year's resolutions.
Hoping to:
1) Get closer yet to God in my relationship with Him, understand better how He loves me, and then do a better job of walking in the fruit of the Spirit - especially toward others in my personal life (love, kindness, forgiveness, charity, when it's OK to be tougher versus when to hold my tongue and be a peacemaker). Last year was a focus on peace/serenity, which I'm quite satisfied with the results!
2) Lose 30 pounds and gain a well established actual habit of my treadmill routine at least 3x/week. (This was last year's resolution as well, total failure - but I have some new tools now).
Like anyone, I have a lot of notions (ranging from vague to specific) about things to do, avoid, accomplish, discover or become; but those are the two that I don't mind making public.
As clichéd as New Year's resolutions may be (especially #2!) ... Yet, the more open I am about them, the more likely that I may be able to make them more than JUST a cliché!
Welcome 2022! 2021 had its challenges but
it's important to maintain perspective.