Happy New Year! (1 Viewer)


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Today, 02:28
Sep 28, 1999
Hoping you have a good 2022. Let us know if you have any New Years resolutions!
Hey, Jon. Best wishes for a prosperous and healthy new year.
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Happy New Year to All from Newbury, Berkshire, UK....
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Happy New Year 🍾 to all AWF from Ontario, Canada.
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Happy new year to all!
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Hey @Jon & everyone, Happy New Year! The falling snow on AWF was an exquisite touch, much enjoyed.

I am an "open book" this year on my New Year's resolutions.

Hoping to:
1) Get closer yet to God in my relationship with Him, understand better how He loves me, and then do a better job of walking in the fruit of the Spirit - especially toward others in my personal life (love, kindness, forgiveness, charity, when it's OK to be tougher versus when to hold my tongue and be a peacemaker). Last year was a focus on peace/serenity, which I'm quite satisfied with the results!
2) Lose 30 pounds and gain a well established actual habit of my treadmill routine at least 3x/week. (This was last year's resolution as well, total failure - but I have some new tools now).

Like anyone, I have a lot of notions (ranging from vague to specific) about things to do, avoid, accomplish, discover or become; but those are the two that I don't mind making public.

As clichéd as New Year's resolutions may be (especially #2!) ... Yet, the more open I am about them, the more likely that I may be able to make them more than JUST a cliché!

Welcome 2022! 2021 had its challenges but it's important to maintain perspective.
2) Lose 30 pounds and gain a well established actual habit of my treadmill routine at least 3x/week. (This was last year's resolution as well, total failure - but I have some new tools now).
I did a similar resolution two or three years ago. Ended up losing 29 pounds and had to have a change of clothes.
I did a similar resolution two or three years ago. Ended up losing 29 pounds and had to have a change of clothes.

That's great, well done!

I guess the biggest factor I have now that I didn't have before is my son is going to live with us this semester, and he and I enjoy going together (we are both similarly lazy when faced with the need to go alone, but greatly enjoy going together). This despite the fact that his BMI is literally exactly half of mine and our gym goals are entirely different--opposite, really.

I was never successful in convincing myself to take up video gaming in any form (like he does), so the gym is the one "activity" we truly do together.
Sadly, I am starting again. it begins tomorrow! I've made a list of meals that will be allowable broken down into breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Saturdays are cheat days. I will be logging everything I eat into my loseit! app. Daily steps will be tracked using my Fitbit, blood pressure taken weekly, weight logged daily and graphed.

You can see exactly what I did the last time by looking at this thread:

Here are my results shown in the last post in that thread:

At that new year I have been wear a cool juice wrld hoodie that looks good on me.
Well a recent post inspired me to follow up on my new year's resolution posted above.

As to #1, getting closer to and walking closer to God, that's a toss-up. I felt it went in a great direction for the first few months, but has not been so great recently (mostly due to laziness and distraction on my part).

As to #2, major success story. I was 276 at my worst, I am now about 239.
As far as "watching my diet" vs. "working out", I'd say the ingredients to my success has been 80% working out, 20% watching my diet.

I am now fully accustomed to going to the gym 4-6 days/week.

The other thing that helped me was a singular, focused approach - and just doing it over and over and over with no variation.
Although I heard 1000 people tell me 1000 different things to do, I politely nodded then set them aside and did the one thing that kept working for me. Go to gym, get on treadmill, enter all information carefully (including current weight, so it can accurately calculate calories being burned), put it to approximately 10% incline, approximately 3.5 MPH speed, then go until I burn 600-700 calories each time.
Turn on my pandora station that plays Buckethead, John Petrucci, etc and rock 'n' roll.
Nice work @Isaac. Tracking everything helps. In business, they say if something isn't measured it doesn't get done. Also, creating your identity as someone who just goes to the gym is a good thing. I found that either I went to the gym 5 or 6 days per week or not at all. I couldn't do a halfway approach.

Habit formation is critical, I believe. An excellent book on the topic is Atomic Habits. It hasn't got 85K reviews for nothing. Average review rating: 4/8/5


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