In case anyone thought racism in America was dead . . . (2 Viewers)

Local time
Today, 10:20
Mar 4, 2008
This has been happening on both sides for years. There are too many stories - it is quite sickening.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:20
Jun 8, 2007
Now, now .. there ya go again. I am not going to post a buncha stuff where pro-Obama people are doing the same because all of that is just stupid.

Per your allegation, and all the left-wing news ran it as true, the "kill him" bit was unfounded. Even the Secret Service present at said rally didn't hear it and that is their job. But that won't stop you from spreading stupid smears. Have fun with being a liar.

Oh yeah, because you will demand something ....

On the other hand, you have Bill Maher on left-wing TV wishing people were dead going uncensored. Where's the accountability when it swings the other way? Oh yeah, that's called the double-standard.


I supposed you think the bear cub wasn't really killed, and those people's tires weren't actually slashed too.

The reason you won't post examples is because there is no equivalent pattern of hateful acts on the democratic side.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:20
Jun 8, 2007
Do we not have a first amendment that the liberals are so fond of protecting? Does it only apply to some people and not the other?

If you don't like his message, then don't vote for him. If you don't like his words, sue him and start the movement to take away our first amendment rights.

Once our first is gone, our second is always on the table to be removed by the liberals and we are left not being able to defend any of our rights. Is this the constitution you said you were for? Or only when certain parts of it are used for your purposes?


There is a line between FREE speech and HATE speech. Saying that you disagree with your opponent's foreign policies is FREE speech. Calling your opponent a terrorist is HATE speech. Learn the difference.
Local time
Today, 10:20
Mar 4, 2008
There is a line between FREE speech and HATE speech. Saying that you disagree with your opponent's foreign policies is FREE speech. Calling your opponent a terrorist is HATE speech. Learn the difference.

What is calling your opponent "a wrinkled up old man?"
Local time
Today, 10:20
Mar 4, 2008
3,856 (this one is particularly good because the writer supports the fact that someone defaced the elevator and further encourages others to post hateful messages about Republicans--it's all good if you agree, huh?)

Some things I heard on the radio:
1. A Democrat supporter stalking a lady in Tampa with her 2 children in the car because she had a "W" sticker on her car. I listened to this real-time on the radio as it happened. Eventually, the police stopped the shenanigans. I don't know the outcome.

2. A lady in Texas received a call from Obama's campaign asking for her support. She said no and that she doesn't like Obama (for whatever reason, I think it had something to do with him supporting terrorism). Within a day, the Secret Service started harassing the lady for plotting terrorist activities against Obama. I don't know the outcome.

3. A Republican candidate for Congress on a radio show this morning found that her home had been defaced with black paint (the word "scum" on the side of her house) after an interview with Keith Olberman (sp) went wrong.

Needless to say, this needs to stop from both sides. It is just not civilized behavior. And the accusations don't help a lot...just adds fuel to the fire. I'm willing to stop bringing it up if you will. But if you bother to look, you'll find plenty from both sides.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:20
Jun 8, 2007
1,931 (this one is particularly good because the writer supports the fact that someone defaced the elevator and further encourages others to post hateful messages about Republicans--it's all good if you agree, huh?)

Some things I heard on the radio:
1. A Democrat supporter stalking a lady in Tampa with her 2 children in the car because she had a "W" sticker on her car. I listened to this real-time on the radio as it happened. Eventually, the police stopped the shenanigans. I don't know the outcome.

2. A lady in Texas received a call from Obama's campaign asking for her support. She said no and that she doesn't like Obama (for whatever reason, I think it had something to do with him supporting terrorism). Within a day, the Secret Service started harassing the lady for plotting terrorist activities against Obama. I don't know the outcome.

3. A Republican candidate for Congress on a radio show this morning found that her home had been defaced with black paint (the word "scum" on the side of her house) after an interview with Keith Olberman (sp) went wrong.

Needless to say, this needs to stop from both sides. It is just not civilized behavior. And the accusations don't help a lot...just adds fuel to the fire. I'm willing to stop bringing it up if you will. But if you bother to look, you'll find plenty from both sides.

1. A story from 2004
2. A shameful case of a nutcase
3. ANOTHER story from 2004
4. ANOTHER story from 2004
5. Another shameful case of a nutcase
6. Silly vandalism
7. ANOTHER story from 2004. Well it is a 2008 reference to a report that came out in 2005 ABOUT the 2004 election. Whatever.

As far as your radio stories:
1. What do you mean "stalking"? What did the person actually do?
2. Are you seriously insinuating that the SECRET SERVICE is intimidating republicans? Seriously? Give me a break.
3. A shameful act against someone running for office-NOT his or her supporters.

I still am not seeing the equivalence here.
When McCain supporters go to early vote, are they being intimidated by Obama supporters?

When McCain supporters go to rallies, are their cars being vandalized?

When reporters go to Obama rallies, are they being physically assaulted?

When Obama supporters go to Obama rallies, are they calling McCain a terrorist and saying that he should be killed?

Are Obama supporters killing innocent animals?

More stories please.
Local time
Today, 10:20
Mar 4, 2008
Where's the evidence that Obama supports terrorism?

I didn't say that Obama supports terrorism. I said that I think the person who was telling the story said that to the Obama campaign staffer. To expand on the story, the person telling the story was later questioned at their home for saying they were going to engage in an act of terrorism against Obama. That is not what she said. I don't know any more so please don't ask.

The air waves and blogs are full of stories on both sides, and yes, I saw a story about a Fox news person (I think on a Keith Olbermann fan site) who was accosted by Obama supporters.

I don't take much stock in any of the stories. They are either individual cases of crazy people doing crazy things or outright lies.

Either way, the bad activity needs to stop from both sides and the stories and lies about the stories need to stop from both sides.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:20
Jun 8, 2007
I don't take much stock in any of the stories. They are either individual cases of crazy people doing crazy things or outright lies.

Either way, the bad activity needs to stop from both sides and the stories and lies about the stories need to stop from both sides.

I simply don't buy that both sides are doing equally despicable things. If that is really your position, then BACK IT UP. And not with stories from years and years ago either.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:20
Aug 26, 2008
Either way, the bad activity needs to stop from both sides and the stories and lies about the stories need to stop from both sides.
Yes and I find it remarkable that the future leader of the free world Obama, has reacted with dignity and composure throughout


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:20
Jun 8, 2007
Originally Posted by Alisa
2. A shameful case of a nutcase

As when the McCain supporter kicked the guy?

Originally Posted by Alisa
6. Silly vandalism

As when the tyres got slashed?

Originally Posted by Alisa
I still am not seeing the equivalence here.

No. You do tend to see what you want to see, don't you?

Ok, lets try to think this through.

Which is worse:
1. Vandalizing a piece of private property valued at $5, or causing someone bodily harm because they disagree with your political views?

2. Writing graffiti in a public elevator, or causing over $1000 worth of property damage?
Local time
Today, 10:20
Mar 4, 2008
I really don't see any point in backing up anything. There is absolutely no reason to continue to spread fear and chaos, on either side.

If you are confident that your person is the one you want to vote for, you should do that. If you have anything substantive to say about him or something substantive to say about his opponent, do that. If you say unsubstantive stuff, expect to get crap back in return.

I'm sorry that your tires have been slashed. I've never done that nor do I condone anyone else doing it, on either side. I'm sorry that people have to behave this way.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:20
Jun 8, 2007
I really don't see any point in backing up anything. There is absolutely no reason to continue to spread fear and chaos, on either side.

If you are confident that your person is the one you want to vote for, you should do that. If you have anything substantive to say about him or something substantive to say about his opponent, do that. If you say unsubstantive stuff, expect to get crap back in return.

I'm sorry that your tires have been slashed. I've never done that nor do I condone anyone else doing it, on either side. I'm sorry that people have to behave this way.

But there IS a reason to denounce this behaviour, particularly the behaviour of McCain supporters, because it continues to be so far outside the bounds of acceptable political participation.

If that is not what YOU stand for as a John McCain supporter, then why not denounce John McCain's tactics of calling Obama a muslim communist socialist terrorist? His unfair attacks on Obama are what is fueling this hateful behaviour, and if you don't agree with it, then why not speak out against what your candidate is doing?


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 16:20
Feb 22, 2002
Can someone answer why it is possible to vote in the US elections now, when there is still 2 weeks or so to go till polling day?

Why do you not all vote on the same day?


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