Solved Make sure to fill out two text boxes before saving the record


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Today, 02:24
Sep 20, 2023
I have two text boxes, one called "MobileNumber" and the other called "Requests".
What command should I type in "Before Update" Event to prevent the Access from saving the record until they are filled together?

Thank you in advance..
Thanks,, But it didn't work for some reason.

When I wrote this code in before update
If Len(Me.MobileNumber & Requests) = 0 Then
  MsgBox "You need to fill out SomeControl"
  Cancel = True
End If

Then After opening the form and trying to save it without filling the text box, I get the following message

Microsoft Access cannot find the object if Len(Me.'
if 'if Len(Me' is a new macro group, make sure you have saved it and that you have typed its name correctly
The "some reason" is that it's not valid syntax. ;) Try

If Len(Me.MobileNumber & vbNullString) = 0 OR Len(Me.Requests & vbNullString) = 0 Then

Edit: changed AND to OR
Actually that should be OR instead of AND, since you want both filled in.
I modified it and put it before update, but the same message appeared :cry:,,
Frankly, I don't know how to use the code. Should I create a macro first for this code and then put it in before update or what?

Sorry for disturbing you
Can you post a copy of the database you are working with? zip format.
You didn't by chance put the code directly in the properties window? If so, it goes here:

Sorry guys, it was my mistake.
I was trying to write the code from the Zoom interface 😓,
But when i research on this topic, I noticed that the code had to be written using Code Builder...
Thank you so much, @pbaldy you are a lifesaver, and thank you @jdraw for participating..
Just FYI, the BeforeUpdate event is attached to both controls and the form. When you are creating validation code that involves more than a single field, then you need to use the FORM's BeforeUpdate event rather than writing the code TWICE and using the control events. Also, unless a control is actually modified, the control's BeforeUpdate event will NOT fire. Therefore, you can NEVER use the control level events to determine if a value has been entered, you need to use the FORM's BeforeUpdate event.
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

    Cancel = True  ''set Cancel = true until all validation is complete
    If Me.MobileNumber & "" = "" Then
        MsgBox "Mobile Number is required.", vbOKOnly
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Me.Requests & "" = "" Then
        Msgbox "Requests is required.", vbOKOnly
        Exit Sub
    end If
    Cancel = False  ''set Cancel = False when no errors are found
End Sub

Rarely do data entry people make multiple errors when entering data. Therefore, the simplest method is to validate them independently and exit the BeforeUpdate event after each error is found. The Cancel = True will leave the record dirty but prevent Access from saving it. This allows me to easily highlight the control with the error.

When rules are dependent on each other, they are coded as nested If's or sometimes GoSub's if the rule is complicated and easier to view out of the mainline.

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