Oliver Cromwell (1 Viewer)

he didn't start the religion (
I think you'll find that there's a huge debate as to whether JC even started the religion;)
I think you'll find that there's a huge debate as to whether JC even started the religion;)

yeah I know - but he's still the main figure head -
as is mohammed as a prophet. did he start Isalm ..no just codified it a bit (tried to stop people doing stuff in gods name and put it in writing so they would not mis-understand - guess what - they still do - you can write what you want and peole will mis read or (in my case ) not write it very clearly
yeah I know - but he's still the main figure head -
as is mohammed as a prophet. did he start Isalm ..no just codified it a bit (tried to stop people doing stuff in gods name and put it in writing so they would not mis-understand - guess what - they still do - you can write what you want and peole will mis read or (in my case ) not write it very clearly

Sounds like some of the folks in this forum.
They correct your grammar and spelling as well so its not a complete loss. :D
tried to cancel christmas or any other celebration - miserable old duffer

I thought he tried, and succeeded in banning Yule, Christmas being more favourable as it was, at least a Christian celebration. That is why Christmas is celebrated in December, it was actually the 21st December, Christians changed it to the 25th. The April holiday was Ostara, named for the birth of new things and celebrated by all religions.

For the record, even though the burned witches/pagans back in the 15/1600s todays practitioners do not hate Christianity and do understand that Jesus was a true leader, a great man. It's the small minded Christians that they meet, who tend to categorise them as "satan worshipers" that they don't like.

They were also drowned, they used to put them in a dunking device and hold them under water until they died....

The theory being; if they were a witch then they wouldn't die from drowning.
Actually if they didn't drown they were deemed to have "floated" in which case they were made of wood and should be burned.

A slightly flawed method of Witch identification given Witches dont actually exist.

Yes, of course SQL, what ever helps you to sleep at night, next you'll be telling me there's no such thing as faeries, goblins or angels! You're such a synic :rolleyes:
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It's good to see we have progressed somewhat from the Middle Ages.

If Oumahexi had lived in Salem Mass. in the 1600's she would probably have got a dunking and a hotfoot.
If Colin had lived in Spain at about the same time he would have got a session on the rack and a hanging for airing those views.
(nothing personal guys, just examples).

At least nowadays we can air our religious views (or lack of them) without starting a holy war.
I remember starting a thread about the Myth of Jesus Christ last year, and wow got some very emotive responses.

For my own part, my children go to a Church of England school and are taught about God and Jesus, not because I am peticularly keen in them learning about that, but more becuase the school is a good school with a good academic record. My children when they are older can make their own minds up as to what they want to believe, I will not influence them.

For my own part, I am a bit of cross hairs...

I believe that JC was a very clever man, ahead of his time, but a normal mortal man with a normal mother and father and nothing more.

Yet in the same breath I ask God to keep my family safe, and hope that when we die we got to a better place..

As for religion, I believe that it is the scurge of our planet, it has caused more wars and more deaths then any natural occurance or any viral infections ever have.

As for Ollie Cromwell... did anybody check his expenses?
I remember starting a thread about the Myth of Jesus Christ last year, and wow got some very emotive responses.

For my own part, my children go to a Church of England school and are taught about God and Jesus, not because I am peticularly keen in them learning about that, but more becuase the school is a good school with a good academic record. My children when they are older can make their own minds up as to what they want to believe, I will not influence them.

For my own part, I am a bit of cross hairs...

I believe that JC was a very clever man, ahead of his time, but a normal mortal man with a normal mother and father and nothing more.

Yet in the same breath I ask God to keep my family safe, and hope that when we die we got to a better place..

As for religion, I believe that it is the scurge of our planet, it has caused more wars and more deaths then any natural occurance or any viral infections ever have.

As for Ollie Cromwell... did anybody check his expenses?

I looked around for an ACE school for my daughter when she was growing up. Obviously, because my belief is that they offer a far superior education than non dominational eductional establishments. Good for you Scott.

As for Ollie's expenses, mostly he claimed for firewood ;)
I think you'll find that there's a huge debate as to whether JC even started the religion;)

I think you'll find, if you read the New Testament, that he didn't start the religion, James and John did...
For my own part, my children go to a Church of England school and are taught about God and Jesus, not because I am peticularly keen in them learning about that, but more becuase the school is a good school with a good academic record. My children when they are older can make their own minds up as to what they want to believe, I will not influence them.
I'm a governor at a C of E controlled school - in my experience, the RE curriculum tends today to consist of study and appreciation of world religions.

There probably is a bias in terms of the calendar events - Christmas and Easter tend to get more coverage than Hannukah, Ramadan and Divali, BUT... the non-Christian calendar events are marked and studied (sometimes celebrated, in a sort of academic way) and that bias probably reflects (or trails behind) a similar general, national bias toward Christian calendar events.

The biggest pressure and impact that the Church explicitly applies to the curriculum and life of the school is in the area of social ethics, RRR (rights, respect and responsibility).

It's actually become somewhat common for devout folks of non-Christian religions to send their kids to a church-controlled school.
I think you'll find, if you read the New Testament, that he didn't start the religion, James and John did...

Hmm - I am going for Saul(Paul) as the driving force behind the religion-

my opion is that if left to his own devices Peter would have left the religion as a jewish religion - Saul/Paul argue to make it available to all ....

on this basis this would be the start of chrisitan era, otherwise it would of been a Jewish sect...

however we are too removed from fact to take a view on it

How many gospels were destroyed to make way for the 4 gospels we have left ....- Man (and yes it was men ) chopped and changed things to suit what they thought was right - and this also involved killing other "chrisitans" who didn't adhere to the same books....

also the gospels were probably not written by Mark/luke etc... but by well meaning people 100-200 years after the event = there are a few "real" docs that canbe claims to be from any of the 12 desciples - letters from Peter to Corinthains (typo) and one or two other messages - but other than that - it could all be made up gibberish - (or could be 100% spot) ...

i am pretty sure that in the early days - Women would of been equal teachers to men - and when the religion got orgainsed - men decided that they would run it .. it kinda goes tits up

Priests were family folk with children of there own .Nowhere does JC say don't have kids
I agree, Paul was the one who took the "word" to the masses (Theologians, or something like that, no longer possess a bible, so much from old frail memory). However, the "Acts" were performed by all of the apostles. No matter how you cut it though, Jesus was the first Christian, it all went down hill from there, if only the rest could mimic him :D

Again, I agree, women probably had a hand in spreading the word, however, at that time Judiaism - which the religion is based on, did not agree with women as teachers, women go through cycles of being "unclean" and God apparently doesn't want them talking to him at that time, or man doesn't if truth be known.

Neither the old nor new testament asks that a teacher should not have children. In truth, would it not be wise to breed from the very people who are zealous in your religion? The reason the Catholic Church wrote that one in was that abstinence was deemed to show stregnth in your beief. Only the power of God could take away the natural desires of the body.

New question, that said, has God now got fed up helping out his priests? ;)
Although Saul/Paul was a major force in the early Christian religion, he never met JC. Therefore all of his letters and acts were based on hearsay.

As non-Jews began to embrace Christianity, a major question which the apostles asked themselves is should the male converts be forced to undergo circumcism, which is a major tenant of the Jewish faith. Paul won the day for the nays when he pointed out that this was a NEW religion.
I always thought Saul met Jesus on the Road to Damaskas.

Never understood why he had to change his name...
I always thought Saul met Jesus on the Road to Damaskas.

Never understood why he had to change his name...

According to legend, Saul was a Jew who was a main force in the persecution of Christians.
He was struck blind by God (on the road to Damascus) and at that point had a revelation that Christianity was to be God's preferred religion.
He changed his name to reflect his new faith.
So, effectively he was the first Born Again Christian?

Did his eyesight recover? I'm thinking possibly a burst artery, sometimes the sight comes back, sometimes it's permanent. It's easy to see how people back then, with no knowledge of medicine would think it was the hand of God!
So, effectively he was the first Born Again Christian?

Technically, he wasn't "born again" as he had not previously been a Christian. :D

He did recover his eyesight. Ill leave the diagnosis of his blindness to those with medical training. I just offer the information.
Technically, he wasn't "born again" as he had not previously been a Christian. :D
Ah, I see, so a born again Christian is someone who was Christian, wasn't, then was again? :cool:

He did recover his eyesight. Ill leave the diagnosis of his blindness to those with medical training. I just offer the information.
or with first hand experience? ;)

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