One form across multiple locations for medium enterprise size (1 Viewer)


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Today, 09:45
Apr 22, 2024
I have team across 4 different locations and must use one Acc form through shared network. The form consists daily activities with hours to input. Since team size upto 70, creating copies of Fe form for each individual can be tiresome or is there a way to split ONE form into frontend and shared to everyone in ONE email. So they can download into their location machines.

Challenge is I will have multiple users using form at the same time and the data entered by each individual should be used for further analysis. Confused to see the best option.
Hi. Welcome to AWF!

Where is your data stored? If Access, is it split?
Just for verification, is everyone on a Local Area Network? If the answer is NO then you have other issues to consider.

Look at post #15 in that thread for an example of a batch file that you could use pretty easily. If you read more of Pat Hartman's comments following post 15, you would see how to use it for any number of front ends. The batch job just downloads and launches the FE file and everyone gets their own copy.

What you do not EVER want to do is share a "monolithic" database with multiple users opening the same file in a central location because of issues in Windows file locking. But if everyone has a unique front-end that was split off of a monolithic database then nothing in the individual FE files will encounter a lock-style fault (called a lock collision.) And if the things in the FE are properly programmed, the shared BE file will be OK. I've had as many as 40 to 50 users of which maybe 10 would be on at once and I never had issues.
There are two common distribution methods. BOTH start with a shortcut that is loaded on each desktop.
I use a batch file. The shortcut runs the batch file (which is stored on the server). The batch file copies the master copy of the FE to the local computer and then opens it. The app itself does version checking when it opens to make sure that the FE is compatible with the BE it is linked to and is the current version.

The other method is to use a loader database. I don't have a link to post but you should find them if you look.

So, to get this all going using the batch file.
1. create the .bat file on the server.
2. create a shortcut on your computer to run the .bat file
3. run the .bat file to make sure it works.
4. send the bat file to all users with instructions.

My .bat file has two extra instructions which are useful for consistency. Modify the sample below to match your directory and file names.
md c:\DwgLog
del c:\DwgLog\DrawingLog.accdb
copy "\\BSCCTIMBERLINE1\Timberline Office\AccessApps\Data\CommonFE\DrawingLog.accdb" c:\DwgLog
start c:\DwgLog\DrawingLog.accdb

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