Update a pop-up form with a field from a main form (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:35
Oct 1, 2000

I created a pop-up form linked to a main form using the main form's AID_# (primary key). I was wondering how and if I could fill the AID_# field on the pop-up form so that I don't mistakenly type the wrong number entering it manually. The AID_# on the pop-up form is the first field in the tab order. So should it be an "on exit" event or "on enter"? The main form is called AAC_Listing and the pop-form is called Pubs_details but I am not sure how to correctly "write" this in code. I tried one from a previous post but it returned an error message (as per my usual lack of skill at this...). Well thanking you all very much for your help. It is greatly appreciated.

[This message has been edited by Lily (edited 01-20-2001).]


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:35
Oct 1, 2000
If this may be of help to anyone else....I included a second column in the combo box for the AID #. Then set an after update event to show the AID # in the AID # field on the pop-up form:

Private Sub Combo106_AfterUpdate()
Me![AID #] = Me![Combo106].Column(1)
End Sub

Thank you though for all your help on my other posts...and I was able to figure this one out from searching other topics like this at your site, so thanks to all.

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