Why do women hate the 'C' word?

Brianwarnock said:
I feel that you could substitute almost any nation for British in the above, Brian

Not so parts of France ;)
BarryMK said:
I "met" her first if you recall, you always were slow on the road.;) :cool: :D
Yes I remember:rolleyes: she had one of those funny names American girls have. . . . . . Sue-Ellen, Mary-Lou, Ellie-May or something;)

Rich said:
Not so parts of France ;)

So I've heard , but except for Paris we've not found it, but then I've not met everybody in every country I've visited. :D
Mind you the quote did say
welcome friendly people for a visit

ColinEssex said:
Yes I remember:rolleyes: she had one of those funny names American girls have. . . . . . Sue-Ellen, Mary-Lou, Ellie-May or something;)


Barbara Bush ? :eek:
Brianwarnock said:
So I've heard , but except for Paris we've not found it, but then I've not met everybody in every country I've visited. :D
Mind you the quote did say ;)


I'm always friendly and polite, even here :D :p
Rich said:
I'm always friendly and polite, even here :D :p
Yah really,u need a smack! but why blow for thy-self.
TessB said:
I don't remember ever really voting FOR a president as much as I vote AGAINST another.
I think thats what we do Tess - we obviously know which leader will be PM if they get the most MP's so we tend to look at the person / party and decide if we'll be better with what we've got or try another.

We can't do anything about Iraq war, so although we may disagree with Blair and the way he did it all, we look at other things.

I do know that my mortgage has gone down in recent years due to low interest rates. I know the Bank of England base rate is not 15% as it was under the Conservatives in the early 90's, so being a mercenary sod, thats the way it is:rolleyes: its a "whats in it for me" scenario

The new Conservative leader is an ex Eton public school tosser who like fox hunting with dogs and seeing foxes torn apart - so he's a non-starter in my book. He's obviously out-of-touch with normal people and lives in this upper-class world where reality doesn't exist.

The Liberal Dems haven't got a leader yet, the old one resigned because he was an alcoholic, so they're a bit wayward at the mo, and the old geezer they may vote in as leader looks half dead anyway.:rolleyes: And he pronounces "Menzies" as "Ming" or something, very odd.

Then there's Labour - Blairs lot. Although next time Gordon the Gopher will be in power.

And thats the choice, see what a crackpot lot we've got?

Rich said:
She'd already done the rounds here

At a mere 21 years old now you simply wouldn't have been capable then. Stop letting your imagination get the better of you and stick to honest, factual posts.:p

ColinEssex said:
Yes I remember:rolleyes: she had one of those funny names American girls have. . . . . . Sue-Ellen, Mary-Lou, Ellie-May or something;)


Er Ellie-Did;) :D :D :eek:
BarryMK said:
At a mere 21 years old now you simply wouldn't have been capable then. Stop letting your imagination get the better of you and stick to honest, factual posts.:p

Er Ellie-Did;) :D :D :eek:

How true:o :D ;)

Rich said:
that makes three of us
No Bad Feelings Intended.
I got it. U got a smack from three, plus yourself.But you needn't remind us all the time.
skea said:
No Bad Feelings Intended.
I got it. U got a smack from three, plus yourself.But you needn't remind us all the time.

It gets more and more wierd.

Sorry my grammer is too rusty today. But i just wanted to let Rich Know that he shouldnt blow a trumpet for himself.
I have a friend who always says "That Is So Simple...".

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