You're Invited! (1 Viewer)

As long as he doesn't turn up in a G string :eek: :cool:
Well this place has become so hot , that one could bake an egg on the
backside of the stand up bass.
rak said:
Well this place has become so hot , that one could bake an egg on the
backside of the stand up bass.

They should be more worried about being left with egg on their face :D
Over in the corner everyone notices a tablecloth starting to inch up the front of the table. All of a sudden, FoFa's head appears, not in to good looking condition. A Jack Daniels bottle in one hand, the other gripping the table as he claws his way upright. Settling in a chair but still unsteady he asks "Whash da hells it zat whorble noish?"
KenHigg said:
PM when this thread cleans up a little... :rolleyes:

I don't think the album was banned in your country, was it? I know the Stones had to change their lyrics in your country, but hell that was 40yrs ago, has anything improved ? :confused:
FoFa said:
Over in the corner everyone notices a tablecloth starting to inch up the front of the table. All of a sudden, FoFa's head appears, not in to good looking condition. A Jack Daniels bottle in one hand, the other gripping the table as he claws his way upright. Settling in a chair but still unsteady he asks "Whash da hells it zat whorble noish?"


Just the boys fussing like usual. :rolleyes:

Nice of ya to join the living again. It appears you have a grand ole time. ;)
"Oh", takes big swig from JD, passes out on table
FoFa said:
"Oh", takes big swig from JD, passes out on table

Lordy mercy we have a lush!!! *take out perm marker and draws angry eyebrows on FoFa's face and a curly que mustach. Steps back, appraises her art work and then turns back around*
FoFa wakes up, turns around to see what is going on, catches glimse of self in mirror on wall.
"Whoda hell colored my grey eisbrods ang stash black? Whos coom yous dint do ma beard alshow?
Takes another swig of JD, see's bottle is empty and throws it at Rich!
Gets up and stubles off in search of more Jack.
FoFa said:
see's bottle is empty and throws it at Rich!

Rich catches it, uses it for a urinal, takes a swig and realises there's no difference with the original contents :cool:
FoFa said:
FoFa wakes up, turns around to see what is going on, catches glimse of self in mirror on wall.
"Whoda hell colored my grey eisbrods ang stash black? Whos coom yous dint do ma beard alshow?
Takes another swig of JD, see's bottle is empty and throws it at Rich!
Gets up and stubles off in search of more Jack.


Gotta love the drunks, besides FoFa, the black and grey look good together. ;)
FoFa said:
"Whoda hell colored my grey eisbrods ang stash black? Whos coom yous dint do ma beard alshow?

So Fofa is on stage and happens to be a member of ZZ top.
More banana's, eggs and tomatoes please !!:p


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rak said:
Well this place has become so hot , that one could bake an egg on the
backside of the stand up bass.

I'm just teaching myself to play stand-up bass but I don't seem to have any reference to eggs in the play double bass in a day manual.:confused:
Rich said:
You're just miffed 'cause we didn't book your band, thus plying you with enough free beer and sandwiches for the week :rolleyes:

KenHigg said:
There should be a half eaten pie laying on the floor around here somewhere if they simply need something to eat...:rolleyes:

I may be cheap, but I'm not that cheap...:cool:
BarryMK said:
reference to eggs in the play double bass in a day manual.

It's included in the arpeggio section of the manual , Barry.

Rich said:
how about if we threw in a couple of groupies?

I can only manage one at a time nowadays :(

rak said:
It's included in the arpeggio section of the manual , Barry.


Will it help me when I play reggae ?

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