Cyberbullying VS Light-Hearted Prank

These are all beside the point - its doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out pranking someone and asking them in the most high profile moment of their career to do something against their job role. Not to mention pranking a hospital - could lead to some pretty serious consequences.

Theres 2 fairly obvious reasons why she may have put the call through - both of which the radio station didnt care enough of to prevent it broadcasting.

What is this High profile moment you mention. Could you please explain.

Also the two fairly obvious reasons. I can only assume that she thought she was doing what her job required. Maybe it was not her job to vet calls. Maybe this is left to the ward nurse. I don't really know. Could you tell me what they are.

I will reply properly after sorting these issues.

A personal question if you don't mind. How is your depression now. Cured, just under control or not good. And when you were really bad would you have been able to work as a front line contact in a busy hospital dealing with people who had their own issues.
Dan Cat

You should have quoted me correctly by using both lines, not just the one that suits your argument.

I did not understand your argument so I can't give a proper reply.

I still believe this nurse was very sick and that she should not have been in that position in the first place. I believe the Hospital failed in its duty of care towards their employee.
What is this High profile moment you mention. Could you please explain.

Also the two fairly obvious reasons. I can only assume that she though she was doing what her job required. Maybe it was not her job to vet calls. Maybe this is left to the ward nurse. I don't really know. Could you tell me what they are.

I will reply properly after sorting these issues.

A personal question if you don't mind. How is your depression now. Cured, just under control or not good. And when you were really bad would you have been able to work as a front line contact in a busy hospital dealing with people who had their own issues.

Erm the high profile moment is the one we are talking about?!

I wont answer the depression question - cos I dont think it relevent - to wether teh DJs acted badly or not. Or to speculate as to how the hospital should have treated the nurse - we have no idea how the hospital treated the nurse. Even if they treated her poorly - of whcih there is no particular evidence - it doesnt in any way change what the DJs did.

--1) She though she was talking to the queen and so thought she even in not following normal procedure was doing the right thing, 2. she maybe didnt recognise the silly accents and was more easily duped.
Dan Cat

You should have quoted me correctly by using both lines, not just the one that suits your argument.

I did not understand your argument so I can't give a proper reply.

I still believe this nurse was very sick and that she should not have been in that position in the first place. I believe the Hospital failed in its duty of care towards their employee.

You speculate - on something we know nothing about! How the hospital treated the nurse.

What has this to do with the behaviour of the DJs - absolutely nothing. Just Excuses excuses.
Dan Cat

You should have quoted me correctly by using both lines, not just the one that suits your argument.

I did not understand your argument so I can't give a proper reply.

I still believe this nurse was very sick and that she should not have been in that position in the first place. I believe the Hospital failed in its duty of care towards their employee.

Actually leaving the second line out benefits your argument but as you didn't understand mine how could you know?

Anyway in response to your second line: They "ought" to have known that they were causing harm by the fact that they believed their call was one of a large number of prank calls. This statement that they made after the suicide of the nurse exposes the fact that they believed but did not care that they were harassing the hospital and it's staff to a large degree.

They believed the hospital was being harassed but thought it the hospital's duty to deal with it so they could contribute to it further for more "funnies"

Unfortunately whatever system was in place to deal with such harassment proved to be inadequate for that particular set of circumstances and individuals like your good self feel that the blame should be put on the shortcomings or non-existence of costly, time-consuming, defensive procedures, which are only required because people like your good self feel it is somebody else's responsibility to contain the consequences of their inadequate behavior.

I know all that is probably too complicated for you but still, there it is.
Or to speculate as to how the hospital should have treated the nurse - we have no idea how the hospital treated the nurse. Even if they treated her poorly - of whcih there is no particular evidence - it doesnt in any way change what the DJs did.

This is what I don't get.

Why is it necessary to look for any further reason for that nurse's response other than:

a) She had a history of suicide attempts

b) She was jerked into world-wide publicity without her consent.

It really, really irks me to think of the possibility that that job was giving some stability to her life and those jerk-offs f***ed that up for her.
I've come to the conclusion that rain's arguments are so ridiculous that he is actually doing a "col" and winding us all up.

I've come to the conclusion that rain's arguments are so ridiculous that he is actually doing a "col" and winding us all up.


I think theres a definate Aussie v Pomme thing going on in Rains mind. I see no other reason for his almost completely illogical view of where he wants to see some guilt aportioned and lessened.

I think the little "Your stupid nurses" rant was the giveaway.

If UK Djs had had teh same effect in Oz - I suspect he'd wanna lynch them and wouldnt be spouting "our(australian) stupid nurses!"

Gladly for everone else nationalities are irrelevent to how they view this.

His arguments dont make sense - whatever the reason for them.
I whole heatedly agree


I've just noticed Rain is in Australia, finesse and class are very thin on the ground there. I spent three years there and never saw any. No, I lie, there was a bespoke gents outfitter just off George Street in Sydney, he was old and oozed class. He was English.

In fact, if I had a pound for every time someone said " g'day mate, how ya doin?" Or "jeeze, what a ripper" I would not need a pension. And that's just how the women talk, usually followed by a spit.

I'm English born and bred and I don't blame the shock jocks either.

I'd be looking for a "blame culture" at the hospital.

Unfortunately, I don't watch the likes of TOWIE so I can't add any stereotypical Essex phrases to the thread. :D
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Erm the high profile moment is the one we are talking about?!

I wont answer the depression question - cos I dont think it relevent - to wether teh DJs acted badly or not. Or to speculate as to how the hospital should have treated the nurse - we have no idea how the hospital treated the nurse. Even if they treated her poorly - of whcih there is no particular evidence - it doesnt in any way change what the DJs did.

If you won't talk about it why raise it in the first place.

Were you looking for sympathy or was it just BS
I've just noticed Rain is in Australia, finesse and class are very thin on the ground there. I spent three years there and never saw any. No, I lie, there was a bespoke gents outfitter just off George Street in Sydney, he was old and oozed class. He was English.

In fact, if I had a pound for every time someone said " g'day mate, how ya doin?" Or "jeeze, what a ripper" I would not need a pension. And that's just how the women talk, usually followed by a spit.


Just one correction, it is sheilas not women.
I love it when you put s... on us. You do it with such class.
As a BTW my Grandparents were Pomes and I am a Royalist. Does that make me part Pome.
Do you know the difference between a Plane load of Pomes and the Plane they flew in.
Once the Plane lands and they shut down the engines the engines will stop wining.
I'm English born and bred and I don't blame the shock jocks either.

I'd be looking for a "blame culture" at the hospital.

Unfortunately, I don't watch the likes of TOWIE so I can't add any stereotypical Essex phrases to the thread. :D

I have been trying to get the point across that this was one very sick Lady. One who worked in the medical field yet no one gave a dam about her. It make you wonder what sort of culture the Hospital has.

I don't like shock Jocks. They have no tallent of brains. That is why they do things like they do. But to make a phone call to cause someone's death, I don't think so.
Hey guys.

Do you realise how racist you sound.
I agree with Rainlover on most of his points. You are not responsible for pre-existing conditions.

Example: I am in a car accident. It was clearly my fault, I accidentally ran a stop sign. The driver of the other vehicle steps out of his car and falls to the ground. He has a heart attack from a pre-existing heart condition unknown to him, and dies. Am I now responsible for his death because the car accident scared him? I obviously didn't intend on killing him.

And yes, the media definitely caused enough of a stir, much more than the DJs did, over her transferring the call. Why not place more blame on them? If it wasn't "gossip," which it really shouldn't haven't been anyway, she would likely still be alive.
Just one correction, it is sheilas not women.
I love it when you put s... on us. You do it with such class.
As a BTW my Grandparents were Pomes and I am a Royalist. Does that make me part Pome.
Do you know the difference between a Plane load of Pomes and the Plane they flew in.
Once the Plane lands and they shut down the engines the engines will stop wining.

Unfortunately, forum members will NEVER stop whining... or trolling. :rolleyes:
I have been trying to get the point across that this was one very sick Lady. One who worked in the medical field yet no one gave a dam about her. It make you wonder what sort of culture the Hospital has.

I don't like shock Jocks. They have no tallent of brains. That is why they do things like they do. But to make a phone call to cause someone's death, I don't think so.

You know what, you are so mixed up on this.

You insist on the nurse having been wronged because you insist on apportioning the blame for her demise on something other than her.

You then go on to explain the inadequacies of the shock-jocks behavior.

But you then refuse to make any link between the two preferring some other unproven conjecture that the hospital was criminally negligent in their response to a deceit that was forced upon them. Makes no sense whatsoever.

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