Gun laws do they work (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Feb 11, 2013
Originally Posted by Dick7Access
We in the US have a culture problem, Brian not a gun problem.

Reply by Froth*
You know, this has been my argument from day 1. There's a reason that the UK and Switzerland both have MUCH lower violent crime rates, despite one more or less outlawing private ownership of guns and the other requiring it.

My response.
Is this any excuse for not tackling the issue, forget the bad guys, ie the professionals you cannot stop them getting what they want but then they are not after you. They are not the ones banging on Dick's RVP . What you need to do is prevent the nutcases who cause mayhem on the school campus or elsewhere getting hold of assault weapons, high calibre , or high capacity magazines.
The problem is every gun supporter on this thread reads control as ban.

Sorry Blade I did say I wouldn't post again.


Brian what about Gun control laws in merry ole England. Or was that a ban?


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Feb 11, 2013
Originally Posted by Dick7Access
We in the US have a culture problem, Brian not a gun problem.

Reply by Froth*
You know, this has been my argument from day 1. There's a reason that the UK and Switzerland both have MUCH lower violent crime rates, despite one more or less outlawing private ownership of guns and the other requiring it.

My response.
Is this any excuse for not tackling the issue, forget the bad guys, ie the professionals you cannot stop them getting what they want but then they are not after you. They are not the ones banging on Dick's RVP . What you need to do is prevent the nutcases who cause mayhem on the school campus or elsewhere getting hold of assault weapons, high calibre , or high capacity magazines.
The problem is every gun supporter on this thread reads control as ban.

Sorry Blade I did say I wouldn't post again.


Great, love a good debate.


Local time
Today, 05:51
Jun 2, 2003
Brian what about Gun control laws in merry ole England. Or was that a ban?

Not sure how you would class it as not all guns are banned to all people, but yes it did ban certain guns, but as I have stated somewhere earlier in this thread it was a knee jerk reaction to a particular event for political gain.
I do realise that that is what gun owners in the US are afraid of.



Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Feb 11, 2013
Not sure how you would class it as not all guns are banned to all people, but yes it did ban certain guns, but as I have stated somewhere earlier in this thread it was a knee jerk reaction to a particular event for political gain.
I do realise that that is what gun owners in the US are afraid of.


Yes, as as we have seen in this country, once the door is open, the expected usually happens about 98% of the time.


Dick S
Local time
Today, 00:51
Jun 9, 2009
Not sure how you would class it as not all guns are banned to all people, but yes it did ban certain guns, but as I have stated somewhere earlier in this thread it was a knee jerk reaction to a particular event for political gain.
I do realise that that is what gun owners in the US are afraid of.


Thank you Brian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Local time
Today, 05:51
Jun 2, 2003
I think that is why you need an articulate coherent argument on gun control rather than the hysterical statements about the constitution and liberty leading to everybody can own any sort of weapon, it was the lack of a reasoned argument that lead to the total ban on hunting with hounds rather than the banning of cruel unnecessary "sports" such as hare coursing, badger baiting, etc.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:51
Jun 2, 2002
Of course you haven't even come close to answering my question. What do you believe or think that my position is.

Yes I have Dick, I've even gone so far as to ask for clarification if that answer was wrong.

I see that you agree with the NRA's stance on gun control, which funnily enough I'm assuming includes their response to the government's gun control proposals.

If this is actually not the case and you disagree with the NRA's stance on those proposals then please let me know. But everything you have said so far suggests that you don't and are simply being evasive.

My answer is straight forward, you have the option to reject it and explain why or continue to babble on about who mentioned what.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 05:51
Feb 22, 2002
Did anyone see those terrible adverts on US TV by Joni Ernst in the mid term elections?

They showed her wielding and shooting guns like some latter day female cowboy but obviously petrified of the things yet trying to be all macho - how awful and hilarious is that?

It would put me off voting for her any day.

Poor old Obama, he's a lame duck president now, nothing to do but play golf all day for two years. Did you know he plays more golf than Tiger Woods who's job is to play golf professionally?



Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Feb 11, 2013
Did anyone see those terrible adverts on US TV by Joni Ernst in the mid term elections?

They showed her wielding and shooting guns like some latter day female cowboy but obviously petrified of the things yet trying to be all macho - how awful and hilarious is that?

It would put me off voting for her any day.

Poor old Obama, he's a lame duck president now, nothing to do but play golf all day for two years. Did you know he plays more golf than Tiger Woods who's job is to play golf professionally?


She also castrates pigs,,,,, does that make you squeamish as well?????

AS for the guns she comes from Montana (big sky country) where most are cowboys, most ride horses to get around and most carry a gun on their side for a plethora of reasons with the least reason being to shoot another person in self-defense. I believe there are bears, cougars, wolfs, rattlesnakes, etc. up there that could and do kill people.

My guess is that you would want her to carry a switch instead. At least she lives in the real world and not some set-up utopia the liberal Ideology spews forth. Feeeeeeeeellllll gooood all day long. Now here in the US, those people are becoming 'Stoners' because of the very laws they passed while in power.

Now, maybe, just maybe if the new and older senators have the balls, we can bring this country back on the right track.

Where you in WWII as a soldier?


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 05:51
Feb 22, 2002
She also castrates pigs,,,,, does that make you squeamish as well?????

Why would it? I don't follow your train of thought.

My guess is that you would want her to carry a switch instead.

What is a switch? In the UK, it is a device for making things go on and off, like a light switch. Why would she need one of those?
Where you in WWII as a soldier?

Good god no, I wasn't born then. Oh, I'm guessing you mean "were" not "where", but as English is not your first language I'll not harp on about your grammar problems.

Were you in the killing fields of Vietnam?



Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 00:51
Oct 17, 2012
Did anyone see those terrible adverts on US TV by Joni Ernst in the mid term elections?

They showed her wielding and shooting guns like some latter day female cowboy but obviously petrified of the things yet trying to be all macho - how awful and hilarious is that?

It would put me off voting for her any day.

Poor old Obama, he's a lame duck president now, nothing to do but play golf all day for two years. Did you know he plays more golf than Tiger Woods who's job is to play golf professionally?


Interestingly, Obama would need to take the entire next year off to match the amount of vacation Bush II took in HIS first six years.

Basically, Obama had taken 140 vacation days from inauguration through August of this year. Bush II took 490 through the same point and 533 for the entire 8 years. (Clinton took 174 through 8 years, and Reagan took 390.)

If you include visits to Camp David, the numbers jump to 223 so far for Obama vs 1024 for Bush (for the whole 8 years, to, so figure ~800 for 6 years).

Of course, all that said, it's not like the President ever actually gets a vacation. It's not a job you can just take a break from.

Edit: A switch is a stick you use to hit people with.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:51
Feb 11, 2013
Why would it? I don't follow your train of thought.

What is a switch? In the UK, it is a device for making things go on and off, like a light switch. Why would she need one of those?

Good god no, I wasn't born then. Oh, I'm guessing you mean "were" not "where", but as English is not your first language I'll not harp on about your grammar problems.

Were you in the killing fields of Vietnam?

Exactly what is your train of thought. Even a liberal would wish they had a gun if put into that situation.

A switch is a limb from a tree usually used to swat something or punish the kids for doing something wrong. As with any of those animals I mentioned if you use a switch,,,,,,wellll,,,,, you might as well throw a pumpkin at them. lol

Oh, ME,,,,,I did it again. No matter how many time I proof read the post I just do not pick that error up. Yes, Were not where.

You are right about the English not being my first language. It is American! As they say, only the English use English and the rest of the world uses the American

I was in the service during the early years but never had to go over there. I spent 2.5 years in Europe which is why I know a little bit about the conditions over there. Although the conditions were...(I did it,,,,,lol,,,,you got to laugh at yourself every now and then) many a year ago, from what I can see on TV, internet, etc. it has not changed much.


Dick S
Local time
Today, 00:51
Jun 9, 2009
I see that you agree with the NRA's stance on gun control, which funnily enough I'm assuming includes their response to the government's gun control proposals.
If this is actually not the case and you disagree with the NRA's stance on those proposals then please let me know. But everything you have said so far suggests that you don't and are simply being evasive.
Ok, I stand corrected. When I went back and read the above more carefully coupled with post 1627 I realized that you were asking a question. I first took the above as an accusation and not a question, my fault.

Here is the answer to your question:
I really don’t know how well I line up with the NRA, as I very seldom read any news items from them, and I am not a member. I would guess I probable line up with most of them. However, I am sure there is some that I would disagree, as I know of no originations, or person that I line up completely. Even my pastor and I have different stands on something’s. I am more focus on what ant-gun laws are being floated by local, state and federal governments. I will also admit that I probable put more credence on anti-gun post on this forum than they deserve. I am also in favor of some checking of stability of persons desiring a gun permit hoping it would elevate some of the maniacs. However, deep down in my black little heart I don’t have much hope it would make a difference. Cultural problem.


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 12, 2014
Just going throw an opinion in here.

I Live in the UK and to be honest people may think it is a gun free country, but sadly this is not the case, Just the other week someone got shot at sitting inside his car outside a nightclub...

People have already said this on this thread I believe, The problem is if someone wants a gun, There are plenty of places to get one (illegally of course).

Moral of the story is - Guns aren't the problem, Humanity is.


Dick S
Local time
Today, 00:51
Jun 9, 2009
There has been a lot of opinions on both sides of the gun issue. When I am on the road I don’t always have a connection and or time to view all post. In case I have miss it has anybody posted an example of where gun laws have made an appreciable difference. In the US, and of course from a reputable source.


Local time
Today, 05:51
Jun 2, 2003
Just going throw an opinion in here.

I Live in the UK and to be honest people may think it is a gun free country, but sadly this is not the case, Just the other week someone got shot at sitting inside his car outside a nightclub...

People have already said this on this thread I believe, The problem is if someone wants a gun, There are plenty of places to get one (illegally of course).

Moral of the story is - Guns aren't the problem, Humanity is.

But why make it easy for the mentally unstable to get their hands on high capacity weapons??
You are not comparing our UK situation with the US's are you?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:51
Jun 11, 2004
Just going throw an opinion in here.

I Live in the UK and to be honest people may think it is a gun free country, but sadly this is not the case, Just the other week someone got shot at sitting inside his car outside a nightclub...

People have already said this on this thread I believe, The problem is if someone wants a gun, There are plenty of places to get one (illegally of course).

Moral of the story is - Guns aren't the problem, Humanity is.

We had a case here a few years ago, that one of the major suppliers of guns was a ex us marine - smuggling in guns he bought legally in the US. These guns where responsible for a high percentage of the gun crime here.

The lax legal supply - in the US, directly affects us in the UK. If this was Afganistan, supplying terrorists and opium .............


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 12, 2014
But why make it easy for the mentally unstable to get their hands on high capacity weapons??
You are not comparing our UK situation with the US's are you?

Oh no, Those are two different situations completely, Here if you want a gun it takes way to much paperwork for people to even try (given if your determined that wont stop you).

In the US just go to your local.

And for your first point , It's the people who allow this, so that brings me back to the first statement.

People are the problem.


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 05:51
Aug 12, 2014
We had a case here a few years ago, that one of the major suppliers of guns was a ex us marine - smuggling in guns he bought legally in the US. These guns where responsible for a high percentage of the gun crime here.

The lax legal supply - in the US, directly affects us in the UK. If this was Afganistan, supplying terrorists and opium .............

I'm sorry I don't see how this relates ? - I may have just missed the point but would you be able to explain please :)


Dick S
Local time
Today, 00:51
Jun 9, 2009
The Right To Bear Arms

The Top 10 Best Gun Quotes to Fire at Liberals

Even in light of the facts that prove gun ownership reduces crime, not everybody supports the right to bear arms. So when facts don’t work to persuade somebody of the value of guns, you might try a little social proof by sharing some of the quotes below.

With that in mind, here are the top 10 best gun quotes around that you can fire off at liberals…

1. “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them…”
~Richard Henry Lee

2. “Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.”
~George Washington

3. “A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders.”
~Larry Elder

4. “One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them.”
~Thomas Jefferson

5. “The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.”
~Alexander Hamilton

6. “The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose.”
~James Earl Jones

7. “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
~Benjamin Franklin

8. “Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars.”

9. “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.”
~Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

10. “I have a very strict gun control policy: if there’s a gun around, I want to be in control of it.”
~Clint Eastwood

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