this thread has been started for Richard. (2 Viewers)


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 01:47
Oct 6, 2019
We were the same people in person that we were on forums.
i find that very difficult to believe Paul. But considering your level of wisdom in this world, I would tend to believe you when you say this. i think i've said this before. i hate communicating online. it's so inhuman, and if I blamed anyone for it's injection into society, it would be the corporate world. but that would probably not include your limo company. ;)


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 07:47
Nov 28, 2005
I don't egnore him as it's way to much fun watch him being put in his place I don't think He has anything to offer except to confuse people.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:47
Feb 28, 2001
Adam, I'll grant you this: You are very thick-skinned. The way that people pile it on in response to your comments would make any normal person cringe but you dismiss it. And there is part of your problem. In dismissing the comments, you dismiss people's advice when perhaps you should not. What's the old phrase? "Throwing out the baby with the bath water"?

I have absolutely no doubt that you COULD be a really good developer. But you are held back by your attitude. You admit having been self-taught. Good for you to have learned this much Adam. (I mean that sincerely.) But the School of Hard Knocks doesn't teach you things the same way that formal classes teach them. Experience often is the best teacher - usually because the pain resulting from big errors is the fastest motivator. When you learn by doing but without a formal teacher or at least a mentor, and without putting those little finishing touches on things - it shows. We've been trying to tell you that, each in our own way. Learning the right way to do things isn't limited to "just making it work."


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:47
Mar 5, 2004
I don't egnore him as it's way to much fun watch him being put in his place I don't think He has anything to offer except to confuse people.

That's your choice. If you don't put him on ignore, then I recommend that you don't read the forum after eating unless you want to toss your cookies....


Local time
Today, 02:47
Jan 11, 2013
I shudder to think what your attitude and postings have done to your job prospects. Many members, especially those with their own consulting practices, project themselves in an extremely professional manner. You do not. You constantly criticize the platform and the corporate world. You intimate that those that hire you do so because they are too stupid or just dont care and you can fool them by just making things work.

Do you not realize the digital footprint you leave. We know your name, where you live, your age, some facts about your family, where you bank, etc. You are an open book. Do you not think that any potential employers dont google you as part of their due diligence? None of this "crap" is going to wash away.


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 01:47
Oct 6, 2019
Learning the right way to do things isn't limited to "just making it work."
i don't do a lot of that richard. It isn't just the "make it work" method. but unfortunately a lot of people can't wait, although I do my damndest to help them chill out. just the other day I created an email subscription script in PHP and used an unorthodox method of creating a hash string in such a way that a hacker wouldn't even want to give an effort to figure it out. PHP has SHA1() and MD5() algorithms built into it as internal functions, just like any other language.
Last edited:


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 01:47
Oct 6, 2019
now that I read a lot of peoples' comments though, pretty soon it's just going to be you and I communicating in the water cooler richard! LOL. you and I together again....I wonder, is it fate? =) oh, and richard, I wanted to tell you this.....I created a solution in PHP that trumps my access solution to analyze the traffic coming from this thread. I was unaware of how to do it for a while, because Eclipse for PHP is just a shitty IDE. but Visual Studio does not have the ability to work with PHP because it is a microsoft wheelhouse issue. which is sad. you can do almost anything in VS 2019. c++/c#/, etc.... it goes on and on, literally forever.....i think there's like 50 different installation packages you can download and install once you get the MSI. isn't that freakin nuts!?


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 01:47
Oct 6, 2019
You sure do it recreationally a lot for someone that hates it.
that's because I DID like this forum at one point in time. i'm still discerning whether or not to keep that mindset at the moment Paul. =)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:47
May 22, 2010
pretty soon it's just going to be you and I communicating in the water cooler richard! LOL. you and I together again....I wonder, is it fate? =) oh, and richard, I wanted to tell you this.....I created a solution in PHP that trumps my access solution to analyze the traffic coming from this thread.



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:47
Feb 28, 2001
My own solution to analyzing traffic from log files was a text parser. Oddly enough, as a mental exercise, I am making a Class Module to do the front part of a parsing problem. I need it because of the data downloaded from Ancestry.COM which is a text file best left to be experienced rather than described. As often as I do descriptive writing, GEDCOM format is SUCH a pig that I wouldn't even want to contemplate it.

All I will say is that it is one of the UGLIEST Entity-Attribute-Value files I have ever seen.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:47
Feb 28, 2001

In another thread we started talking about internet speed and why it is what it is. You talked about distance. That is one of the LEAST significant factors. I have researched this just to be sure that my memory wasn't playing tricks on me.

The factors that influence internet speed are simple. You would do well to learn them because otherwise you will AGAIN make yourself look like a loser who knows nothing but doesn't let that stop him from yapping his gums.

  • Bandwidth of a segment is governed by the frequency of the carrier. No matter HOW long the cable happens to be, if the cable carries the signal from point A to point B, the time it takes is the same within nanoseconds for all network drops along that cable. If it is a 100 Mbit Ethernet on the shortest cable you've got then you still have 100 Mbit Ethernet. If it is fiber-based 1 Gbit Ethernet on a long fiber cable, it is still faster than the 100 Mbit Ethernet on the short cable. It is the bandwidth that makes the difference for speed.
  • At each end of a segment (1 segment = 1 network "hop") you have relays or routers or gateway servers or some other network appliance, each of which performs a store-and-forward operation with varying degrees of speed depending exactly which one of those you have. Simple relays (sometimes called "repeaters") are fastest. Gateway servers can be the slowest if they are busy.
  • Signal-to-noise ratio governs network speed in the limited sense that high S/N may require retransmissions to occur, and that has the effect of wasting bandwidth. In cases where you have a wi-fi hop, this is one case where distance really plays a role since the greater the distance of the hop, the greater the odds of encountering EM interference. Similar logic works for infra-red network hops which are again affected by distance. For fiber or copper, it takes a lot longer distance for S/N ratios to become significant. What you were describing would NEVER be carried by a wi-fi signal because those are too unreliable for stock exchange servers.
  • The speed of the network is governed by distance for fiber or copper only in this limited sense: When the cable gets long enough, you need a signal booster which is one of those relays I mentioned. Each relay represents a delay from 50 microseconds (fastest) to several milliseconds. The speed of light in a vacuum is 299792458 m/s but in copper that is only about 280,000,000 m/s. Therefore, the signal transmission delay for a 280 meter cable is 1 microsecond. The distance between servers and other network devices is rarely more than 2.8 meters in a good server farm, which is 10 nanoseconds. One intervening relay is worth over 1400 meters of copper wire. Those distance factors in whatever article you read were obviously written by non-technical folks OR ... maybe the articles were OK but YOU weren't technical enough to understand them.

Junior, next time you open your yap about something you don't understand, I might leave you there to dangle in the wind and expose your very severe technical shortcomings on your own. Don't talk about something you clearly don't understand. My title at work was Network Engineer III when I retired. I had to study that networking theory pretty seriously.


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 01:47
Oct 6, 2019
Junior, next time you open your yap about something you don't understand, I might leave you there to dangle in the wind and expose your very severe technical shortcomings on your own. Don't talk about something you clearly don't understand. My title at work was Network Engineer III when I retired. I had to study that networking theory pretty seriously.
ok old man, point taken. =) but I think we're still at odds here in terms of what "we know". You're being extremely "proper" here, whereas my way is simply to give someone an "overview" of what might be going on and what causes slowness or fastness. The one thing I did NOT mention in the other thread was the point in time when the wall street gurus started hiring physicists to write the algorithms instead of software developers. We can argue this damn thing forever, Richard, but I guess the one thing I want to ask you that I have never asked you before is this:

=> What do you believe a "transaction point" is, when it refers to how machines operate? If you would humor this young buck, give me a few examples of "transaction points". It can be with regard to microsoft access, any other software platform, or any other machine of any kind in the material world that you can think of. Here, I'll give you one of my own that I described to a car salesman on linkedin that didn't even know what HE was posting about. I replied to his post with this comment:
so tell me Jason, do you know what a "transaction point" is?
and he came back to me with this:
well I'm not sure I do, Adam. Please enlighten us. I haven't had my morning coffee yet.
and so I did educate him, with this:
in terms of the operation of machines, a transaction point is, but is not limited to, any one of the following occurrences:

=> turning the key in your car when starting it
=> clicking a button on your screen when you're running software
=> pressing any key when your cursor is inside the google "search box"
=> when your secretary pours the water into the top of your coffee maker
so what do you think Richard? Why don't you tell me what you think it is? Show me that you're as smart as you claim to be. ;)


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:47
Feb 28, 2001
Finally stung you, did I? I really don't have to prove anything to you. But as a matter of politeness, I'll answer the question.

Actually, a transaction point is slightly subjective. In transaction-oriented systems, a transaction point is the smallest unit of meaningful activity in a sequence of activities leading from the start of a process to its end. It is "one small step among many." I.e. in "The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step" the individual steps are transaction points. Subjectivity comes into play because of the word "meaningful." If you have meaningless activities then they are technically not transaction points. Sort of like trying to explain things to you, sometimes, Adam.

I've been around long enough to hear other methods of process and project analysis including decision points and action points. People always look for ways to analyze things. Sometimes it works. Sometimes the type of analysis is a fad that dies down when people realize it doesn't help them. I recall using this concept when doing software cost estimates. The problem with doing so was that you had to almost write the software in order to estimate its cost - in other words, leading to a two-pass algorithm to get answers that were needed in a single, short pass.

By the way, "clicking a button on your screen when you are running software" is an incompletely specified example. I can click a button on a non-active section of my screen. That is NOT a transaction point because it does nothing.

Also, "pressing any key when your cursor is inside the search box" is also an incompletely specified example. If the only key I press is either ALT or CTRL or SHIFT (each of which qualifies under the concept of "any key") then I have again done nothing. By the way, that would still be a transaction point for the device driver of your keyboard - but not for the Google search box, which is what you specified.

The activity has to be MEANINGFUL and two of your examples incorrectly were defined to include non-meaningful actions.

Is that smart enough for you, Junior?


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 01:47
Oct 6, 2019
By the way, "clicking a button on your screen when you are running software" is an incompletely specified example. I can click a button on a non-active section of my screen. That is NOT a transaction point because it does nothing.
this is very true, but you have to consider the person I was talking to, Richard. If I reiterated your words that I have just quoted you, and threw their technicalities at the man I was speaking with, he would've never spoken to me again because he would've felt incredibly low and stupid. Thus, I didn't do what you just did. and if you want to be educated a little further regarding this "smart" approach richard, the guy I was talking to HAD all the money. So say for instance, I was interested in creating a new tech product (*not* software, but a materialistic piece of machinery) but did not have funding. The way I explained transaction points to him would've sparked his curiosity to the point of me probably being able to get money out of him after a few short efforts of "pitching the idea". Your way would've pissed him off completely because it would've made him feel stupid and no-one likes to feel that way. You would've gotten nowhere with the man if you would've said those things to him.
Also, "pressing any key when your cursor is inside the search box" is also an incompletely specified example. If the only key I press is either ALT or CTRL or SHIFT (each of which qualifies under the concept of "any key") then I have again done nothing. By the way, that would still be a transaction point for the device driver of your keyboard - but not for the Google search box, which is what you specified.
just another example of a "business person" vs. a "technical person". Nothing wrong with this, it just shows the difference in talents. Which, by the way, can both be used for a wonderful purpose if you don't let your ego get in the way. :)

so in closing with this post, the answer is YES, that is smart enough for me. It's a different kind of "smart" Richard. and if you want the God's honest truth about the possibilities that could arise between putting 2 brains together like yours and mine.....if I gave 2 $hits about creating new technology products that the world could use to better the place, you and I could probably become very rich people. But alas, I do not care because technology means nothing in the eyes of God, and thus that will never happen. Plus, you probably would despise working with me anyway :p Is that not true, *old man*??


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:47
Jan 20, 2009
You're being extremely "proper" here, whereas my way is simply to give someone an "overview" of what might be going on and what causes slowness or fastness.

What you are often doing is speculation but you are presenting it as fact. You do it regularly and in doing so seriously misinform those asking questions. Stepping outside of your very limited knowledge does no favours to your own reputation.

I remember this thread where you made this utterly ludicrous claim:
it's really a crapshoot in terms of who wins. you guys the trained engineers, or someone like me, the creative workaround guy. neither way works better than the other, although "proper" is always encouraged I'll grant ya that.


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 01:47
Oct 6, 2019
You do it regularly and in doing so seriously misinform those asking questions. Stepping outside of your very limited knowledge does no favours to your own reputation.
if you think I care one bit about my reputation in this place you're seriously mistaken galax. As far as the limitedness of my knowledge base you guys have no idea what type of knowledge base I have and I've said this a million times you will never understand because your mind is stuck in the technological world


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 01:47
Oct 6, 2019
But let us not forget like I just told Richard to posts ago that if you combine a mind like mine and a brain like yours or Richards pretty good things could come out of it if I cared at all

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