Copenhagen, the wash up

se lu
Personally I could care less if you’re a fanatical or not, saved or not, or anything else.

It’s just that your hypocrisy seems to have no limits.
A very christian attitude:eek: I thought you were supposed to love your neighbour which as defined in the parable of the good samaritan actually means everybody.

Your attitude as expressed here reeks of hypocrisy but I can't say I am surprised. Whatever happened to turning the other cheek
se lu A very christian attitude:eek: I thought you were supposed to love your neighbour which as defined in the parable of the good samaritan actually means everybody.

Your attitude as expressed here reeks of hypocrisy but I can't say I am surprised. Whatever happened to turning the other cheek

I don’t think you can recall one time where I told you you are stupid for not believing.
I merely point out that you guys are very religious in your actions.
If you don't care about being saved why would I? That's not cold hearted. That's doing what you ask, to be left to believe however you choose.

Now if you decide to "get saved" let me know and I will tell you some stories of faith, changing people's lives.
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Just look around the world and you can see how religion and fanatical belief is killing innocents everyday..

Yes, religion gives people hope, but it also is used in the 'Name of' to kill..

The world would be better without religion, or at least there was only one faith, not many..
Where has my post concerning Catholicism gone and why?:mad:

Probably went through the automatic filth filter to the filth bin, were they belonged.

I am sure someone with a twisted enough mind can reduce every thread to filth one liners, but its best if they dont. Do you agree?
I merely point out that you guys are very religious in you action.
This is the bit I don't get. Not just in your posts, others have said something similar.

I can't find a definition of 'religious' that isn't something along the following lines:
re·li·gious (r
adj. Having or showing belief in and reverence for God or a deity.


Since atheists' one main argument is that gods don't exist, why the persistence in calling what we believe a religion or what we do religious? Doesn't it just confuse the issue being discussed?
This is the bit I don't get. Not just in your posts, others have said something similar.

I can't find a definition of 'religious' that isn't something along the following lines:
re·li·gious (r
adj. Having or showing belief in and reverence for God or a deity.


Since atheists' one main argument is that gods don't exist, why the persistence in calling what we believe a religion or what we do religious? Doesn't it just confuse the issue being discussed?

One of the most wonderful things about English is its adaptability.

Many of the discussion on this very forum involve atheist that mimic the behavior of the most fundamentalist religious fanatics. So if you people are saying that “religion” is bad, then why are you mimicking their worst behavior?

Now your next argument will surely be that you are not destroying in the name of Atheism.

Soon many people will. Animal rights psychos have carried out some pretty destructive activities.

The KKK is not in itself a religious sect, however they have done considerable mayhem.

The Mafia, not religious, The drug lords, not religious, …etc.

Most of you (atheist posters) completely distort the power behind the religious wars, but that is for another thread.

For this discussion; if you review this thread, you will find more behavior mimicking fundamentalist religious fanaticism from the atheist then you will from the so called religious ones.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, odds are, it’s a duck.

You can deny the term, but you cannot refute the actions.
One of the most wonderful things about English is its adaptability.
Many of the discussion on this very forum involve atheist that mimic the behavior of the most fundamentalist religious fanatics. So if you people are saying that “religion” is bad, then why are you mimicking their worst behavior?
Now your next argument will surely be that you are not destroying in the name of Atheism.

Soon many people will. Animal rights psychos have carried out some pretty destructive activities.

The KKK is not in itself a religious sect, however they have done considerable mayhem.

The Mafia, not religious, The drug lords, not religious, …etc.

Most of you (atheist posters) completely distort the power behind the religious wars, but that is for another thread.

For this discussion; if you review this thread, you will find more behavior mimicking fundamentalist religious fanaticism from the atheist then you will from the so called religious ones.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, odds are, it’s a duck.

You can deny the term, but you cannot refute the actions.
If you reread my post, it was the term I was refuting.

So while you accept that, atheism clearly isn't a religion - after all, if it were, it couldn't 'mimic' one - you still feel that the discussion is best moved forward by calling it one?
Just look around the world and you can see how religion and fanatical belief is killing innocents everyday..

Yes, religion gives people hope, but it also is used in the 'Name of' to kill..

The world would be better without religion, or at least there was only one faith, not many..

This is a huge distortion, and you know it.

Dictators and greed stricken purveyors of power are the ones that use religion on the week minded to enflame.
The model was developed by the clan and has grown in sophistication ever since.
The number of folks involved in holy wars is infinitesimal compared to the numbers of people that are enriching theirs and other’s lives, through the act of practicing religion.
But the atheist on this forum are not satisfied to rid the world of a few hundred thousand holy war soldiers that follow a few hundred leaders.
They want to tell 3,000,000,000 people that they are stupid and irrelevant.
That is why they must accept that they are acting in a manor consistent with fundamentalist religious fanatical behavior.
I say it again; it is perhaps the most clearly hypocritical behavior that I have ever witnessed.
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If you reread my post, it was the term I was refuting.

So while you accept that, atheism clearly isn't a religion - after all, if it were, it couldn't 'mimic' one - you still feel that the discussion is best moved forward by calling it one?

The reason is simple, Atheist practice the same behavior. The word has become a rallying cry by the fundamentalist atheist. So it needs to be adapted to encompass all activities associated with fundamentalism.

And in any event the term religious has been applied to many other non god worshiping activities in the past.
scrupulously faithful; conscientious: religious care.
Probably went through the automatic filth filter to the filth bin, were they belonged.

I am sure someone with a twisted enough mind can reduce every thread to filth one liners, but its best if they dont. Do you agree?
Filth bin my ass you idiot, it was a piss take of Catholicism and everything it stands for and the misery it's inflicted on millions around the world, complain again if you want but if its acceptable here to take the piss out of Muslims vs the mighty US, in fact that post gets upgraded why is it not acceptable to do exactly the same againts so called good god fearing folk, what
hypocrisy :mad::rolleyes:
Many of the discussion on this very forum involve atheist that mimic the behavior of the most fundamentalist religious fanatics. So if you people are saying that “religion” is bad, then why are you mimicking their worst behavior?

Now your next argument will surely be that you are not destroying in the name of Atheism.

Soon many people will. Animal rights psychos have carried out some pretty destructive activities.

The KKK is not in itself a religious sect, however they have done considerable mayhem.

The Mafia, not religious, The drug lords, not religious, …etc.

I'm sorry but this is just complete nonsense.

The mafia are not religious.
Atheists are not religious.
Therefore mafia kill because they are atheists.

It's complete drivel.
Filth bin my ass you idiot, it was a piss take of Catholicism and everything it stands for and the misery it's inflicted on millions around the world, complain again if you want but if its acceptable here to take the piss out of Muslims vs the mighty US, in fact that post gets upgraded why is it not acceptable to do exactly the same againts so called good god fearing folk, what
hypocrisy :mad::rolleyes:

That was very insightful Rich. I thought you were the self proclaimed intellectual debater.
I have been spending much more time in meditation lately. Not as much as I need mind you, but it is helping.
I'm sorry but this is just complete nonsense.

The mafia are not religious.
Atheists are not religious.
Therefore mafia kill because they are atheists.

It's complete drivel.

I didn't make that leap, Dan. The logic was, people kill for whatever reason.
That was very insightful Rich.
You're more than welcome, but I'm afraid if you have your eyes and mind closed to reality then there's not much anyone can do.
They want to tell 3,000,000,000 people that they are stupid and irrelevant.
That is why they must accept that they are acting in a manor consistent with fundamentalist religious fanatical behavior.
I say it again; it is perhaps the most clearly hypocritical behavior that I have ever witnessed.

I'm completely baffled by how you are equating an atheist contradicting a theist's point of view with an individual trying to blow up a plane.

This point of view, regardless of religious belief, is fundamentally skewed.
This is a huge distortion, and you know it.

Dictators and greed stricken purveyors of power are the ones that use religion on the week minded to enflame.
The model was developed by the clan and has grown in sophistication ever since.
The number of folks involved in holy wars is infinitesimal compared to the numbers of people that are enriching theirs and other’s lives, through the act of practicing religion.
But the atheist on this forum are not satisfied to rid the world of a few hundred thousand holy war soldiers that follow a few hundred leaders.
They want to tell 3,000,000,000 people that they are stupid and irrelevant.
That is why they must accept that they are acting in a manor consistent with fundamentalist religious fanatical behavior.
I say it again; it is perhaps the most clearly hypocritical behavior that I have ever witnessed.

Saying that it is ok for even one person to die in the name of religion compared to the masses is wrong, one death is one death too many.

I am not condeming religion in any form, as I said it brings hope to lots of people, what I am condeming is using religion as an excuse to persuade and coerce others into actions.

And the main reason for this is the number of faiths there is, if we hade just one faith one religion one way of worshipping a deity we would not have these problems as we would all be on the same mission..
More than likely for religious reasons:rolleyes:
Let's see there are almost 4 billion Muslems and Christians, so your saying that they have a higher kill rate than others.

I think you will find that drinkers, kill my thousands of times the numbers than "Religious" fanatics do.
For this discussion; if you review this thread, you will find more behavior mimicking fundamentalist religious fanaticism from the atheist then you will from the so called religious ones.

That's because the religious ones use the Religion they hide behind to not only cover it up but to use the laws they create to cover it up:rolleyes:
I didn't make that leap, Dan. The logic was, people kill for whatever reason.

I'm sorry but your post was a deliberate attempt to make out that atheists will someday kill in the name of atheism by referring to killer organisations who happen to be non-religious based.

The implication is obvious and completely fallacial. [Edit: ROFL Should be fallacious]

You're ascribing qualities to an atheist that are simply not true.
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